The highest level use of allostery
is to create and run an allostery project. It uses the same functions and scripts outlined in other examples, but makes use of a consistent file structure and a settings file.
Before starting with an allostery project, make sure that the AMMOHOME
environment variable is set by either setting it manually to this main directory, or by running source
if you ran python
when the code was downloaded.
- Creating an allostery project
- System setup
- Running steered MD
- Analysing steered MD data
- Seeded MD
- Trajectory featurization
All ammo
commands can be listed as follows:
$ ammo -h
AMMo - Allostery in Markov Models
A tool for running MD simulations and building MSMs to evaluate whether a ligand is an allosteric modulator
usage: ammo [command] [command options]
project : manage allostery projects
systems : manage systems in the currently active allostery project
setup : Set up a protein system
equilibrium : Run equilibrium MD
steering : Run a steered MD simulation
seeded : Copy snapshots from a steered MD trajectory to a remote server and submit a job to run seeded MD simulations
featurize : Featurize seeded MD trajectories
Allostery projects are managed by the project
tool from the command line.
$ ammo project -h
usage: project [-h]
(--create CREATE | --activate ACTIVATE | --current | --reconfigure)
manage allostery projects
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--create CREATE create a new project
--activate ACTIVATE set active project
--current show current project
--reconfigure change active project configuration
We start by creating a project:
$ ammo project --create my_project
Creating project: my_project
Created project /home/adele/Documents/my_project
Configuring project...done.
Project activated: my_project
Running this also opens the configuration file to set some defaults (here is a good point to set the python
setting to an interpreter from an environment containing BioSimSpace and pytraj). This can always be edited directly or by running project --reconfigure
The projects will be placed in the directory setup during setup. The project structure is as follows:
├── analysis -- any analysis scripts to be placed here
├── .defaults
│ └── config -- contains project defaults
├── inputs -- contains input structures as well as any RMSD references
├── setup -- for any "dirty" system preparation work
└── systems -- main data folder
The expected structure of the systems
directory is something like:
├── apo -- system
│ ├── active -- state
│ │ ├── equilibrium
│ │ ├── seeded-md
│ │ │ ├── snapshot_1
│ │ │ ├── snapshot_2
│ │ │ ├── snapshot_3
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ │ ├── snapshots
│ │ │ └── steering
│ │ └── system-setup
│ └── inactive -- state
│ ├── equilibrium
│ ├── seeded-md
│ │ ├── snapshot_1
│ │ ├── snapshot_2
│ │ ├── snapshot_3
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ ├── snapshots
│ │ └── steering
│ └── system-setup
├── ...
contains variations on the project systems that will utimately have Markov State Models associated with them, such as the apo protein or the protein with a ligand. Each system has a sub-directory corresponding to each state of the system, e.g. active and inactive, or open and closed. For each state, there is a folder for system setup files (for coordinates and topology), a folder for any equilibrium MD simulations, and a folder for seeded MD simulations. Since each steered MD trajectory provides snapshots for seeded MD trajectories, the associated steering folder is in the seeded MD folder. Multiple seeded MD folders can exist for a state (for example if different sMD protocols are tested), and their expected names are seeded-md_[descriptor]
A system
can be created by either manually creating directories or using the allosystems
$ ammo systems -h
usage: systems [-h]
(--create CREATE | --add_state ADD_STATE | --remove_state REMOVE_STATE)
manage systems in the currently active allostery project
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--create CREATE Add a new system
--add_state ADD_STATE
Add a new state to systems. Will also change the
project configuration
--remove_state REMOVE_STATE
Remove a state from systems. Will also change the
Folders for each state specified in the project settings will be created with the system. The states were left as the example state1
and state2
Let's create a system:
$ ammo project --activate my_project
Project activated: my_project
$ ammo systems --create my_system
System my_system created
A common starting point in MD simulations is a PDB file. To begin working with a system, run the setup
$ ammo setup -h
usage: setup [-h] --input INPUT --system SYSTEM --state STATE [--engine ENGINE] [--charges CHARGES] [--topology TOPOLOGY] [--slurm]
Set up a protein system
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT System PDB file
--system SYSTEM Allostery project system, e.g. "apo"
--state STATE Allostery project system state, e.g. "active"
--engine ENGINE Simulation engine used for setup. Can be "AMBER" or
"GROMACS". Default : "GROMACS"
--charges CHARGES Ligand charges in the order they appear in the input
PDB, comma separated
--topology TOPOLOGY Dry topology of system. If provided will be used
instead of re-parameterising
--slurm Whether to run setup as a slurm job
In the simplest case, only the input PDB needs to be provided, together with the system and state it corresponds to. setup
runs the
script, but uses the protocol set in the project defaults. An example of that YAML portion would look something like this:
setup :
GROMACS: 7500,100,250
parameters : "source leaprc.phosaa10"
solvation : "shell,15"
When the GROMACS MD engine is used for system setup, the input will be minimised for 7500 steps, heated to 300 K in 100 ps and further equilibrated for 250 ps. Additionally, when the main protein or other peptides are parameterised, an additional command source leaprc.phosaa10
will be executed by tLeAP. The system will then be solvated in water with a 15 A shell.
The system setup can be submitted as a slurm job (support for other schedulers coming!). From the project directory:
$ ammo setup --input inputs/input_protein.pdb --system my_system --state state1
Submitted batch job 16490
The main output files (found in systems/my_system/state1/system-setup
) are system.prm7
and system_equilibrated.rst7
. They will be used to run the steered MD simulations. Alternatively, other topology and coordinate files can simply be placed in system-setup
, as long as they are named appropriately.
Once the system is prepared, the next step is to run steered MD simulations. This allows for better sampling of intermediate conformations which are unstable and therefore short-lived. As part of an allostery project, this can be done with the steering
$ ammo steering -h
usage: steering [-h] --system SYSTEM --state STATE [--seeded SEEDED] [--engine ENGINE] [--slurm] [--steps STEPS] [--restraint RESTRAINT] [--backup]
Run a steered MD simulation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--system SYSTEM project system
--state STATE system state
--seeded SEEDED seeded MD folder where the steering folder is. Default : seeded-md
--engine ENGINE MD engine to run sMD with
--slurm Whether to run sMD as a slurm job
--steps STEPS How many sMD steps to run, if steering in more than one. "all" will run all steps from 1
--restraint RESTRAINT
A pseudo flat bottom restraint file that will be used during the steering (currently only available for AMBER). Instead of atom indices, AMBER masks are used
--backup Backup wet trajectory
In the simples case, all that needs to be provided is the --system
and --state
that the sMD is to be run for. This functionality makes use of the consistent topology and coordinate file location, and the settings file. An example of the settings to run an sMD simulation would look something like this:
steering :
input: state1.dat
The masks are AMBER selection masks, corresponding to the atoms involved in each CV used for steering. For example, the distance between the C$\alpha$ atoms of residues 100 and 200 would be ":100@CA :200@CA". More information can be found here. In case of RMSD collective variables, an additional reference FILE
parameter is added, which will be removed during PLUMED input preparation. First the path given will be searched as is, and then if the file is not found, the inputs
directory of the active project will be searched. An example pseudo PLUMED input file is given in example_data/plumed_input.dat
(as well as in the specific use case examples), and more information can be found on the PLUMED website.
The "initial"
values for the CVs at steps 0 and 1 will be computed using PLUMED and filled in during final file setup. This, together with the use of AMBER atom masks, allows for easier steering preparation while still using the whole range of CVs in PLUMED.
Steering is submitted as a slurm job:
$ ammo steering --system my_system --state state1 --slurm --backup
Submitted batch job 16491
Since --backup
is specified, the wet trajectory will be backed up to a remote storage solution, as specified in the settings:
backup: [email protected]
backup_path: /path/to/remote/project
Any required directories will be created. This requires ssh keys to be set up between the local and remote machines.
In order to specify multiple steering steps with varying CVs, multiple input files need to be provided. For a 2 step steering, the settings would look like this:
steering :
input_1: plumed_1.dat
input_2: plumed_2.dat
The steering results in this case will be saved as steering_1
and steering_2
for each step. The --steps
argument in steering
allows to specify which steps to run.
Once a steered MD trajectory is produced, it has to be checked to ensure steering has been successful, and snapshots need to be saved for seeded MD simulations. When an allostery project is created, a notebook called sMD_analysis.ipynb
is placed in the analysis
folder. The notebook checks available systems and states, and allows the user to select which steered MD trajectory is analysed:
Then PLUMED output is plotted the user. Any additional analysis to check whether steering has been successful can be done here too. Following that, a set number of snapshots is saved from the trajectory:
They are placed in a snapshots
folder in seeded-md
, and will be used as starting coordinates for the seeded MD simulations in the next step.
With snapshots saved from the sMD trajectory, they can be used as "seeds" to run equilibrium MD simulations. Since this involves a large number of simulations run in parallel, it will often be done on a remote HPC cluster. This requires copying over the input files, submitting a job on the remote host, and then copying back the trajectories for analysis (and optionally backing them up too).
The seeded_md
command does all that, but required initial setup. Firstly, the cluster and local (and optionally backup) locations need to be set up in settings:
cluster: user@cluster
cluster_path: /path/to/project/on/cluster
backup: user@backup
backup_path: /path/to/project/backup
local: user@local
The local
parameter is required to copy back the results. If the cluster
and cluster_path
parameters are not set, the seeded MD will be run locally (also as a scheduled job). The second file that needs to be configured is a
file placed in .defaults
of the project (i.e. my_project/.defaults/
for this example project). This is because to run MD simulations on an HPC cluster, a variety of modules need to be loaded, and different resource parameters need to be allocated. The simplest way is to have a basic job submission script that works. An example script to work with slurm looks like this:
#SBATCH -J seeded_MD
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --output=submit_%a.out
module load cuda/10.1
module load amber/22
/home/adele/anaconda3/envs/bss/bin/python /home/adele/Documents/allostery/allostery/scripts/ --folder "." --snapshot $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID --duration 100
It uses the
script. The seeded_md
command will also add the copying of results back to the local machine and to backup if needed. Having the script written by the user also allows for further flexibility, such as feturizing the seeded MD trajectories as part of the job.
The command has the following parameters:
$ ammo seeded_md -h
usage: seeded_md [-h] --system SYSTEM --state STATE [--folder FOLDER] [--seeds SEEDS] [--no_backup]
Copy snapshots from a steered MD trajectory to a remote server and submit a job to run seeded MD simulations
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--system SYSTEM project system
--state STATE system state
--folder FOLDER seeded MD folder. Default : seeded-md
--seeds SEEDS Range for seed snapshot indices (separated by "-") or indices separated by ","
--no_backup do not backup seeded MD data
In the simplest case, just the --system
and --state
needs to be spceified. If seeds
are not set, the setting snapshot_number
will be used, i.e. the seed range will be 1 to the snapshot number indicated.
$ seeded_md --system my_system --state state1
Submitted batch job 16492
Once seeded MD simulations are finished, they can be used to build a Markov State Model. However, that requires dimensionality reduction, which starts by reducing trajectory data from all atom coordinates to select features. The featurize
command does this for every seeded MD trajectory in a state in a system:
$ ammo featurize -h
usage: featurize [-h] --system SYSTEM --state STATE [--folder FOLDER]
[--seeds SEEDS] [--slurm]
Featurize seeded MD trajectories
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--system SYSTEM project system
--state STATE system state
--folder FOLDER seeded MD folder. Default : seeded-md
--seeds SEEDS Range for snapshot indices (separated by "-") or indices
separated by ","
--slurm Run featurization as a slurm job
The features computed are ones specified in settings, for example:
feature: rmsd
mask: ":264-276&!(@/H)"
reference: reference.pdb
shared: ":122-292&!(@/H)"
feature: distance
mask: ":215@SG @P"
the features are saved as .txt
files in the snapshot directory, named as the feature is in settings, so for the above it is rmsd_feature.txt
and distance_feature.txt
An alternative approach is to add featurization to the seeded MD job file, using the python script provided.
An example of Markov State Modelling is available in a notebook, as the MSMCollection
functionality is only available as part of the ammo
python library.