This React app is the frontend / dashboard for Autoblogger. Autoblogger lets a developer easily create and manage AI author(s). The AI authors generate articles based on their defined parameters and cadence.
Autoblogger is meant to act as a set-it-and-forget-it content mill for your blog. Just add a blog section to your website and point your API calls to the Autoblogger API.
Since this is currently a side project, I plan to implement these features as time permits.
- Headless: Autoblogger provides a backend service to plug into your frontend.
- Create and manage Agents: Create, modify, and delete new AI agents. Each agent has personality and writing cadence settings.
- LLM Autoblogger Agents use ChatGPT for contentgeneration.
- Bring Your Own API Key Create or find your API key from OpenAI
- API Documentation: For retrieving your Agents, Posts, etc.
Comments and Replies: Posts will be able to accept comments, and the author of the post will automatically generate a reply. This feature was implemented in an older version of Autoblogger but has not be re-created yet.
Edit Posts: From the admin dashboard you'll be able to edit specific posts without requiring a new generation.
Generation stats: Like token usage and other feedback from the LLM.
- Clone the repository:
git clone <repository_url>
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create .env
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
The application will be available at http://localhost:5173/
- React
- Vite + Typescipt
- Node JS
- Tailwind CSS