Speaker: Twitter:
- Gossip: Can get information about a node being down
- Leader determines membership
- What happens on routing of messages?
- Send order to restaruant
- Returns estimations
- Stateful akka actor
- Persist the state in storage
- Inlcude time of task, status, meta, and host of node
- Leader: Gets notified about nodes go down
- Must query database
- Recovery
- Leader initiates a recovery
- Work is redistributed
- Leader is killed
- Functionality to find orphaned
- Recovery timer && Leader goes down
- Restart recovery time started on all active nodes
- New Leader
- Reinitiate recovery of "recovery node"
All should be handled by cluster sharding https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5/cluster-sharding.html
- Actors per nodes (creating new actors per order)
- If an actor is marked as being down and sends a message later .. 2. how is that message handled?
- How do you determine failure or just takes too long?
- Persistent storage: Does the collapse/compat orders?
- Does this work with the akka finite state machine?