Quick Start is a single-page web application that is deployed in an embedded Tomcat.
- edit application.properties file and edit server.port and server.contextPath
- run
gradle build
- run
java -jar build/libs/quick-start-0.1.0.war
(or whatever the current version is in /build/libs/)
- Add environment.properties in the quick-start directory with the following properties: projectDir= mlRestPort= mlHost= mlUsername= mlPassword= OR
- Add the command line properties --mlHost= --mlRestPort= --mlUsername= --mlPassword= --projectDir=
- Select Application.java then Run as Java Application
- To develop in eclipse, run
../gradlew eclipse
for both quick start and DHIB and make DHIB a project dependency
- The main page is accessible at http://localhost:[server.port]/[server.contextPath].
- If server.port is 8080 and server.contextPath is / in application.properties, go to http://localhost:8080/ or http://localhost:8080 and you will see the main page.