File tree
3,706 files changed
lines changed- .idea
- config
- autoload
- data/cache
- module/Application
- config
- language
- src/Application/Controller
- view
- application/index
- error
- layout
- public
- vendor
- bin
- composer
- doctrine/instantiator
- src/Doctrine/Instantiator
- Exception
- tests/DoctrineTest
- InstantiatorPerformance
- InstantiatorTest
- Exception
- InstantiatorTestAsset
- evenement/evenement
- src/Evenement
- tests
- Evenement/Tests
- henrikbjorn/lurker
- src/Lurker
- Event
- Exception
- Resource
- StateChecker
- Inotify
- Tracker
- tests
- Lurker/Tests
- Event
- StateChecker
- Inotify
- Fixtures
- Tracker
- peridot-php
- leo
- specs
- fixtures
- formatter
- interfaces
- matcher
- template
- object-path
- responder
- src
- Core
- Formatter
- Interfaces
- Assert
- Matcher
- Template
- ObjectPath
- Responder
- peridot
- bin
- fixtures
- nested
- otherspecs
- specs
- src
- Console
- Core
- Reporter
- Runner
- Test
- peridot-prophecy-plugin
- example
- specs
- src
- peridot-scope
- specs
- src
- peridot-watcher-plugin
- example
- specs
- src
- phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock
- src/phpDocumentor/Reflection
- DocBlock
- Tag
- Type
- tests/phpDocumentor/Reflection
- DocBlock
- Tag
- Type
- phpspec/prophecy
- spec/Prophecy
- Argument
- Token
- Call
- Comparator
- Doubler
- ClassPatch
- Generator
- Node
- Exception
- Call
- Doubler
- Prediction
- Prophecy
- Prediction
- Promise
- Prophecy
- Util
- src/Prophecy
- Argument
- Token
- Call
- Comparator
- Doubler
- ClassPatch
- Generator
- Node
- Exception
- Call
- Doubler
- Prediction
- Prophecy
- Prediction
- Promise
- Prophecy
- Util
- phpunit/php-timer
- src
- tests
- sebastian
- comparator
- build
- src
- tests
- _files
- diff
- src
- tests
- fixtures
- exporter
- src
- tests
- recursion-context
- src
- tests
- symfony
- config
- Definition
- Builder
- Dumper
- Exception
- Exception
- Loader
- Resource
- Tests
- Definition
- Builder
- Dumper
- Exception
- Fixtures
- Again
- Builder
- Configuration
- Util
- Loader
- Resource
- Util
- Util
- console
- Command
- Descriptor
- Event
- Formatter
- Helper
- Input
- Logger
- Output
- Question
- Resources/bin
- Style
- Tester
- Tests
- Command
- Descriptor
- Fixtures
- Style/SymfonyStyle
- command
- output
- Formatter
- Helper
- Input
- Logger
- Output
- Style
- Tester
- event-dispatcher
- Debug
- DependencyInjection
- Tests
- Debug
- DependencyInjection
- filesystem/Symfony/Component/Filesystem
- Exception
- Tests
- process/Symfony/Component/Process
- Exception
- Pipes
- Tests
- zendframework/zendframework
- bin
- library/Zend
- Authentication
- Adapter
- DbTable
- Exception
- Exception
- Http
- Exception
- Exception
- Storage
- Validator
- Barcode
- Exception
- Object
- Exception
- Renderer
- Exception
- Cache
- Exception
- Pattern
- Service
- Storage
- Adapter
- Plugin
- Captcha
- Exception
- Code
- Annotation
- Parser
- Exception
- Generator
- DocBlock
- Tag
- Exception
- Generic/Prototype
- Reflection
- DocBlock
- Tag
- Exception
- Scanner
- Config
- Exception
- Processor
- Reader
- Writer
- Console
- Adapter
- Charset
- Color
- Exception
- Prompt
- RouteMatcher
- Crypt
- Exception
- Key/Derivation
- Exception
- Password
- Exception
- PublicKey
- Rsa
- Exception
- Symmetric
- Exception
- Padding
- Db
- Adapter
- Driver
- Feature
- IbmDb2
- Mysqli
- Oci8
- Pdo
- Feature
- Pgsql
- Sqlsrv
- Exception
- Exception
- Platform
- Profiler
- Exception
- Metadata
- Object
- Source
- ResultSet
- Exception
- RowGateway
- Exception
- Feature
- Sql
- Ddl
- Column
- Constraint
- Index
- Exception
- Platform
- IbmDb2
- Mysql
- Ddl
- Oracle
- SqlServer
- Ddl
- Predicate
- TableGateway
- Exception
- Feature
- EventFeature
- Debug
- Di
- Definition
- Annotation
- Builder
- Display
- Exception
- ServiceLocator
- Dom
- Document
- Exception
- Escaper
- Exception
- EventManager
- Exception
- Filter
- Feed
- Exception
- PubSubHubbub
- Exception
- Model
- Subscriber
- Reader
- Collection
- Entry
- Exception
- Extension
- Atom
- Content
- CreativeCommons
- DublinCore
- Podcast
- Slash
- Syndication
- Thread
- WellFormedWeb
- Feed
- Atom
- Http
- Writer
- Exception
- Extension
- Atom/Renderer
- Content/Renderer
- DublinCore/Renderer
- ITunes
- Renderer
- Slash/Renderer
- Threading/Renderer
- WellFormedWeb/Renderer
- Renderer
- Entry
- Atom
- Feed
- Atom
- File
- Exception
- Transfer
- Adapter
- Exception
- Filter
- Compress
- Encrypt
- Exception
- File
- Word
- Service
- Form
- Annotation
- Element
- Exception
- View
- Helper
- Captcha
- File
- Http
- Client
- Adapter
- Exception
- Exception
- Exception
- Header
- Accept/FieldValuePart
- Exception
- PhpEnvironment
- Response
- I18n
- Exception
- Filter
- Translator
- Loader
- Plural
- Validator
- PhoneNumber
- View
- Helper
- InputFilter
- Exception
- Json
- Exception
- Server
- Exception
- Request
- Response
- Smd
- Ldap
- Collection
- Converter
- Exception
- Exception
- Filter
- Exception
- Ldif
- Node
- RootDse
- Schema
- AttributeType
- ObjectClass
- Loader
- Exception
- Log
- Exception
- Filter
- Formatter
- Processor
- Writer
- ChromePhp
- FirePhp
- Mail
- Address
- Exception
- Header
- Exception
- Protocol
- Exception
- Smtp/Auth
- Storage
- Exception
- Folder
- Message
- Part
- Exception
- Writable
- Transport
- Exception
- Math
- BigInteger
- Adapter
- Exception
- Exception
- Source
- Memory
- Container
- Exception
- Mime
- Exception
- ModuleManager
- Exception
- Feature
- Listener
- Exception
- Mvc
- Controller
- Plugin
- Service
- Exception
- I18n
- ResponseSender
- Router
- Console
- Exception
- Http
- Service
- View
- Console
- Http
- Paginator/Adapter
- Exception
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3,706 files changed
lines changed+41-20
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