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Releases: mmistakes/minimal-mistakes


12 Mar 23:34
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  • Update jQuery to version 3.3.1. [#1491]
  • Add link to jekyll-algolia's files_to_exclude documentation.
  • Update Font Awesome to version 5.0.8. [#1561]
  • Activate Algolia search for documentation site. [#1570]
  • Add missing German translations. [#1577]
  • Add support for Google Analytics with global site tag (gtag.js) [#1563]

Bug Fixes

  • Focus Algolia search input after clicking on search toggle.


16 Feb 19:39
Choose a tag to compare



05 Feb 19:44
Choose a tag to compare


  • Simplify year archive Liquid.
  • Add documentation on how to downgrade theme.
  • Improve greedy navigation's layout when JavaScript is disabled.
  • Improve SEO include by grouping similar tags, reducing white-space, and adding article:modified_time. [#1456]
  • Minify assets/js/lunr/lunr.js.
  • Improve calculation of Greedy navigation's availableSpace.
  • Add Danish and Russian translations for new search strings. [#1472] [#1477]
  • Indicate that archive titles are links with an underline.
  • Remove base_path include from /test pages.
  • Reduce font-size of page meta in list/grid items.
  • Improve feature row styling when used with archive layout. [#1484]
  • Improve German translations. [#1511]
  • Update Font Awesome to 5.0.6. [#1513]
  • Add wide variant to single layout. [#1516]

Bug Fixes

  • Allow author to accept an object or string. [#289]
  • Fix syntax highlighting line number styling inconsistency. [#1467]
  • Fix author sidebar icon colors for dark skins. [#1482]
  • Remove misleading underline hover state on feature row items.
  • Properly escape quotes in and [#1485]
  • Fix typo in upgrading documentation. [#1487]
  • Fix border-bottom for Gist line numbers.
  • Replace | with HTML entity when used as title separator. [#760]


05 Jan 03:55
Choose a tag to compare


  • Add show_overlay_excerpt for disabling overlay image excerpt text. [#1436]
  • Update remote theme installation instructions in Quick Start Guide. [#1439]
  • Reduce visual weight of code blocks.
  • Add Lunr.js Greek stemmer. [#1445]
  • Update Font Awesome 5 SVG with JavaScript version. [#1446]
    • Note: if Font Awesome icons were used in the content of posts/pages or custom table of contents, find and replace any icons that have different names between version 4 and 5. Make sure to read the complete list on Font Awesome's site.
  • Reduce size of Lunr.js search JSON data and introduce site.search_full_content flag for limiting size of JSON file. [#1449]
  • Improve syntax highlighting styles. [#1450]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix code block extra white-space when using Jekyll's highlight tag with linenos. [#1437]
  • Round top-right corner of code block icon.
  • Remove Lunr.js trimmer and bring back colons. [#1445]
  • Fix sticky .sidebar that overlaps main content when resizing viewport. [#1447]


28 Dec 19:11
Choose a tag to compare


  • Add linkback functionality to author avatar and name in sidebar via author.home. [#1386]
  • Add Japanese localized UI text strings. [#1411]
  • Update Lunr.js to 2.1.5 [#1419]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed broken link to Staticman's page [#1422]
  • Fix Lunr search to work with number tags. [#1409]


07 Dec 15:41
Choose a tag to compare


  • Open social share links in a new window. [#1357]
  • Remove verification due to retiring of "Claim Your Site" feature. [#1350]
  • Disable analytics in development environment. [#1362]
  • Disable comments in development environment. [#1363]
  • Exclude specific pages/posts from search index by adding search: false to the YAML Front Matter. [#1369]
  • Add optional description key to masthead links for clarifying their purpose with the title attribute. [#1380]
  • Incorporate site search into masthead. #1383
  • Update gem dependencies. [#1388]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix post.content typo in assets/js/lunr-en.js. [#1354]
  • Fix "lunr-en.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <" in assets/js/lunr-en.js. [#1356]
  • Rename Naver verification naver_site_verification to be consistent with other site variables.
  • Fix button class in "Post with Table Of Contents" demo content. [#1368]
  • Fix capitalization of WordPress in documentation. [#1381]
  • Fix zh-HK UI text to point to Traditional Chinese. #1374 [#1389]


15 Nov 21:01
Choose a tag to compare


Bug Fixes

  • Change http to https for Jekyll and Browserhappy links. [#1342]
  • Change http author profile links to https when supported. [#1349]
  • Fix broken SCSS partial links in layouts documentation. [#1351]


07 Nov 01:25
Choose a tag to compare


  • Add alt description to avatar image. [#1226]
  • Clarify documentation about which assets folders and files to remove when migrating to the gem version of the theme. [#1268]
  • Add note about Staticman GitHub compatibility. [#1273]
  • Add missing Brazilian Portuguese translations to ui-text.yml. [#1278]
  • Update font stack documentation. [#1292]
  • Improve accessibility of navigation menu button. [#1099]
  • Add Naver Webmaster Tools verification. [#1286]
  • Add support for Staticman v2 endpoint and reCAPTCHA.
  • Add Polish localized UI text strings. [#1304]
  • Add toggleable table of contents via YAML Front Matter. Note: toc helper include will be deprecated in next major version. [#1222]
  • Refactor seo.html include to DRY-up page image handling.
  • Add support for setting what image is used by OpenGraph and Twitter via page.header.og_image. [#1316]
  • Fix the spelling of some product names in the author profile. [#1328]
  • Add aqua, neon, and plum skins. [#1336]
  • Update jekyll-toc with heading classes fix. [#1337]
  • Remove + from Google+ author link to allow non-vanity URLs. [#1319]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix system font rendering in Chrome on macOS/OS X. [#1290]
  • Fix extra padding in syntax highlighted code blocks due to Rouge 2 adding <div class="highlight"></div> to markup.


12 Sep 19:01
Choose a tag to compare


  • Test strict Front Matter in /test site. [#1236]
  • Rename gems key to plugins. [#1239]
  • Add YIQ Color Contrast mixin for determining lightness of a color.
  • DRY up button CSS using Sass lists and YIQ Color Contrast mixin.
  • Add btn--primary button class.
    Note: elements that were previously using only a .btn class will now also need .btn--primary (eg. <a class="btn btn--primary" href="#">my link</a>).
  • Add air, contrast, dark, dirt, mint, and sunrise skin color options. [#1208]
  • Allow scripts in <head> and before </body> to be added/overridden with head_scripts and footer_scripts arrays in _config.yml. [#1241]
  • Update JavaScript dependencies: jQuery v3.2.1, jQuery Smooth Scroll v2.2.0, and Magnific Popup v1.1.0. #328690652


06 Sep 19:20
Choose a tag to compare


  • Add .page__comments-form to "non-printing" selectors in print styles. [#1195]
  • Add LinkedIn and Steam author sidebar examples to _config.yml. [#1203] [#1204]
  • Remove the http-equiv="cleartype" meta tag. [#1087]
  • Clarify documentation for jekyll-archives plugin and how to install. [#1206]
  • Clarify documentation around taxonomy page and index generation. [#1207]
  • Fix "Posts by tag" grammar in documentation. [#1209]
  • Improve Chinese date_label and minute_read translations in ui-text.yml. [#1205] [#1211]
  • Add note to Quick-Start Guide about GitHub Pages hosting alternatives that allow 3rd party gem themes and Jekyll plugins.
  • Add note to configuration documentation about Cloudflare minification as an alternative to layout: compress. [#1217]
  • Show 4 latest posts in "You May Also Enjoy" module when related: true and no related posts are found due to lsi (latent semantic indexing) being disabled on GitHub Pages. [#554]
  • Truncate archive item titles' that overflow with an ellipsis. [#1213]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix license URL in README file. [#1189]
  • Reduce amount of blank pages when printing in Chrome. [#1196]
  • Remove #disqus_thread duplicate from comments-providers/disqus.html as it is already in comments.html include. [#1199]
  • Fix Liquid syntax errors in tag-list.html and category-list.html includes by removing parenthesis in assigns. [#1223]
  • Fix Liquid syntax error: "Expected id but found open_square in "{{page.[] }}"" in gallery and feature_row includes.
  • Fix Liquid syntax error: "Expected end_of_string but found pipe in "name in __names | sort"" in group-by-array include.