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Robot Framework - FTP and Database Example

Licensed under the MIT License. See file LICENSE.

Robot Framework FTP and database example. Example includes code written in Robot Framework and Python.


Robot Framework


pip install robotframework
pip install robotframework-ftplibrary
pip install robotframework-databaselibrary

Or use existing requirements.txt. Check installation with robot --version.

Start servers with docker compose up -d.

Run test with robot --outputdir ./log ./upload_tests/upload_e2e.robot

The Docker files and test files assume that a .env file exists with the following content.

PUBLICHOST=<ftp server name>
FTP_PORT=<ftp server port>
FTP_USER_NAME=<ftp user name>
FTP_USER_PASS=<ftp user password>
FTP_USER_HOME=<ftp user home path>
POSTGRES_DB=<postgresql database name>
POSTGRES_USER=<postgresql user name>
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<postgresql user password>
PGHOST=<db server name>
PGPORT=<db server port>
PGDATABASE=<postgresql database name>
PGUSER=<postgresql user name>
PGPASSWORD=<postgresql user password>


Create virtual environment with python -m venv .venv.

Activate environment, for example with .venv\Scripts\activate.bat on Windows and list packages with pip list.

Restore environment with pip install -r requirements.txt.

Save environment after adding packages with pip freeze > requirements.txt.


Initialize a database cluster in directory psqldb with initdb -D psqldb.

Start server with pg_ctl start -D psqldb -l log\psql.log.

Create database with createdb robotdb.

Create database schema with bin\createSchema.bat.

Connect to database with psql robotdb.

Quit the psql program with \q or \quit.

Stop server with pg_ctl stop -D psqldb -m smart.



  • Replace hard coded insert in src/ with ftp file content
  • Create DB schema on DB container build