This is a simple application that allows search weather based on
- View
- ViewModel
- Interactor
- Repository
- Remote datasource (Api)
- Local datasource(DAO)
- Caching
- Dependency Injection
- Exception
How to Build & Deploy to devices
- Language: Kotlin
- IDE: Android Studio 4.0.1
- Android version: Android 5.0 Lollipop or higher.
This project implemented MVVM architecture using Koin, RxJava, Retrofit, LiveData.
- It's the Activity/Fragment
- It's handle all actions/inputs from user
- It can reference to multiple ViewModel to handle business, but less is better.
- It's handle all UI's business, such as proceed an user's action, control loading flow,...
- It contains LiveData that will be registered by View(Activity/Fragment)
- It's the main layer to handle all data business
- All interactor MUST be defined with an interface, ViewModels communicate with interactor through by the interface
- The main data source of the app that is used by the Interactor layer
- It contains a few business rules to a branch data source that should be used, from remove or local database
- All repositories MUST be defined with an interface, interactor communicate with the repository through by the interface
- It's data source layer that data is fetched from RestFul API
- It's use Retrofit to turn HTTP API into a Kotlin interface.
- It's data source layer that data is fetched from local storage (file, sqlite, ...)
- All DAOs MUST be defined with an interface, repository communicate with Dao through by the interface
- It's a cache mechanism provide by the OKHttp library
- It's support cache for offline mode and reduces network request connection
class CacheInterceptor(
private val context: Context
) : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
var request = chain.request()
if (isNetworkAvailable(context)) {
* If there is the Internet, get the cache that was stored 60 seconds ago.
* If the cache is older than 60 seconds, then discard it,
* and indicate an error in fetching the response.
* The 'max-age' attribute is responsible for this behavior.
request = request.newBuilder().header(
"public, max-age=" + 60
} else {
* If there is no Internet, get the cache that was stored 7 days ago.
* If the cache is older than 7 days, then discard it,
* and indicate an error in fetching the response.
* The 'max-stale' attribute is responsible for this behavior.
* The 'only-if-cached' attribute indicates to not retrieve new data; fetch the cache only instead.
request = request.newBuilder().header(
"public, only-if-cached, max-stale=" + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
return chain.proceed(request)
- It's use Koin as a Dependency Injection framework.
- It's include 4 modules:
- networkModule Provide instance of HTTP Client, Retrofit, Caching, Json parser
- apiModule Provide Api interface
- repositoryModule Provide Repository instance
- interactorModule Provide Interactor instance
- viewModelModule Provide ViewModel instance
- It's define all exceptions that used in the project.
class NetworkException(
throwable: Throwable
) : RuntimeException(throwable)
OkHttp: HTTP is the way modern applications network. It’s how we exchange data & media. Doing HTTP efficiently makes your stuff load faster and saves bandwidth. More detail at
Moshi: Moshi is a modern JSON library for Android and Java. It makes it easy to parse JSON into Java objects More detail at
Retrofit -
RxJava3 -
Koin: A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers. Written in pure Kotlin, using functional resolution only: no proxy, no code generation, no reflection. More detail at
Rxbinding: RxJava binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries. More detail at
Material Dialogs -
Root checker: The library for checking is a device that has been rooted or not. More detail at
MockWebServer -
Mockito -
- Programming language: Kotlin is required, Java is optional.
- Design app's architecture (suggest MVVM)
- Apply LiveData mechanism
- UI should be looks like in attachment.
- Write UnitTests
- Acceptance Tests
- Exception handling
- Caching handling
- Secure Android app from:
- Decompile APK - Configuration in Gradle build
- Rooted device - Using RootBeer library
- Data transmission via network - Using Https
- Encryption for sensitive information - Just put secret key into gradle properties file
- Accessibility for Disability Supports:
- Talkback: Use a screen reader.
- Scaling Text: Display size and font-size: To change the size of items on your screen, adjust the display size or font size.
This simple app uses Gradle to build and deploy. But keep in mind that, It's should use CI/CD for the real projects to speed up our performance.
- Setup Android SDK & Gradle
- Install Android Build Tools version 30.0.2
Build for Dev:
./ dev
Build for Production
./ prod
- Apk: SmartWeather/build/outputs/apk
- UnitTest Report: SmartWeather/build/outputs/reports/test
- SmartWeather/app/build/reports/tests/testDevDebugUnitTest/index.html
- SmartWeather/app/build/reports/tests/testProdReleaseUnitTest/index.html
- AndroidTest Report: SmartWeather/build/outputs/reports/androidTests
- SmartWeather/app/build/reports/androidTests/connected/flavors/DEV/index.html
- SmartWeather/app/build/reports/androidTests/connected/flavors/PROD/index.html
./ dev debug ./ dev release
./ prod debug ./ prod release
Default screen | Search result |
![]() |
![]() |
Input not valid | Item not found |
![]() |
![]() |
No Internet Dialog | Error Dialog |
![]() |
![]() |