Releases: mongodb/mongo-java-driver
Java Driver 2.7.0 (November 4, 2011)
- JAVA-439: Embedded Map allows dot in key names
- JAVA-427: Support ContinueOnError Flag for bulk insert
- JAVA-393: add support for "j" option to WriteConcern
- JAVA-333: Allow bson decoder per operation (find/cusor)
- JAVA-404: Allow inline M/R w/SlaveOk go to secondaries
- JAVA-461: the logic to spread requests around slaves may select a slave over latency limit
- JAVA-448: Tailable Cursor and awaitdata
- JAVA-428: Support new ReadPreference semantics, deprecate SlaveOK
- JAVA-459: smooth the latency measurements
- JAVA-425: Support MongoDB Server 2.0 getLastError Changes (j, w=string/number)
- JAVA-462: GridFSInputFile does not close input streams when constructed by the driver
- JAVA-363: NPE in GridFSFile.validate
- JAVA-364: MapReduceOutput sometimes returns empty results in a replica set when SLAVE_OK=true
- JAVA-323: when executing a command, only top level object returned should be a CommandResult, not sub-objects
- JAVA-444: make ensureIndex first do a read on index collection to see if index exists
- JAVA-356: JSONParseException class not public
Full ticket information can be seen at
Java Driver 2.6.4 (August 08, 2011)
- JAVA-319: JSON parser to not require quotes around keys
- JAVA-382: NPE in ReplicaSetStatus.ensureMaster
- JAVA-387: DBCollection#findOne(DBObject o, DBObject fields) doesn't markAsPartialObject
- JAVA-390: Make it possible to override the bson decoder, not just the callback
- JAVA-396: improve javadocs for connection options, they confuse people
- JAVA-397: authentication for replica set fails frequently because 'getnonce' and 'authenticate' command is issued to different server
- JAVA-398: Configure max connection retry time
- JAVA-406: Java driver does not accept empty keys
- JAVA-407: some source files do not include licence information
- JAVA-409: when creating Mongo to single server, its address appears twice (ipv4/ipv6) and it gets exploded into a replica set
- JAVA-410: if using DBAddress instead of ServerAddress, server matching in replica set doesnt work
- JAVA-395: Date Time values do not preserve milliseconds when serialized to or deserialized from JSON
Full ticket information can be seen at
Java Driver 2.6.3 (June 08, 2011)
This release addresses bug fixes only.
- Connector does not get started in one of the constructor, so replica set thread is not activated
Full ticket information can be seen at
Java Driver 2.6.2 (June 02, 2011)
This release addresses bug fixes only.
- Fixed GridFS file issues stemming from the default default byte[] encoding
- Unclosed background connections connecting to replicasets (only an issue if not using Mongo as a singleton)
- Race-condition on Mongo constructor with replicasets
Full ticket information can be seen at
Java Driver 2.6 (May 27, 2011) (removed)
This release addresses bug fixes and includes some minor improvements.
Full ticket information can be seen at
Breaking Changes
- Changed default binary type (for java byte[]) from subtype 2->0. The will save 4 bytes but uses a different storage format on the server so it is not compatible for existing data; you will be able to save and read data without problem but searching against the data will result in inconsistent results. As you read and save data (using a byte[]) this will update the old subtype to the new one.
These are all bug-fixes but may affect your code if you depend on the buggy behavior.
- JSON parser treated int/long values as longs -- reverted back to old behavior of converting to best fit
- query/DBCursor.hint(DBObject) created an index name; very unlikely to be breaking in any way.
Java Driver 2.5.3 (Apr 6, 2011)
This is a minor release to fix some bugs introduced with other fixes in 2.5; no major functionality has changed.
Full ticket information can be seen at
Java Driver 2.5.2 (Mar 24, 2011)
This is a minor release to fix some bugs introduced with other fixes in 2.5; no major functionality has changed.
Full ticket information can be seen at
- JAVA-304 Problems closing cursors with ids < 0
Java Driver 2.5.1 (Mar 23, 2011)
This is a minor release to fix some bugs introduced with other fixes in 2.5; no major functionality has changed.
Full ticket information can be seen at