diff --git a/python/packages/autogen-ext/pyproject.toml b/python/packages/autogen-ext/pyproject.toml
index 20579c99baec..2ecb0afb7f78 100644
--- a/python/packages/autogen-ext/pyproject.toml
+++ b/python/packages/autogen-ext/pyproject.toml
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ semantic-kernel-all = [
+rich = ["rich>=13.9.4"]
 packages = ["src/autogen_ext"]
diff --git a/python/packages/autogen-ext/src/autogen_ext/ui/__init__.py b/python/packages/autogen-ext/src/autogen_ext/ui/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d80224afef9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/packages/autogen-ext/src/autogen_ext/ui/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+This module implements utility classes for formatting/printing agent messages.
+from ._rich_console import RichConsole
+__all__ = ["RichConsole"]
diff --git a/python/packages/autogen-ext/src/autogen_ext/ui/_rich_console.py b/python/packages/autogen-ext/src/autogen_ext/ui/_rich_console.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..58940fe340d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/packages/autogen-ext/src/autogen_ext/ui/_rich_console.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+import asyncio
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+from typing import (
+    AsyncGenerator,
+    Awaitable,
+    List,
+    Optional,
+    Tuple,
+    TypeVar,
+    cast,
+from autogen_agentchat.base import Response, TaskResult
+from autogen_agentchat.messages import (
+    AgentEvent,
+    ChatMessage,
+    MultiModalMessage,
+    UserInputRequestedEvent,
+from autogen_agentchat.ui._console import UserInputManager
+from autogen_core import Image
+from autogen_core.models import RequestUsage
+from rich.align import AlignMethod
+from rich.console import Console
+from rich.panel import Panel
+    "user": "bright_green",
+    "MagenticOneOrchestrator": "bright_blue",
+    "WebSurfer": "bright_yellow",
+    "FileSurfer": "bright_cyan",
+    "Coder": "bright_magenta",
+    "Executor": "bright_red",
+AGENT_ALIGNMENTS: dict[str, AlignMethod] = {"user": "right", "MagenticOneOrchestrator": "center"}
+DEFAULT_AGENT_ALIGNMENT: AlignMethod = "left"
+def _is_running_in_iterm() -> bool:
+    return os.getenv("TERM_PROGRAM") == "iTerm.app"
+def _is_output_a_tty() -> bool:
+    return sys.stdout.isatty()
+T = TypeVar("T", bound=TaskResult | Response)
+def aprint(output: str, end: str = "\n") -> Awaitable[None]:
+    return asyncio.to_thread(print, output, end=end)
+def _extract_message_content(message: AgentEvent | ChatMessage) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Image]]:
+    if isinstance(message, MultiModalMessage):
+        text_parts = [item for item in message.content if isinstance(item, str)]
+        image_parts = [item for item in message.content if isinstance(item, Image)]
+    else:
+        text_parts = [str(message.content)]
+        image_parts = []
+    return text_parts, image_parts
+async def _aprint_panel(console: Console, text: str, title: str) -> None:
+    color = AGENT_COLORS.get(title, DEFAULT_AGENT_COLOR)
+    await asyncio.to_thread(
+        console.print,
+        Panel(
+            text,
+            title=title,
+            title_align=title_align,
+            border_style=color,
+        ),
+    )
+async def _aprint_message_content(
+    console: Console,
+    text_parts: List[str],
+    image_parts: List[Image],
+    source: str,
+    *,
+    render_image_iterm: bool = False,
+) -> None:
+    if text_parts:
+        await _aprint_panel(console, "\n".join(text_parts), source)
+    for img in image_parts:
+        if render_image_iterm:
+            await aprint(_image_to_iterm(img))
+        else:
+            await aprint("<image>\n")
+async def RichConsole(
+    stream: AsyncGenerator[AgentEvent | ChatMessage | T, None],
+    *,
+    no_inline_images: bool = False,
+    output_stats: bool = False,
+    user_input_manager: UserInputManager | None = None,
+) -> T:
+    """
+    Consumes the message stream from :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.TaskRunner.run_stream`
+    or :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.ChatAgent.on_messages_stream` and renders the messages to the console.
+    Returns the last processed TaskResult or Response.
+    .. note::
+        `output_stats` is experimental and the stats may not be accurate.
+        It will be improved in future releases.
+    Args:
+        stream (AsyncGenerator[AgentEvent | ChatMessage | TaskResult, None] | AsyncGenerator[AgentEvent | ChatMessage | Response, None]): Message stream to render.
+            This can be from :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.TaskRunner.run_stream` or :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.ChatAgent.on_messages_stream`.
+        no_inline_images (bool, optional): If terminal is iTerm2 will render images inline. Use this to disable this behavior. Defaults to False.
+        output_stats (bool, optional): (Experimental) If True, will output a summary of the messages and inline token usage info. Defaults to False.
+    Returns:
+        last_processed: A :class:`~autogen_agentchat.base.TaskResult` if the stream is from :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.TaskRunner.run_stream`
+            or a :class:`~autogen_agentchat.base.Response` if the stream is from :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.ChatAgent.on_messages_stream`.
+    """
+    render_image_iterm = _is_running_in_iterm() and _is_output_a_tty() and not no_inline_images
+    start_time = time.time()
+    total_usage = RequestUsage(prompt_tokens=0, completion_tokens=0)
+    rich_console = Console()
+    last_processed: Optional[T] = None
+    async for message in stream:
+        if isinstance(message, TaskResult):
+            duration = time.time() - start_time
+            if output_stats:
+                output = (
+                    f"Number of messages: {len(message.messages)}\n"
+                    f"Finish reason: {message.stop_reason}\n"
+                    f"Total prompt tokens: {total_usage.prompt_tokens}\n"
+                    f"Total completion tokens: {total_usage.completion_tokens}\n"
+                    f"Duration: {duration:.2f} seconds\n"
+                )
+                await _aprint_panel(rich_console, output, "Summary")
+            last_processed = message  # type: ignore
+        elif isinstance(message, Response):
+            duration = time.time() - start_time
+            # Print final response.
+            text_parts, image_parts = _extract_message_content(message.chat_message)
+            if message.chat_message.models_usage:
+                if output_stats:
+                    text_parts.append(
+                        f"[Prompt tokens: {message.chat_message.models_usage.prompt_tokens}, Completion tokens: {message.chat_message.models_usage.completion_tokens}]"
+                    )
+                total_usage.completion_tokens += message.chat_message.models_usage.completion_tokens
+                total_usage.prompt_tokens += message.chat_message.models_usage.prompt_tokens
+            await _aprint_message_content(
+                rich_console,
+                text_parts,
+                image_parts,
+                message.chat_message.source,
+                render_image_iterm=render_image_iterm,
+            )
+            # Print summary.
+            if output_stats:
+                num_inner_messages = len(message.inner_messages) if message.inner_messages is not None else 0
+                output = (
+                    f"Number of inner messages: {num_inner_messages}\n"
+                    f"Total prompt tokens: {total_usage.prompt_tokens}\n"
+                    f"Total completion tokens: {total_usage.completion_tokens}\n"
+                    f"Duration: {duration:.2f} seconds\n"
+                )
+                await _aprint_panel(rich_console, output, "Summary")
+            # mypy ignore
+            last_processed = message  # type: ignore
+        # We don't want to print UserInputRequestedEvent messages, we just use them to signal the user input event.
+        elif isinstance(message, UserInputRequestedEvent):
+            if user_input_manager is not None:
+                user_input_manager.notify_event_received(message.request_id)
+        else:
+            # Cast required for mypy to be happy
+            message = cast(AgentEvent | ChatMessage, message)  # type: ignore
+            text_parts, image_parts = _extract_message_content(message)
+            # Add usage stats if needed
+            if message.models_usage:
+                if output_stats:
+                    text_parts.append(
+                        f"[Prompt tokens: {message.models_usage.prompt_tokens}, Completion tokens: {message.models_usage.completion_tokens}]"
+                    )
+                total_usage.completion_tokens += message.models_usage.completion_tokens
+                total_usage.prompt_tokens += message.models_usage.prompt_tokens
+            await _aprint_message_content(
+                rich_console,
+                text_parts,
+                image_parts,
+                message.source,
+                render_image_iterm=render_image_iterm,
+            )
+    if last_processed is None:
+        raise ValueError("No TaskResult or Response was processed.")
+    return last_processed
+# iTerm2 image rendering protocol: https://iterm2.com/documentation-images.html
+def _image_to_iterm(image: Image) -> str:
+    image_data = image.to_base64()
+    return f"\033]1337;File=inline=1:{image_data}\a\n"
diff --git a/python/packages/magentic-one-cli/pyproject.toml b/python/packages/magentic-one-cli/pyproject.toml
index 240d78e2f3d8..b1ca704b9085 100644
--- a/python/packages/magentic-one-cli/pyproject.toml
+++ b/python/packages/magentic-one-cli/pyproject.toml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ classifiers = [
 dependencies = [
-    "autogen-ext[openai,magentic-one]>=0.4.2,<0.5",
+    "autogen-ext[openai,magentic-one,rich]>=0.4.2,<0.5",
diff --git a/python/packages/magentic-one-cli/src/magentic_one_cli/_m1.py b/python/packages/magentic-one-cli/src/magentic_one_cli/_m1.py
index 9673ad438d44..583734cb2aba 100644
--- a/python/packages/magentic-one-cli/src/magentic_one_cli/_m1.py
+++ b/python/packages/magentic-one-cli/src/magentic_one_cli/_m1.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 from autogen_core import CancellationToken
 from autogen_ext.models.openai import OpenAIChatCompletionClient
 from autogen_ext.teams.magentic_one import MagenticOne
+from autogen_ext.ui import RichConsole
 # Suppress warnings about the requests.Session() not being closed
 warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", message="unclosed", category=ResourceWarning)
@@ -24,16 +25,18 @@ def main() -> None:
     Command-line interface for running a complex task using MagenticOne.
     This script accepts a single task string and an optional flag to disable
-    human-in-the-loop mode. It initializes the necessary clients and runs the
-    task using the MagenticOne class.
+    human-in-the-loop mode and enable rich console output. It initializes the
+    necessary clients and runs the task using the MagenticOne class.
     task (str): The task to be executed by MagenticOne.
     --no-hil: Optional flag to disable human-in-the-loop mode.
+    --rich: Optional flag to enable rich console output.
     Example usage:
     python magentic_one_cli.py "example task"
     python magentic_one_cli.py --no-hil "example task"
+    python magentic_one_cli.py --rich "example task"
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
@@ -43,16 +46,25 @@ def main() -> None:
     parser.add_argument("task", type=str, nargs=1, help="The task to be executed by MagenticOne.")
     parser.add_argument("--no-hil", action="store_true", help="Disable human-in-the-loop mode.")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--rich",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Enable rich console output",
+    )
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    async def run_task(task: str, hil_mode: bool) -> None:
+    async def run_task(task: str, hil_mode: bool, use_rich_console: bool) -> None:
         input_manager = UserInputManager(callback=cancellable_input)
         client = OpenAIChatCompletionClient(model="gpt-4o")
         m1 = MagenticOne(client=client, hil_mode=hil_mode, input_func=input_manager.get_wrapped_callback())
-        await Console(m1.run_stream(task=task), output_stats=False, user_input_manager=input_manager)
+        if use_rich_console:
+            await RichConsole(m1.run_stream(task=task), output_stats=False, user_input_manager=input_manager)
+        else:
+            await Console(m1.run_stream(task=task), output_stats=False, user_input_manager=input_manager)
     task = args.task[0]
-    asyncio.run(run_task(task, not args.no_hil))
+    asyncio.run(run_task(task, not args.no_hil, args.rich))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/python/uv.lock b/python/uv.lock
index e8a07804e93d..21adda9f946b 100644
--- a/python/uv.lock
+++ b/python/uv.lock
@@ -601,6 +601,9 @@ openai = [
 redis = [
     { name = "redis" },
+rich = [
+    { name = "rich" },
 semantic-kernel-all = [
     { name = "semantic-kernel", extra = ["anthropic", "aws", "dapr", "google", "hugging-face", "mistralai", "ollama", "onnx", "pandas", "usearch"] },
@@ -683,6 +686,7 @@ requires-dist = [
     { name = "playwright", marker = "extra == 'magentic-one'", specifier = ">=1.48.0" },
     { name = "playwright", marker = "extra == 'web-surfer'", specifier = ">=1.48.0" },
     { name = "redis", marker = "extra == 'redis'", specifier = ">=5.2.1" },
+    { name = "rich", marker = "extra == 'rich'", specifier = ">=13.9.4" },
     { name = "semantic-kernel", marker = "extra == 'semantic-kernel-core'", specifier = ">=1.17.1" },
     { name = "semantic-kernel", extras = ["anthropic"], marker = "extra == 'semantic-kernel-anthropic'", specifier = ">=1.17.1" },
     { name = "semantic-kernel", extras = ["aws"], marker = "extra == 'semantic-kernel-aws'", specifier = ">=1.17.1" },
@@ -3570,13 +3574,13 @@ version = "0.2.1"
 source = { editable = "packages/magentic-one-cli" }
 dependencies = [
     { name = "autogen-agentchat" },
-    { name = "autogen-ext", extra = ["magentic-one", "openai"] },
+    { name = "autogen-ext", extra = ["magentic-one", "openai", "rich"] },
 requires-dist = [
     { name = "autogen-agentchat", editable = "packages/autogen-agentchat" },
-    { name = "autogen-ext", extras = ["openai", "magentic-one"], editable = "packages/autogen-ext" },
+    { name = "autogen-ext", extras = ["openai", "magentic-one", "rich"], editable = "packages/autogen-ext" },