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Get 3D bounding box using scene graph? #663

Answered by mosra
asmaloney asked this question in Q&A
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How precise do you want the bounding volume to be? Does it have to be a box, or is a bounding sphere okay as well? Is the scene static or can the transformation change?

A GL::Mesh doesn't contain any information about what's in it anymore, if you want to calculate a bounding volume, you have to do it from the vertex data before they're turned into a GL mesh. There is MeshTools::boundingSphereBouncingBubble() that gives you a bounding sphere, or MeshTools::boundingRange() (which is basically just a call to Math::minmax() inside) for a axis-aligned bounding box, all of them accept a list of three-component positions. If your meshes are imported as Trade::MeshData, you can pass mesh.attribut…

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