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This is a simple application that allows search weather based on

Table of Contents



Code Structure

Main Libraries Used


How to Build & Deploy to devices



  • Language: Kotlin
  • IDE: Android Studio 4.0.1
  • Android version: Android 5.0 Lollipop or higher.


This project implemented MVVM architecture using Koin, RxJava, Retrofit, LiveData.


Code Structure:


  • It's the Activity/Fragment
  • It's handle all actions/inputs from user
  • It can reference to multiple ViewModel to handle business, but less is better.


  • It's handle all UI's business, such as proceed an user's action, control loading flow,...
  • It contains LiveData that will be registered by View(Activity/Fragment)


  • It's the main layer to handle all data business
  • All interactor MUST be defined with an interface, ViewModels communicate with interactor through by the interface


  • The main data source of the app that is used by the Interactor layer
  • It contains a few business rules to a branch data source that should be used, from remove or local database
  • All repositories MUST be defined with an interface, interactor communicate with the repository through by the interface

Remote datasource (Api)

  • It's data source layer that data is fetched from RestFul API
  • It's use Retrofit to turn HTTP API into a Kotlin interface.

Local datasource(DAO)

  • It's data source layer that data is fetched from local storage (file, sqlite, ...)
  • All DAOs MUST be defined with an interface, repository communicate with Dao through by the interface


  • It's a cache mechanism provide by the OKHttp library
  • It's support cache for offline mode and reduces network request connection


  class CacheInterceptor(
    private val context: Context
) : Interceptor {

    override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
        var request = chain.request()

        if (isNetworkAvailable(context)) {
            *  If there is the Internet, get the cache that was stored 60 seconds ago.
            *  If the cache is older than 60 seconds, then discard it,
            *  and indicate an error in fetching the response.
            *  The 'max-age' attribute is responsible for this behavior.
            request = request.newBuilder().header(
                "public, max-age=" + 60
        } else {
             *  If there is no Internet, get the cache that was stored 7 days ago.
             *  If the cache is older than 7 days, then discard it,
             *  and indicate an error in fetching the response.
             *  The 'max-stale' attribute is responsible for this behavior.
             *  The 'only-if-cached' attribute indicates to not retrieve new data; fetch the cache only instead.
            request = request.newBuilder().header(
                "public, only-if-cached, max-stale=" + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7

        return chain.proceed(request)

Dependency Injection

  • It's use Koin as a Dependency Injection framework.
  • It's include 4 modules:
    • networkModule Provide instance of HTTP Client, Retrofit, Caching, Json parser
    • apiModule Provide Api interface
    • repositoryModule Provide Repository instance
    • interactorModule Provide Interactor instance
    • viewModelModule Provide ViewModel instance


  • It's define all exceptions that used in the project.


class NetworkException(
    throwable: Throwable
) : RuntimeException(throwable)

Unit testing

Instrumented testing

Main Libraries Used




  • Programming language: Kotlin is required, Java is optional.
  • Design app's architecture (suggest MVVM)
  • Apply LiveData mechanism
  • UI should be looks like in attachment.
  • Write UnitTests
  • Acceptance Tests
  • Exception handling
  • Caching handling
  • Secure Android app from:
    • Decompile APK - Configuration in Gradle build
    • Rooted device - Using RootBeer library
    • Data transmission via network - Using Https
    • Encryption for sensitive information - Just put secret key into gradle properties file
  • Accessibility for Disability Supports:
    • Talkback: Use a screen reader.
    • Scaling Text: Display size and font-size: To change the size of items on your screen, adjust the display size or font size.

How to Build & Deploy to devices

This simple app uses Gradle to build and deploy. But keep in mind that, It's should use CI/CD for the real projects to speed up our performance.

  • Setup Android SDK & Gradle
  • Install Android Build Tools version 30.0.2


  • Build for Dev:

    ./ dev
  • Build for Production

    ./ prod
  • Output:

    • Apk: SmartWeather/build/outputs/apk
    • UnitTest Report: SmartWeather/build/outputs/reports/test
      • SmartWeather/app/build/reports/tests/testDevDebugUnitTest/index.html
      • SmartWeather/app/build/reports/tests/testProdReleaseUnitTest/index.html
    • AndroidTest Report: SmartWeather/build/outputs/reports/androidTests
      • SmartWeather/app/build/reports/androidTests/connected/flavors/DEV/index.html
      • SmartWeather/app/build/reports/androidTests/connected/flavors/PROD/index.html

Deploy: Install to device:

  • Dev:

    ./ dev debug
    ./ dev release
  • Production:

    ./ prod debug
    ./ prod release


Default screen Search result
Input not valid Item not found
No Internet Dialog Error Dialog