Pick one of:
pip install humpday
pip install humpday[full]
The full option will try to install a slew of optim packages. You may prefer to do that piecemeal. See below.
Bleeding edge:
pip install git+https://github.com/microprediction/humpday
File an issue if you have problems. See this thread if you have issues on mac silicon M1.
pip install cython pybind11
brew install openblas
export OPENBLAS=/opt/homebrew/opt/openblas/lib/
pip install scikit-optimize
pip install optuna
pip install platypus-opt
pip install poap
pip install pysot
Some of these are really good, but not 100% stable on all platforms we've used.
pip install cmake
pip install ultraopt
pip install dlib
pip install ax-platform
pip install py-bobyqa
pip install hebo
pip install nlopt
pip install freelunch
Broken pending issue:
pip install bayesian-optimization
pip install nevergrad