Bounce is a typescript library to assist with implementing Role Based Access Control and Role and Attribute Based Access Control in Bun or Node. It provides typesafety and autocomplete for the permission system.
import BounceMemoryCache from '@miccoh/bounce/providers/memory.cache';
import BounceMemoryPersistence from '@miccoh/bounce/providers/memory.persistence';
import Bounce from '@miccoh/bounce';
const bounce = await Bounce.create(
roles: ['admin', 'user', 'guest'],
grants: ['register', 'forgot_password', 'reset_password'],
permissions: ['read', 'write', 'edit'],
entities: ['user', 'post', 'post_draft'],
scopes: ['self', 'org', 'group'],
rolePermissionMap: {
user: {
permissions: ['post:read', 'post:write'],
scopedPermissions: [
guest: {
permissions: ['post:read'],
grants: ['register', 'forgot_password', 'reset_password']
entityScopeMap: {
post: [
scope: 'self',
key: 'createdBy'
scope: 'org',
key: 'orgId'
scope: 'group',
key: 'groupId'
post_draft: [
scope: 'self',
key: 'createdBy',
scope: 'org',
key: 'orgId'
user: [
scope: 'self',
key: 'id'
superAdminRole: 'admin'
persistence: new MyPersistenceProvider(),
cache: new MyCacheProvider()
Route Handler
// read posts
.get('/posts', ({ currentUser }: Context) => {
if (!await bounce.can(currentUser.role, 'read:posts')) return 403;
return 200;
// edit user profile
.patch('/profile/:id', ({currentUser, params: { id }}: Context) => {
const hasPermission = await bounce.can(currentUser.role, 'edit:users:self', {
subject: {
if (!hasPermission) return 403;
return 200;
// edit posts in organization
.patch(('/posts/:id', ({ currentUser, params: { id } }: Context)) => {
const post = await getPost(id);
const hasPermission = await bounce.can(currentUser.role, ['edit:posts:org', 'edit:posts:group'], {
actor: [currentUser.orgIds, currentUser.groupIds],
subject: post
if (!hasPermission) return 403;
return 200;
You can implement the IBounceCache and IBouncePersistence interfaces and pass them to Bounce.create(..., { cache: new CustomCache(), persistence: new CustomPersistence() })
const currentUserPlugin = new Elysia({
name: 'current-user'
.derive(({cookie: { session }}) => ({ currentUser: session.value as User }))
.macro(({onBeforeHandle) => {
return {
auth(_: true) {
onBeforeHandle(({currentUser, error}) => {
if (!currentUser) return error(401, {message: 'Unauthorized'})
const bouncePlugin = () => new Elysia({name: 'bounce'})
.state('bounce', bounce)
.macro(({onBeforeHandle}) => {
return {
permission(permission: BounceInstance['permissions'] | BounceInstance['permission'][]) {
onBeforeHandle(async ({ currentUser, store: {bounce}, error }) => {
const hasPermission = await bounce.can(currentUser.role, permission);
if (!hasPermission)
return error(403, 'Forbidden');
idProvider: {
type: 'params' | 'body',
key: string,
getSubject: (id: string| number) => Promise,
getActors: (userId: string) => Promise<string[] | string>,
permission: BounceInstance['scopedPermissions']
}) {
onBeforeHandle(({ store: {bounce}, currentUser, error, params, body }) => {
const entity = permission.split(":")[2] as BounceInstance['entity'];
const id = idProvider.type === params ? params[idProvider.key] : body[idProvider.key];
const subject = getSubject({id});
const actor = getActors(;
const hasPermission = bounce.can(currentUser.role, {
if (!hasPermission) return error(403, {message: 'Forbidden'});
const app = new Elysia()
.get('/posts', () => [], {
auth: true,
permission: 'read:posts'
.patch('/users/:id', () => [], {
auth: true,
scoped: { permission: 'edit:users:self', getActors: getUser, getSubject: getUser, idProvider: {
type: 'params',
key: 'id'
Install dependencies:
bun install
Run tests
bun test