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Installer arguments for EXE

Andrey Nekrasov edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 8 revisions

Our EXE installer has a list of arguments you can chain on to accomplish different tasks such as a silent install.

Flag Description
--silent Use completely silent installation and do not launch PowerToys afterwards
--start_pt Always launch PowerToys after the installation is complete
--no_full_ui Do not use MSI wizard dialog, use reduced progress bar instead
--no_start_pt Do not start PowerToys after the installation is complete
--skip_dotnet_install Do not install dotnet, even if it's detected that it's not installed
--help Shows the list of supported command-line arguments
--log_level Possible values: off debug error
--log_dir Directory location where to save the logs
--install_dir Directory location where PowerToys is installed
--extract_msi Extract MSI to the working directory and exit. Use only if you must access MSI


A command that would not install dotnet core and be silent would be the following:

PowerToysSetup-0.21.0-x64.exe --silent --skip_dotnet_install --log_level error --log_dir C:\PTlogs