To run this project, you will need:
- Node.js >= v7.10.0, use nvm - install instructions
- Yarn >= v0.23.4 - install instructions
We use the documentation website as the main way to develop React InstantSearch.
yarn start
Go to http://localhost:3000.
The code for React InstantSearch is located in packages/react-instantsearch.
We have unit tests written with Jest:
Single run and linting:
yarn test
Watch mode:
yarn dev # unit tests watch mode, no lint
yarn lint
Files are automatically formatted with prettier.
npm run release
npm run release -- --beta
Append -beta.x
where x is a number to the version for beta, so 4.0.0-beta.2 for example.
yarn docs:deploy-production
yarn docs:deploy-preview
This uses netlify.
yarn changelog