- help: Displays a list of available commands.
- ping: Checks the bot's latency.
- uptime: Shows how long the bot has been running.
- botstatus: Shows detailed bot statistics and system information.
- info: Provides information about the bot.
- kick: Kicks a user from the server.
- ban: Bans a user from the server.
- unban: Unbans a user.
- clearmsg: Clears specified number of messages from a channel.
- mute: Mutes a user.
- unmute: Unmutes a user.
- warn: Issues a warning to a user.
- warnings: Shows warnings for a user.
- userinfo: Displays information about a user.
- serverinfo: Displays information about the server.
- avatar: Displays a user's avatar.
- roleinfo: Provides information about a specific role.
- chat: Have a conversation with AI.
- imagine: Generate images from text descriptions.
- caption: Generate captions for images.
- analyze: Analyze images and provide detailed descriptions.
- translate: Translate text between languages using AI.
- summarize: Summarize long texts or conversations.
- explain: Get explanations for code or concepts.
- complete: AI-powered code completion.
- improve: Get suggestions to improve your text/code.
- detect: Detect the language of a text.
- sentiment: Analyze the sentiment of a message.
- ocr: Extract text from images.
- math: Solve mathematical problems with step-by-step explanations.
- joke: Tells a random joke.
- meme: Displays a random meme.
- 8ball: Provides an 8-ball style random answer.
- coinflip: Flips a coin (heads or tails).
- roll: Rolls a dice.
- announcement: Sends an announcement to a specified channel.
- reload: Reloads a command.
- Command Handling: Dynamically loads commands from separate files.
- Event Handling: Dynamically loads events from separate files.
- Permissions: Checks for user permissions before executing commands.
- Error Handling: Graceful error handling for commands and events.
- Node.js 16.9.0 or higher
- Discord.js v14
- Discord Bot Token
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to:
- Report bugs
- Suggest new features
- Submit pull requests
Need help? Join our Discord Server or create an issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Made with ❤️ by milliyin