Released: [in development]
! - indicates change is available on the staging site
- N/A
- N/A
- ! - Added French and Spanish translations
- ! - Fixed some translation errors
- N/A
- ! - Corrected changelogs for previous versions
Released: 2019-11-04
- Resolved issue where encounter history graph would reset after 100 seconds
- N/A
- Updated some translations for Chinese
- N/A
- N/A
Released: 2019-09-29
- Resolved issue where decimal accuracy of 0 would not be saved
- Added setting to blur job icons when blurring player names
- Updated some translations for Chinese
- N/A
- N/A
Released: 2019-09-15
- N/A
- Added setting to specify decimal accuracy (0, 1, or 2 - default)
- Added setting to shorten thousands to "K"
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
Released: 2019-09-02
- Resolved issue where custom CSS code editor wouldn't expand vertically to accommodate several lines of CSS
- HOTFIX: Resolved issue where overlay would instantiate infinite WebSocket clients, causing high CPU usage on some machines
- Resolved issue where the overlay couldn't be collapsed as normal upon first load before an encounter had begun
- Added translation system
- Languages
- Português
- 中文
- 日本語
- Deutsch
- To do:
- Changelogs
- Donation page
- New text added since the translation process began
- Languages
- Removed decimals from death metric
- Added translation data at
- Translations are generated by new service at
- Added
to help dynamically replace placeholder text in translation templates with React components
- Added credits to "About" and "Donate" pages in settings
Released: 2019-08-25
- Resolved issue where saved CSS would not appear in code editor on subsequent loads of the settings window
- HOTFIX: Resolved issue where calculating effective healing metrics may cause an error
- Added setting to display total DPS (rDPS) in overlay footer
- Added setting to show overlay footer when collapsed
- Added setting to show performance background bars
- Added setting to specify current player's name
- Converted on/off player name shortening setting to setting with four options
- Options are: No shortening, First L., F. Last, and F. L.
- Renamed "TPS" (Tank Per Second) to "DTPS" (Damage Taken Per Second)
- Changed blur intensity when blurring player names
- Added value indicator to settings sliders
- Added donation info to overlay startup screen and settings window
- Added migration system to convert old data to new data
- File structure is as follows:
lists the available migrations in order of creation/src/migrations/*
contains each migration file and its logic/src/services/MigrationService.js
handles running any pending migrations
- Migration process is initiated from
- File structure is as follows:
- Implemented scaling reconnect delay when a connection to ACTWebSocket fails or closes
- Updated README with OverlayPlugin version requirement
- Updated README with ACTWebSocket version requirement
Released: 2019-08-18
- N/A
- Added new metric "tank per second"
- Shows damage tanked per second (TPS)
- Added graphs to the player detail view
- Graphs display DPS, HPS, and TPS
- Added setting to move table footer row to top of table
- ON HOLD: Add setting to display total DPS in bottom right of overlay
- ON HOLD: Add setting to show bottom of overlay when collapsed
- Added "View Encounter Detail" to right-click menu
- Added
to customize the way arrays are merged for settings
- Update sample data to add history data for charts
Released: 2019-08-11
- Resolved issue where table summation did not work for some regions
- Resolved issue where changing multiple settings simultaneously wouldn't update all settings
- Added settings import/export
- To export, open the settings window, navigate to the "Export" page, and copy the export key
- To import, right click on the overlay, choose "Import," and paste the exported key
- Added streamers panel at Settings > Streamers
- If streamers are live, only live streamers are featured
- If all streamers are offline, all streamers are featured
- Streamer display order is random for fairness
- Added light theme
- Setting to enable is located at Settings > Interface > "Use Light Theme"
- Right-click menu is now more organized with group dividers
- Added
as a convenient Fisher-Yates shuffle implementation- Used to shuffle the streamer list for fair, random display orders
- Added LESS functions file at
to support theme-specific CSS - Refactored several LESS files within
- N/A
Released: 2019-08-04
- Long-pressing left click will no longer trigger the context menu
- Numbers for max hit/heal in certain regions will no longer result in "NaN"
- Changelog sections will no longer display in "About" if they contain no changes
- Added button to toggle collapsed state
- Added setting to make overlay collapse downwards
- Added settings to change player names to short names
- Added setting for overlay zoom
- Overlay can be minimized in the bottom corners
- Changed player table "CH DH %" header to "CDH %" for critical direct hits
- Moved minimize buttons to the corners of the overlay
- Added tooltips on hover to all icon buttons to make their purpose clearer
- Made settings page accessible from right-click menu
- Converted custom CSS input box to a code input box
- Encounter time is now listed at the beginning of the encounter info
- Encounters titled "Encounter" will simply list the zone name rather than displaying "Encounter" first
- Added
package for icon button tooltips - Added
package to convert CSS textarea to styled code input
- Added staging site info to README
Released: 2019-07-28
- N/A
- Adding settings system
- Overlay will remember which tab user was viewing and if they had the overlay collapsed
- User can specify the opacity (transparency) of the overlay
- User can specify if their party rank should display in the top-right corner
- For each table tab, the user can specify the columns that appear, default sorting, and whether the footer row shows
- For the player detail, the user can specify the metrics that appear for each role type
- For the raid view, the user can specify the default sorting and the metrics that appear for each role type
- User can blur other players' names (eye icon in bottom right of overlay)
- User can provide custom CSS that will affect the overlay
- Will not affect settings page
- Updated sample data to eight players instead of four
- N/A
- Added middleware to Redux store to listen for state changes from other instances of the same session
- For syncing setting changes from the settings interface to the active overlay
- Added
- Refactored all CSS colors into LESS variables for future light theme
- Added
to help auto-create user-friendly changelogs based on user's last version - Added some
packages for easier state management - Added
package for slider - Added
to perform version comparison logic - Refactored lots of code
- N/A
Released: 2019-07-21
- N/A
- Added 24-person overlay tab
- Sorting is by total damage descending
- Currently shows DPS and HPS as metrics
- Metric types are prioritized by job role (i.e. healers display HPS before DPS)
- N/A
- Added
constant comprising job data (roles, currently) indexed by class/job key
- Corrected changelogs for previous versions
Released: 2019-07-20
- Resolved issue where encounter is always listed as inactive
- Fixed table sorting for scenarios when primary sort values for two players are equal
- Added ability to split encounter when using OverlayProc
- Click the scissors icon in the bottom right of the overlay, or right-click and choose "Split Encounter"
- Improved automatic resizing of table columns
- Updated router to
- Added default environment variables
files were updated to reflect this
- Added staging environment to build options
- Updated README
Released: 2019-07-20
- Cursor will no longer change to a text cursor when hovering over text in an OverlayProc window
- Corrected issues presented by React console errors
- Resolved issue where socket disconnect would throw a JavaScript error
- Resolved issue where numbers with decimals ending in 0 may be formatted differently than other numbers
- RESOLVES: 0.1.2-alpha bug: "Inconsistent number formatting for certain regions"
- Added ability to split encounter when using OverlayPlugin
- Click the scissors icon in the bottom right of the overlay, or right-click and choose "Split Encounter"
- Added Font Awesome icon package
- Implemented
route matching in order to support planned settings dialog - Restructured file tree of the
- Implemented Semantic versioning
Released: 2019-07-19
- IN PROGRESS: Inconsistent number formatting for certain regions
- Navigation footer will not be shown in collapsed mode
- Removed title bar
- Removed italics from encounter info bar
- Encounter info is now prefixed with "Inactive:" when the encounter is inactive
- Made "DPS," "Heal," and "Tank" buttons at bottom of overlay smaller
- Changed some component file tree organization
- Defined build environment variables in
- Modified build commands to accommodate production and development build enviroments
- Added changelog
- Added changelog info to readme
- Updated README build steps