- kube.nvim uses the lyaml luarock. lyaml is a wrapper around the libyaml implementation ( written in C ). In order to use the lyaml rock, you need to have
installed on your system. To install this dependency on debian based systems:
sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev
- To install kube.nvim via lazy, first ensure that you have
installed on your system. On Linux/Mac, this involves installing using your system's package manager.
- The following functions are exposed to be bound to keybindings of your choice:
: This function when called in a buffer containing a single kubernetes manifest will generate a kustomize target spec and copy it to your clipboard. The following snippet is an example output if given an ingress input:
- target: group: networking.k8s.io name: test-ingress kind: Ingress version: v1
: This function, when called with your cursor on a line that contains a key value pair in a kubernetes secret, will encrypt the value in the key value pair. The encrypted value is copied to your clipboard.decrypt_line()
: This function, when called with your cursor on a line that contains a key value pair in a kubernetes secret, will decrypt the value in the key value pair. The decrypted value is copied to your clipboard.get_kustomize_path()
: Will copy a kustomize patch patch compliant string to the system clipboard and display a notification of what has been copied.get_yq_path()
: Will copy a yq compliant search string to the system clipboard and display a notification of what has been copied.
- These functions are exposed at neovim runtime. To use them in a file you can call them directly from the command line:
:lua (require"kube").get_kustomize_path()
- Or you can bind them to a key and source them via your neovim config:
map('n', '<leader>b', ':lua require"kube".get_kustomize_path()<CR>', {noremap = true, silent = false})
map('n', '<leader>i', ':lua require"kube".get_yq_path()<CR>', {noremap = true, silent = false})