注: 递进的步骤一定空4个空格, 部分例子根据实际情况调整在sample/chapter1/*.smash
Open Chrome // 两个分支都被执行
Navigate to 'site.com' // 两个分支都被执行
Click 'one' // 分支1
Click 'two' // 分支2
// 执行效果:
// 1) 打开chrome, 导航到站点, 点击 'one'
// 2)打开chrome, 导航到站点, 点击 'two'
Open Chrome // 这5个步骤为一组称为“步骤块”(相同缩进,中间没有空行)
Open Firefox
Open Safari
Open Edge
Open IE
// 步骤块下必须有一个空行
Navigate to 'site.com' // 执行5个独立的分支
Open Chrome
Navigate to 'google.com'
Do a search // 分支1
Navigate to 'pets.com'
Buy cat food // 分支2
Buy dog food // 分支3
注: 单独一个起一个分支执行文本步骤
This step is a function call // it executes an action
- This step is a textual step // 这只是一段文字来组织你的测试
Look, I can put the "-" modifier at the end too! -
Navigate to 'site.com'
- Logged-in tests
// etc.
- Logged-out tests
// etc.
Open Chrome
Navigate to 'site.com'
Click the logo {
// this is a code block
// you can do anything js or nodejs supports
(await $('#logo')).click();
browser.driver; // webdriverjs's WebDriver object
} // must end at the same indent level as the starting line
Open Chrome
Navigate to 'site.com'
Click 'element' // all 3 steps are function calls to built-in ("packaged") functions
* Log In // this is a function declaration
Click 'log in box'
Type 'username' into 'username box'
Click 'ok'
Open Chrome
Navigate to 'site.com'
Log In // this is a function call (it will execute the 3 login steps)
Log Out // another function call
log out // steps are case insensitive
* Log Out {
// this is a code block
(await $('.logout-button')).click();
{username} = 'superman' // this sets the global variable 'superman'
{username} is 'superman' // same as above
{username} is "superman" // same as above
{username} is [superman] // same as above
Type '{username} is a handsome guy' into '.textbox'
open chrome
nav to 'searchengine.com'
type 'hello world[enter]' into 'search box'
type 'hello world' into 'search box'
click 'search'
verify search results // called after each leaf in the bracketed branches
// produces branches:
// 1) open, nav, type w/ enter, verify
// 2) open, nav, type, click, verify
open chrome
nav to 'searchengine.com'
enter search terms [ // same as the first example, but names the step block
type 'hello world[enter]' into 'search box'
type 'hello world' into 'search box'
click 'search'
verify search results
Open Chrome
Navigate to 'https://www.site.com'
On homepage {
// describe props, which are things on the page and/or the state of those things
'message box': `.textbox, enabled`, // inside the `` is an ElementFinder,
// a special syntax for finding elements
'login button': `#login`,
'search results': `
.result, 'one'
.result, 'two'
'groovy': `'contains this groovy text'`,
'retro button': `selector '.button', groovy`
Type 'hello world' into 'message box' // using a prop makes it easier to read and refactor