- Basics of Cloud
- Understand different Services from different Cloud Providers
- Deploy a variety of Spring Boot Applications to the Cloud using
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Azure Web Apps
- ★★★★★ This is the perfect course. The instructor takes you step by step ensuring you learn anything and everything pertaining to deploying your Spring Boot applications to Elastic Beanstalk. Spring Boot App 1 is simple. Spring Boot App 5 is complex. The way the instructor takes you thru each app, is amazing.
- ★★★★★ Exactly what I've been looking for! soo many AWS courses read like an encyclopedia or text book. few offer any sort of practical application. this course was great because it starts simple and builds to complex, by way of actual examples. awesome course.
- ★★★★★ This is an excellent into to AWS ElasticBeanstalk. But even more important, is that the instructor explains many elements of the Spring MVC, differences in deployment of a jar/war file, H2 in-memory db, and so many other gems. Ranga has so kindly and methodically filled-in so many of my gaps in knowledge with regards to web development. The value of this course goes waaaay beyond the actual price of the course. I am a true believe in the 'in28minutes' catalog and will continue purchasing further courses from in28minutes.
- ★★★★★ Another great course from in28minutes, plenty of hands-on and a very good overview of deploying Spring Boot Java apps to Microsoft Azure, I especially liked the container and scaling sections. The pace is perfect and the instructor is very clear and describes everything in detail that he is teaching.
- ★★★★★ A brilliant course that really focuses on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, covering multiple deployments including connecting to a separate database, also liked the section on AWS Codepipeline, the pace is good and the instructor is clear and very knowledgeable, I highly recommend this course.