- fix: await read json (#20)
- fix: detect import support $ and _ (#18)
- feat: using regexp analysis deps (#15)
- fix: integration check (#14)
- fix: support hooks (#13)
- fix: more package analysis (#12)
- feat: support common dir prefix (#11)
- fix: jsx type assert parse error (#10)
- fix: fix request-promise (#9)
- fix: fix dep with sequelize-typescript (#8)
- fix: add dot (#7)
- fix: catch analyze dependencies error (#6)
- chore: update readme
- fix: ignore pattern (#5)
- fix: survive through cyclic symlinks (#4)
- feat: Support pkg options (#3)
- chore: export interface (#2)
- feat: add using dependencies analyze (#1)
- chore: clean publish code
- feat: first add