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Shiproom notes

Julia Schwarz edited this page May 27, 2019 · 7 revisions

This page contains the digital whiteboard notes as well as other files generated or shown in the Mixed Reality Toolkit shiproom meetings. They are presented here for transparency of what is discussed and how decisions are made.

May 22, 2019

The focus on the team is to stabilize and get RC2 out the door. Have a look at the 1905 milestone for the work we are planning to complete in May. In particiular, there are some new features: new inspectors, the beginning of multi scene work, shader work + LWRP support .

We also talked about //BUILD and Jackson/Julia/Andrei’s presentations at BUILD (hooray!), and if people haven’t checked out the videos yet, check them out! Jackson's presentation on Unreal, and Andrei/Julia's presentation on MRTK.

Then we had some questions about nuget and where that is. Niall said we're a week or two out from going live but we don't have a set timeline yet because we are still discovering more complexity.

We also talked about Oculus Quest. People that have tried it said it was quite good, though the headset is heavier than Rift by 100 grams. Beat Saber in Oculus Quest is great. People expressed a desire to add Quest as a supported platform, not just as an extension but as part of core MRTK. We created issue 4549 to track this request.

And finally, people asked about Leap Motion support in MRTK. There was a desire for more transparency about where we are at. Also, Jesse shared some cool links from @tarukosu of leap motion in MRTK and on HoloLens.

January 16, 2019

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2019-01-16

January 9, 2019

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2019-01-09

November 8, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-11-08

November 1, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-11-01

October 24, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-20-24

October 17, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-10-17

September 19, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-09-19

September 12, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-09-12

September 5, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-09-05

August 22, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-08-22

July 18, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-07-18

July 11, 2018

Digital Whiteboard Notes 2018-07-11