diff --git a/medusa/bci/cvep_spellers.py b/medusa/bci/cvep_spellers.py
index 74e4fdf..d7e4774 100644
--- a/medusa/bci/cvep_spellers.py
+++ b/medusa/bci/cvep_spellers.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 from medusa import meeg
 from medusa import spatial_filtering as sf
 from medusa import epoching as ep
+from medusa import classification_utils as clf_utils
 import copy, warnings
 import itertools
@@ -17,6 +18,8 @@
 import numpy as np
 from tqdm import tqdm
+from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
         'base': {
@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ class for feature extraction and command decoding functions of the module
     def __init__(self, mode, paradigm_conf, commands_info, onsets, command_idx,
                  unit_idx, level_idx, matrix_idx, cycle_idx, trial_idx,
-                 cvep_model, spell_result, fps_resolution, spell_target=None,
+                 spell_result, fps_resolution, spell_target=None,
                  raster_events=None, **kwargs):
         # Check errors
@@ -130,7 +133,6 @@ def __init__(self, mode, paradigm_conf, commands_info, onsets, command_idx,
         self.matrix_idx = matrix_idx
         self.cycle_idx = cycle_idx
         self.trial_idx = trial_idx
-        self.cvep_model = cvep_model
         self.spell_result = spell_result
         self.fps_resolution = fps_resolution
         self.spell_target = spell_target
@@ -375,7 +377,559 @@ def custom_operations_on_recordings(self, recording):
         return recording
+def decode_commands_from_events(event_scores, commands_info, event_run_idx,
+                                event_trial_idx, event_cycle_idx):
+    """Command decoder for c-VEP-based spellers based on the bitwise
+    reconstruction paradigm (BWR), i.e., models that predict the command
+    sequence stimulus by stimulus.
+    ToDo: allow multi-matrix paradigms with different number of levels. See
+        module erp_based_spellers for reference.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    event_scores : list or np.ndarray
+        Array with the score for each stimulation
+    commands_info : list or np.ndarray
+        Array containing the unified speller matrix structure with shape
+        [n_runs x n_matrices x n_units x n_groups x n_batches x
+        n_commands/batch]. All ERP-based speller paradigms can be adapted to
+        this format and use this function for command decoding. See
+        ERPSpellerData class for more info.
+    event_run_idx : list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]
+        Index of the run for each stimulation. This variable is automatically
+        retrieved by function extract_erp_features_from_dataset as part of
+        the track info dict. The run indexes must be related to
+        paradigm_conf, keeping the same order. Therefore,
+        paradigm_conf[np.unique(run_idx)[0]] must retrieve the paradigm
+        configuration of run 0.
+    event_trial_idx : list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]
+        Index of the trial for each stimulation. A trial represents
+        the selection of a final command. Depending on the number of levels,
+        the final selection takes N intermediate selections.
+    event_cycle_idx : list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]
+        Index of the sequence for each stimulation. A sequence
+        represents a round of stimulation: all commands have been
+        highlighted 1 time. This class support dynamic stopping in
+        different levels.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    selected_commands: list
+        Selected command for each trial considering all sequences of
+        stimulation. Each command is organized in an array [matrix_idx,
+        command_id]. Take into account that the command ids are unique for each
+        matrix, and therefore only the command of the last level should be
+        useful to take action. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x 2]
+    selected_commands_per_cycle: list
+        Selected command for each trial and sequence of stimulation. The
+        fourth dimension of the array contains [matrix_idx, command_id]. To
+        calculate the command for each sequence, it takes into account the
+        scores of all the previous sequences as well. Shape [n_runs x
+        n_trials x n_levels x n_cycles x 2]
+    cmd_scores_per_cycle:
+        Scores for each command per cycle. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x
+        n_levels x n_cycles x n_commands x 1]. The score of each cycle
+        is calculated using all the previous cycles as well.
+    """
+    # Decode commands
+    selected_commands = list()
+    selected_commands_per_cycle = list()
+    scores = list()
+    for r, run in enumerate(np.unique(event_run_idx)):
+        # Get run data
+        run_event_scores = event_scores[event_run_idx == run]
+        run_event_cycle_idx = event_cycle_idx[event_run_idx == run]
+        run_event_trial_idx = event_trial_idx[event_run_idx == run]
+        # Initialize
+        run_selected_commands = list()
+        run_selected_commands_per_cycle = list()
+        run_cmd_scores = list()
+        # Iterate trials
+        for t, trial in enumerate(np.unique(run_event_trial_idx)):
+            # Get trial data
+            trial_event_scores = run_event_scores[
+                run_event_trial_idx == trial]
+            trial_event_cycle_idx = run_event_cycle_idx[
+                run_event_trial_idx == trial]
+            # Initialize
+            trial_cmd_scores_per_cycle = list()
+            trial_selected_commands_per_cycle = list()
+            # Iterate cycles
+            for c, cycle in enumerate(np.unique(trial_event_cycle_idx)):
+                cycle_event_scores = trial_event_scores[
+                    trial_event_cycle_idx <= cycle]
+                # Get target sequences
+                cmd_ids = list()
+                cmd_seqs = list()
+                for cmd_id, cmd_info in commands_info[r][0].items():
+                    cmd_ids.append(cmd_id)
+                    cmd_seqs.append(cmd_info['sequence'] * (c+1))
+                # Calculate correlations to all commands
+                corr_scores = np.abs(
+                    np.corrcoef(cycle_event_scores, cmd_seqs)[0, 1:])
+                # Save trial data
+                cmd_id = cmd_ids[np.argmax(corr_scores)]
+                trial_cmd_scores_per_cycle.append(corr_scores)
+                trial_selected_commands_per_cycle.append([0, cmd_id])
+            # Save run data
+            # ToDo: add another loop for levels
+            run_selected_commands.append(
+                [trial_selected_commands_per_cycle[-1]])
+            run_selected_commands_per_cycle.append(
+                [trial_selected_commands_per_cycle])
+            run_cmd_scores.append(
+                [trial_cmd_scores_per_cycle])
+        # Save run data
+        selected_commands.append(run_selected_commands)
+        selected_commands_per_cycle.append(run_selected_commands_per_cycle)
+        scores.append(run_cmd_scores)
+    return selected_commands, selected_commands_per_cycle, scores
+def command_decoding_accuracy_per_cycle(selected_commands_per_cycle,
+                                        target_commands):
+    """
+    Computes the accuracy of the selected sequence of targets given the
+    target
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    selected_commands_per_cycle: list
+        List with the spell result per sequence as given by function
+        decode_commands. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x n_cycles x 2]
+    target_commands: list
+        Target commands. Each position contains the matrix index and command
+        id per level that identifies the target command of the trial. Shape
+        [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x 2]
+    Returns
+    -------
+    acc_per_cycle : float
+        Accuracy of the command decoding stage for each number of cycles
+        considered in the analysis. Shape [n_sequences]
+    """
+    # Check errors
+    selected_commands_per_cycle = list(selected_commands_per_cycle)
+    target_commands = list(target_commands)
+    if len(selected_commands_per_cycle) != len(target_commands):
+        raise ValueError('Parameters selected_commands_per_seq and spell_target'
+                         'must have the same length.')
+    # Compute accuracy per sequence
+    bool_result_per_seq = []
+    n_seqs = []
+    for r in range(len(selected_commands_per_cycle)):
+        r_sel_cmd_per_seq = selected_commands_per_cycle[r]
+        r_spell_target = target_commands[r]
+        for t in range(len(r_sel_cmd_per_seq)):
+            t_sel_cmd_per_seq = r_sel_cmd_per_seq[t]
+            t_spell_target = r_spell_target[t]
+            t_bool_result_per_seq = []
+            t_n_seqs = []
+            for t in range(len(t_sel_cmd_per_seq)):
+                l_sel_cmd_per_seq = t_sel_cmd_per_seq[t]
+                l_spell_target = t_spell_target[t]
+                t_bool_result_per_seq.append(list())
+                t_n_seqs.append(len(l_sel_cmd_per_seq))
+                for s in range(len(l_sel_cmd_per_seq)):
+                    s_sel_cmd_per_seq = l_sel_cmd_per_seq[s]
+                    t_bool_result_per_seq[t].append(l_spell_target ==
+                                                    s_sel_cmd_per_seq)
+            # Calculate the trial result per seq (all levels must be correct)
+            t_n_levels = len(t_sel_cmd_per_seq)
+            t_max_n_seqs = np.max(t_n_seqs)
+            t_acc_per_seq = np.empty((t_max_n_seqs, t_n_levels))
+            t_acc_per_seq[:] = np.nan
+            for t in range(t_n_levels):
+                t_acc_per_seq[:t_n_seqs[t], t] = t_bool_result_per_seq[t]
+            bool_result_per_seq.append(np.all(t_acc_per_seq, axis=1))
+            n_seqs.append(t_max_n_seqs)
+    # Calculate the accuracy per number of sequences considered in the analysis
+    max_n_seqs = np.max(n_seqs)
+    n_trials = len(bool_result_per_seq)
+    acc_per_seq = np.empty((max_n_seqs, n_trials))
+    acc_per_seq[:] = np.nan
+    for t in range(n_trials):
+        acc_per_seq[:n_seqs[t], t] = bool_result_per_seq[t]
+    return np.nanmean(acc_per_seq, axis=1)
 # ---------------------------------- MODELS ---------------------------------- #
+class CVEPSpellerModel(components.Algorithm):
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Class constructor
+        """
+        super().__init__(fit_dataset=['spell_target',
+                                      'spell_result_per_cycles',
+                                      'spell_acc_per_cycles'],
+                         predict=['spell_result',
+                                  'spell_result_per_cycles'])
+        # Settings
+        self.settings = None
+        self.channel_set = None
+        self.configure()
+        # Configuration
+        self.is_configured = False
+        self.is_built = False
+        self.is_fit = False
+    @abstractmethod
+    def configure(self, **kwargs):
+        """This function must be used to configure the model before calling
+        build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
+        """
+        # Update state
+        self.is_configured = True
+        self.is_built = False
+        self.is_fit = False
+    @abstractmethod
+    def build(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods
+        to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
+        """
+        # Check errors
+        if not self.is_configured:
+            raise ValueError('Function configure must be called first!')
+        # Update state
+        self.is_built = True
+        self.is_fit = False
+    @abstractmethod
+    def fit_dataset(self, dataset, **kwargs):
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def predict_dataset(self, dataset, **kwargs):
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def predict(self, times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs):
+        pass
+class CMDModelBWRLDA(CVEPSpellerModel):
+    """Class that uses the bitwise reconstruction (BWR) paradigm with an LDA
+    classifier"""
+    def __int__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+    def configure(self, bpf=(7, (1.0, 60.0)), notch=(7, (49.0, 51.0)),
+                  w_epoch_t=(0, 500), target_fs=None):
+        self.settings = {
+            'bpf': bpf,
+            'notch': notch,
+            'w_epoch_t': w_epoch_t,
+            'target_fs': target_fs
+        }
+        # Update state
+        self.is_configured = True
+        self.is_built = False
+        self.is_fit = False
+    def build(self):
+        # Preprocessing
+        bpf = self.settings['bpf']
+        notch = self.settings['notch']
+        if notch is not None:
+            self.add_method('prep_method', StandardPreprocessing(
+                bpf_order=bpf[0], bpf_cutoff=bpf[1],
+                notch_order=notch[0], notch_cutoff=notch[1]))
+        else:
+            self.add_method('prep_method', StandardPreprocessing(
+                bpf_order=bpf[0], bpf_cutoff=bpf[1],
+                notch_order=None, notch_cutoff=None))
+        # Feature extraction
+        self.add_method('ext_method', BWRFeatureExtraction(
+            w_epoch_t=self.settings['w_epoch_t'],
+            target_fs=self.settings['target_fs'],
+            w_baseline_t=(-250, 0), norm='z',
+            concatenate_channels=True, safe_copy=True))
+        # Feature classification
+        clf = components.ProcessingClassWrapper(
+            LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='eigen', shrinkage='auto'),
+            fit=[], predict_proba=['y_pred']
+        )
+        self.add_method('clf_method', clf)
+        # Update state
+        self.is_built = True
+        self.is_fit = False
+    def check_predict_feasibility_signal(self, times, cycle_onsets, fps,
+                                         code_len, fs):
+        return self.get_inst('ext_method').check_predict_feasibility_signal(
+            times, cycle_onsets, fps, code_len, fs)
+    def fit_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=False):
+        # Check errors
+        if not self.is_built:
+            raise ValueError('The model must be built first!')
+        # Preprocessing
+        dataset = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_dataset(
+            dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar)
+        # Extract features
+        x, x_info = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_dataset(
+            dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar)
+        # Classification
+        self.get_inst('clf_method').fit(x, x_info['event_cvep_labels'])
+        # Save info
+        self.channel_set = dataset.channel_set
+        # Update state
+        self.is_fit = True
+    def predict_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=False):
+        # Check errors
+        if not self.is_fit:
+            raise ValueError('The model must be fitted first!')
+        # Preprocessing
+        dataset = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_dataset(
+            dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar)
+        # Extract features
+        x, x_info = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_dataset(
+            dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar)
+        # Predict
+        y_pred = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba(x)[:, 1]
+        # Command decoding
+        sel_cmd, sel_cmd_per_cycle, scores = decode_commands_from_events(
+                event_scores=y_pred,
+                commands_info=x_info['commands_info'],
+                event_run_idx=x_info['event_run_idx'],
+                event_trial_idx=x_info['event_trial_idx'],
+                event_cycle_idx=x_info['event_cycle_idx']
+            )
+        # Spell accuracy
+        cmd_assessment = None
+        if dataset.experiment_mode == 'train':
+            # Spell accuracy per seq
+            spell_acc_per_cycle = command_decoding_accuracy_per_cycle(
+                sel_cmd_per_cycle,
+                x_info['spell_target']
+            )
+            cmd_assessment = {
+                'x': x,
+                'x_info': x_info,
+                'y_pred': y_pred,
+                'spell_result': sel_cmd,
+                'spell_result_per_cycle': sel_cmd_per_cycle,
+                'spell_acc_per_cycle': spell_acc_per_cycle
+            }
+        return sel_cmd, cmd_assessment
+    def predict(self, times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs):
+        # Check errors
+        if not self.is_fit:
+            raise ValueError('The model must be fitted first!')
+        # Check channel set
+        if self.channel_set != channel_set:
+            warnings.warn(
+                'The channel set is not the same that was used to fit the '
+                'model. Be careful!')
+        # Pre-processing
+        signal = self.get_inst('prep_method').transform_signal(signal=signal)
+        # Extract features
+        x = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_signal(
+            times, signal, fs, x_info['cycle_onsets'],
+            x_info['fps'], x_info['code_len'])
+        # Predict
+        y_pred = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba(x)[:, 1]
+        # Get run_idx, trial_idx and cycle_idx per stimulation event
+        event_run_idx = np.repeat(x_info['run_idx'], x_info['code_len'])
+        event_trial_idx = np.repeat(x_info['trial_idx'], x_info['code_len'])
+        event_cycle_idx = np.repeat(x_info['cycle_idx'], x_info['code_len'])
+        # Command decoding
+        sel_cmd, sel_cmd_per_cycle, scores = decode_commands_from_events(
+            event_scores=y_pred,
+            commands_info=x_info['commands_info'],
+            event_run_idx=event_run_idx,
+            event_trial_idx=event_trial_idx,
+            event_cycle_idx=event_cycle_idx
+        )
+        return sel_cmd, sel_cmd_per_cycle, scores
+class CMDModelBWREEGInception(CVEPSpellerModel):
+    """Class that uses the bitwise reconstruction (BWR) paradigm with an
+    EEG-Inception model """
+    def __int__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+    def configure(self, bpf=(7, (1.0, 60.0)), notch=(7, (49.0, 51.0)),
+                  w_epoch_t=(0, 500), target_fs=200, n_cha=16,
+                  filters_per_branch=12, scales_time=(250, 125, 62.5),
+                  dropout_rate=0.15, activation='elu', n_classes=2,
+                  learning_rate=0.001, batch_size=256,
+                  max_training_epochs=500, validation_split=0.1,
+                  shuffle_before_fit=True):
+        self.settings = {
+            'bpf': bpf,
+            'notch': notch,
+            'w_epoch_t': w_epoch_t,
+            'target_fs': target_fs,
+            'n_cha': n_cha,
+            'filters_per_branch': filters_per_branch,
+            'scales_time': scales_time,
+            'dropout_rate': dropout_rate,
+            'activation': activation,
+            'n_classes': n_classes,
+            'learning_rate': learning_rate,
+            'batch_size': batch_size,
+            'max_training_epochs': max_training_epochs,
+            'validation_split': validation_split,
+            'shuffle_before_fit': shuffle_before_fit
+        }
+        # Update state
+        self.is_configured = True
+        self.is_built = False
+        self.is_fit = False
+    def build(self):
+        # Preprocessing
+        bpf = self.settings['bpf']
+        notch = self.settings['notch']
+        if notch is not None:
+            self.add_method('prep_method', StandardPreprocessing(
+                bpf_order=bpf[0], bpf_cutoff=bpf[1],
+                notch_order=notch[0], notch_cutoff=notch[1]))
+        else:
+            self.add_method('prep_method', StandardPreprocessing(
+                bpf_order=bpf[0], bpf_cutoff=bpf[1],
+                notch_order=None, notch_cutoff=None))
+        # Feature extraction
+        self.add_method('ext_method', BWRFeatureExtraction(
+            w_epoch_t=self.settings['w_epoch_t'],
+            target_fs=self.settings['target_fs'],
+            w_baseline_t=(-250, 0), norm='z',
+            concatenate_channels=False, safe_copy=True))
+        # Feature classification
+        from medusa.deep_learning_models import EEGInceptionv1
+        input_time = \
+            self.settings['w_epoch_t'][1] - self.settings['w_epoch_t'][0]
+        clf = EEGInceptionv1(
+            input_time=input_time,
+            fs=self.settings['target_fs'],
+            n_cha=self.settings['n_cha'],
+            filters_per_branch=self.settings['filters_per_branch'],
+            scales_time=self.settings['scales_time'],
+            dropout_rate=self.settings['dropout_rate'],
+            activation=self.settings['activation'],
+            n_classes=self.settings['n_classes'],
+            learning_rate=self.settings['learning_rate'])
+        self.add_method('clf_method', clf)
+        # Update state
+        self.is_built = True
+        self.is_fit = False
+    def check_predict_feasibility_signal(self, times, cycle_onsets, fps,
+                                         code_len, fs):
+        return self.get_inst('ext_method').check_predict_feasibility_signal(
+            times, cycle_onsets, fps, code_len, fs)
+    def fit_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=False):
+        # Check errors
+        if not self.is_built:
+            raise ValueError('The model must be built first!')
+        # Preprocessing
+        dataset = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_dataset(
+            dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar)
+        # Extract features
+        x, x_info = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_dataset(
+            dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar)
+        # Classification
+        self.get_inst('clf_method').fit(
+            x, x_info['event_cvep_labels'],
+            shuffle_before_fit=self.settings['shuffle_before_fit'],
+            epochs=self.settings['max_training_epochs'],
+            validation_split=self.settings['validation_split'],
+            batch_size=self.settings['batch_size'])
+        # Save info
+        self.channel_set = dataset.channel_set
+        # Update state
+        self.is_fit = True
+    def predict_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=False):
+        # Check errors
+        if not self.is_fit:
+            raise ValueError('The model must be fitted first!')
+        # Preprocessing
+        dataset = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_dataset(
+            dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar)
+        # Extract features
+        x, x_info = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_dataset(
+            dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar)
+        # Predict
+        y_pred = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba(x)
+        y_pred = clf_utils.categorical_labels(y_pred)
+        # Command decoding
+        sel_cmd, sel_cmd_per_cycle, scores = decode_commands_from_events(
+                event_scores=y_pred,
+                commands_info=x_info['commands_info'],
+                event_run_idx=x_info['event_run_idx'],
+                event_trial_idx=x_info['event_trial_idx'],
+                event_cycle_idx=x_info['event_cycle_idx']
+            )
+        # Spell accuracy
+        cmd_assessment = None
+        if dataset.experiment_mode == 'train':
+            # Spell accuracy per seq
+            spell_acc_per_cycle = command_decoding_accuracy_per_cycle(
+                sel_cmd_per_cycle,
+                x_info['spell_target']
+            )
+            cmd_assessment = {
+                'x': x,
+                'x_info': x_info,
+                'y_pred': y_pred,
+                'spell_result': sel_cmd,
+                'spell_result_per_cycle': sel_cmd_per_cycle,
+                'spell_acc_per_cycle': spell_acc_per_cycle
+            }
+        return sel_cmd, cmd_assessment
+    def predict(self, times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs):
+        # Check errors
+        if not self.is_fit:
+            raise ValueError('The model must be fitted first!')
+        # Check channel set
+        if self.channel_set != channel_set:
+            warnings.warn(
+                'The channel set is not the same that was used to fit the '
+                'model. Be careful!')
+        # Pre-processing
+        signal = self.get_inst('prep_method').transform_signal(signal=signal)
+        # Extract features
+        x = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_signal(
+            times, signal, fs, x_info['cycle_onsets'],
+            x_info['fps'], x_info['code_len'])
+        # Predict
+        y_pred = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba(x)
+        y_pred = clf_utils.categorical_labels(y_pred)
+        # Get run_idx, trial_idx and cycle_idx per stimulation event
+        event_run_idx = np.repeat(x_info['run_idx'], x_info['code_len'])
+        event_trial_idx = np.repeat(x_info['trial_idx'], x_info['code_len'])
+        event_cycle_idx = np.repeat(x_info['cycle_idx'], x_info['code_len'])
+        # Command decoding
+        sel_cmd, sel_cmd_per_cycle, scores = decode_commands_from_events(
+            event_scores=y_pred,
+            commands_info=x_info['commands_info'],
+            event_run_idx=event_run_idx,
+            event_trial_idx=event_trial_idx,
+            event_cycle_idx=event_cycle_idx
+        )
+        return sel_cmd, sel_cmd_per_cycle, scores
 class CVEPModelCircularShifting(components.Algorithm):
     def __init__(self, bpf=[[7, (1.0, 30.0)]], notch=[7, (49.0, 51.0)],
@@ -388,22 +942,27 @@ def __init__(self, bpf=[[7, (1.0, 30.0)]], notch=[7, (49.0, 51.0)],
                 self.add_method('prep_method', StandardPreprocessing(
                     bpf_order=bpf[0][0], bpf_cutoff=bpf[0][1],
                     notch_order=notch[0], notch_cutoff=notch[1]))
+                max_order = max(bpf[0][0], notch[0])
                 self.add_method('prep_method', StandardPreprocessing(
                     bpf_order=bpf[0][0], bpf_cutoff=bpf[0][1],
                     notch_order=None, notch_cutoff=None))
+                max_order = bpf[0][0]
             filter_bank = []
+            max_order = 0
             for i in range(len(bpf)):
                     'order': bpf[i][0],
                     'cutoff': bpf[i][1],
                     'btype': 'bandpass'
+                max_order = bpf[i][0] if bpf[i][0] > max_order else max_order
             if notch is not None:
                 self.add_method('prep_method', FilterBankPreprocessing(
                     filter_bank=filter_bank, notch_order=notch[0],
+                max_order = max(max_order, notch[0])
                 self.add_method('prep_method', FilterBankPreprocessing(
                     filter_bank=filter_bank, notch_order=None,
@@ -412,7 +971,8 @@ def __init__(self, bpf=[[7, (1.0, 30.0)]], notch=[7, (49.0, 51.0)],
         # Feature extraction and classification (circular shifting)
         self.add_method('clf_method', CircularShiftingClassifier(
-            correct_raster_latencies=correct_raster_latencies
+            correct_raster_latencies=correct_raster_latencies,
+            extra_epoch_samples=3*max_order
         # Early stopping
@@ -425,7 +985,7 @@ def check_predict_feasibility_signal(self, times, onsets, fs):
         return self.get_inst('clf_method')._is_predict_feasible_signal(
             times, onsets, fs)
-    def fit_dataset(self, dataset, **kwargs):
+    def fit_dataset(self, dataset, roll_targets=False, **kwargs):
         # Safe copy
         data = copy.deepcopy(dataset)
@@ -438,8 +998,8 @@ def fit_dataset(self, dataset, **kwargs):
         # Feature extraction and classification
         fitted_info = self.get_inst('clf_method').fit_dataset(
-            std_epoch_rejection=None,
-            show_progress_bar=True
+            show_progress_bar=True,
+            roll_targets=roll_targets
         return fitted_info
@@ -646,6 +1206,276 @@ def transform_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset,
         return dataset
+class BWRFeatureExtraction(components.ProcessingMethod):
+    """Feature extraction method designed to extract event-wise epochs from
+    c-VEP stimulation paradigms to perform bitwise reconstruction (BWR)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, w_epoch_t=(0, 500), target_fs=20,
+                 w_baseline_t=(-250, 0), norm='z',
+                 concatenate_channels=True, safe_copy=True):
+        """Class constructor
+        w_epoch_t : list
+            Temporal window in ms for each epoch relative to the event onset
+            (e.g., [0, 1000])
+        target_fs : float of None
+            Target sample rate of each epoch. If None, all the recordings must
+            have the same sample rate, so it is strongly recommended to set this
+            parameter to a suitable value to avoid problems and save time
+        w_baseline_t : list
+            Temporal window in ms to be used for baseline normalization for each
+            epoch relative to the event onset (e.g., [-250, 0])
+        norm : str {'z'|'dc'}
+            Type of baseline normalization. Set to 'z' for Z-score normalization
+            or 'dc' for DC normalization
+        concatenate_channels : bool
+            This parameter controls the shape of the feature array. If True, all
+            channels will be concatenated, returning an array of shape [n_events
+            x (samples x channels)]. If false, the array will have shape
+            [n_events x samples x channels]
+        safe_copy : bool
+            Makes a safe copy of the signal to avoid changing the original
+            samples due to references
+        """
+        super().__init__(transform_signal=['x'],
+                         transform_dataset=['x', 'x_info'])
+        self.w_epoch_t = w_epoch_t
+        self.target_fs = target_fs
+        self.w_baseline_t = w_baseline_t
+        self.norm = norm
+        self.concatenate_channels = concatenate_channels
+        self.safe_copy = safe_copy
+    @staticmethod
+    def generate_bit_wise_onsets(cycle_onsets, frames_per_second, code_len):
+        # Generate bit-wise onsets
+        onsets = []
+        for o in cycle_onsets:
+            onsets += np.linspace(
+                o, o + (code_len - 1) / frames_per_second, code_len).astype(
+                float).tolist()
+        return onsets
+    def check_predict_feasibility_signal(self, times, cycle_onsets, fps,
+                                         code_len, fs):
+        # Generate bit-wise onsets, because, for BWR methods, we need w_epoch_t
+        # ms after the last stimulus of the sequence
+        bit_wise_onsets = self.generate_bit_wise_onsets(
+            cycle_onsets, fps, code_len)
+        check = ep.check_epochs_feasibility(
+            times, bit_wise_onsets, fs, self.w_epoch_t)
+        return True if check == 'ok' else False
+    def transform_signal(self, times, signal, fs, cycle_onsets, fps, code_len):
+        """Function to extract VEP features from raw signal. It returns a 3D
+        feature array with shape [n_events x n_samples x n_channels]. This
+        function does not track any other attributes. Use for online processing
+        and custom higher level functions.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        times : list or numpy.ndarray
+                1D numpy array [n_samples]. Timestamps of each sample. If they
+                are not available, generate them artificially. Nevertheless,
+                all signals and events must have the same temporal origin
+        signal : list or numpy.ndarray
+            2D numpy array [n_samples x n_channels]. EEG samples (the units
+            should be defined using kwargs)
+        fs : int or float
+            Sample rate of the recording.
+        cycle_onsets : list or numpy.ndarray [n_cycles x 1]
+            Timestamps indicating the start of each stimulation cycle
+        fps: int
+            Frames per second of the screen that presents the stimulation
+        code_len: int
+            Length of the c-VEP codes
+        Returns
+        -------
+        features : np.ndarray [n_events x n_samples x n_channels]
+            Feature array with the epochs of signal
+        """
+        # Avoid changes in the original signal (this may not be necessary)
+        if self.safe_copy:
+            signal = signal.copy()
+        # Get event-wise onsets
+        onsets = self.generate_bit_wise_onsets(cycle_onsets, fps, code_len)
+        # Extract features
+        features = mds.get_epochs_of_events(timestamps=times, signal=signal,
+                                            onsets=onsets, fs=fs,
+                                            w_epoch_t=self.w_epoch_t,
+                                            w_baseline_t=self.w_baseline_t,
+                                            norm=self.norm)
+        # Resample each epoch to the target frequency
+        if self.target_fs is not None:
+            if self.target_fs > fs:
+                raise warnings.warn('Target fs is greater than data fs')
+            features = mds.resample_epochs(features,
+                                           self.w_epoch_t,
+                                           self.target_fs)
+        # Reshape epochs and concatenate the channels
+        if self.concatenate_channels:
+            features = np.squeeze(features.reshape((features.shape[0],
+                                                    features.shape[1] *
+                                                    features.shape[2], 1)))
+        return features
+    def transform_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=True):
+        """High level function to easily extract features from EEG recordings
+        and save useful info for later processing. Nevertheless, the provided
+        functionality has several limitations, and it will not be suitable for
+        all cases and processing pipelines. If it does not fit your needs,
+        create a custom function iterating the recordings and using
+        extract_erp_features, a much more low-level and general function. This
+        function does not apply any preprocessing to the signals, this must
+        be done before.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        dataset: ERPSpellerDataset
+            List of data_structures.Recordings or data_structures.Dataset. If this
+            parameter is a list of recordings, the consistency of the dataset will
+            be checked. Otherwise, if the parameter is a dataset, this function
+            assumes that the consistency is already checked
+        show_progress_bar: bool
+            Show progress bar
+        Returns
+        -------
+        features : numpy.ndarray
+            Array with the biosignal samples arranged in epochs
+        track_info : dict
+            Dictionary with tracked information across all recordings
+        """
+        # Avoid changes in the original recordings (this may not be necessary)
+        if self.safe_copy:
+            dataset = copy.deepcopy(dataset)
+        # Avoid consistency problems
+        if dataset.fs is None and self.target_fs is None:
+            raise ValueError('The consistency of the features is not assured '
+                             'since dataset.fs and target_fs are both None. '
+                             'Specify one of these parameters')
+        # Additional track attributes
+        track_attributes = dataset.track_attributes
+        track_attributes['run_idx'] = {
+            'track_mode': 'concatenate',
+            'parent': dataset.experiment_att_key
+        }
+        track_attributes['event_run_idx'] = {
+            'track_mode': 'concatenate',
+            'parent': dataset.experiment_att_key
+        }
+        track_attributes['event_trial_idx'] = {
+            'track_mode': 'concatenate',
+            'parent': dataset.experiment_att_key
+        }
+        track_attributes['event_cycle_idx'] = {
+            'track_mode': 'concatenate',
+            'parent': dataset.experiment_att_key
+        }
+        if dataset.experiment_mode == 'train':
+            track_attributes['event_cvep_labels'] = {
+                'track_mode': 'concatenate',
+                'parent': dataset.experiment_att_key
+            }
+        # Initialization
+        features = None
+        track_info = dict()
+        for key, value in track_attributes.items():
+            if value['track_mode'] == 'append':
+                track_info[key] = list()
+            elif value['track_mode'] == 'concatenate':
+                track_info[key] = None
+            else:
+                raise ValueError('Unknown track mode')
+        # Init progress bar
+        pbar = None
+        if show_progress_bar:
+            pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataset.recordings),
+                        desc='Extracting features')
+        # Compute features
+        run_counter = 0
+        trial_counter = 0
+        for rec in dataset.recordings:
+            # Extract recording experiment and biosignal
+            rec_exp = getattr(rec, dataset.experiment_att_key)
+            rec_sig = getattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key)
+            # Get features
+            rec_feat = self.transform_signal(
+                times=rec_sig.times,
+                signal=rec_sig.signal,
+                fs=rec_sig.fs,
+                cycle_onsets=rec_exp.onsets,
+                fps=rec_exp.fps_resolution,
+                code_len=len(rec_exp.commands_info[0]['0']['sequence'])
+            )
+            features = np.concatenate((features, rec_feat), axis=0) \
+                if features is not None else rec_feat
+            # Special attributes that need tracking across runs to assure the
+            # consistency of the dataset
+            rec_exp.run_idx = run_counter * np.ones_like(rec_exp.trial_idx)
+            rec_exp.trial_idx = trial_counter + np.array(rec_exp.trial_idx)
+            # Event tracking attributes
+            seq_len = len(list(rec_exp.commands_info[0].values())[0][
+                              'sequence'])
+            rec_exp.event_run_idx = np.repeat(rec_exp.run_idx, seq_len)
+            rec_exp.event_trial_idx = np.repeat(rec_exp.trial_idx, seq_len)
+            rec_exp.event_cycle_idx = np.repeat(rec_exp.cycle_idx, seq_len)
+            # Get labels of the individual events as required in BWR method
+            if dataset.experiment_mode == 'train':
+                rec_exp.event_cvep_labels = np.array([])
+                for i, t in enumerate(np.unique(rec_exp.trial_idx)):
+                    # ToDo: add another loop for levels
+                    target = rec_exp.spell_target[i][0]
+                    cmd_mtx = target[0]
+                    cmd_id = target[1]
+                    cmd_seq = rec_exp.commands_info[cmd_mtx][cmd_id]['sequence']
+                    n_cycles = np.array(rec_exp.cycle_idx)[
+                        rec_exp.trial_idx == t][-1] + 1
+                    rec_exp.event_cvep_labels = np.concatenate(
+                        (rec_exp.event_cvep_labels, cmd_seq * int(n_cycles)),
+                        axis=0)
+            # Update counters of special attributes
+            run_counter += 1
+            trial_counter += np.unique(rec_exp.trial_idx).shape[0]
+            # Track experiment info
+            for key, value in track_attributes.items():
+                if value['parent'] is None:
+                    parent = rec
+                else:
+                    parent = rec
+                    for p in value['parent'].split('.'):
+                        parent = getattr(parent, p)
+                att = getattr(parent, key)
+                if value['track_mode'] == 'append':
+                    track_info[key].append(att)
+                elif value['track_mode'] == 'concatenate':
+                    track_info[key] = np.concatenate(
+                        (track_info[key], att), axis=0
+                    ) if track_info[key] is not None else att
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError('Unknown track mode')
+            if show_progress_bar:
+                pbar.update(1)
+        if show_progress_bar:
+            pbar.close()
+        return features, track_info
 class FilterBankPreprocessing(components.ProcessingMethod):
     """Just the common preprocessing applied in c-VEP-based spellers. Simple,
     quick and effective: frequency IIR band-pass and notch filters
@@ -799,7 +1629,8 @@ class CircularShiftingClassifier(components.ProcessingMethod):
     Basically, it computes a template for each sequence.
-    def __init__(self, correct_raster_latencies=False, art_rej=None, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self, correct_raster_latencies=False, art_rej=None,
+                 extra_epoch_samples=21, **kwargs):
         """ Class constructor """
@@ -807,6 +1638,7 @@ def __init__(self, correct_raster_latencies=False, art_rej=None, **kwargs):
         self.art_rej = art_rej
         self.correct_raster_latencies = correct_raster_latencies
+        self.extra_epoch_samples = extra_epoch_samples
     def _assert_consistency(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset):
         # TODO: this function is not necessary. Use CVEPSpellerDataset
@@ -876,8 +1708,8 @@ def _assert_consistency(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset):
         return fs, fps_resolution, len_seq, unique_seqs_by_run, is_filter_bank
-    def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0,
-                    show_progress_bar=True):
+    def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset,
+                    roll_targets=False, show_progress_bar=True):
         # Error checking
         fs, fps_resolution, len_seq, unique_seqs_by_run, is_filter_bank = \
@@ -905,6 +1737,15 @@ def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0,
             # Get unique sequences for this run
             unique_seqs = unique_seqs_by_run[rec_idx]
+            if roll_targets:
+                new_unique_seqs = dict()
+                for key, value in unique_seqs.items():
+                    c_ = rec_exp.command_idx[value[0]]
+                    c_lag_ = rec_exp.commands_info[0][str(int(c_))]['lag']
+                    c_seq_ = rec_exp.commands_info[0][str(int(c_))]['sequence']
+                    new_key = np.roll(c_seq_, c_lag_)
+                    new_unique_seqs[tuple(new_key)] = value
+                unique_seqs = new_unique_seqs
             # For each filter bank
             for filter_idx, signal in enumerate(rec_sig.signal):
@@ -917,6 +1758,16 @@ def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0,
                                                   w_epoch_t=[0, len_epoch_ms],
+                # Roll targets if training was not made with the 0 lag command
+                if roll_targets:
+                    for idx_, c_ in enumerate(rec_exp.command_idx):
+                        # TODO: nested matrices
+                        c_lag_ = rec_exp.commands_info[0][str(int(c_))]['lag']
+                        lag_samples = int(np.round(c_lag_ / fps_resolution * fs))
+                        # Revert the lag in the epoch
+                        epochs[idx_, :, :] = np.roll(
+                            epochs[idx_, :, :], lag_samples, axis=0)
                 # Organize epochs by sequence
                 for seq_, ep_idxs_ in unique_seqs.items():
@@ -939,9 +1790,9 @@ def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0,
             if show_progress_bar:
+        # Precompute nearest channels for online artifact rejection
         sorted_dist_ch = None
-        if std_epoch_rejection is not None:
-            # Precompute nearest channels for online artifact rejection
+        if self.art_rej is not None:
             sorted_dist_ch = rec_sig.channel_set.sort_nearest_channels()
         # New bar
@@ -960,7 +1811,7 @@ def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0,
             for filter_idx in range(len(epochs_by_seq[seq_])):
                 # Offline artifact rejection
-                if std_epoch_rejection is not None:
+                if self.art_rej is not None:
                     epochs_std = np.std(epochs_by_seq[seq_][filter_idx],
                                         axis=1)  # STD per samples
                     ch_std = np.std(epochs_std, axis=0)  # Variation of epochs
@@ -970,11 +1821,11 @@ def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0,
                         epoch_to_keep[:, i] = (
                                 (epochs_std[:, i] < (
                                             np.median(epochs_std[:, i]) +
-                                            std_epoch_rejection * ch_std[
+                                            self.art_rej * ch_std[
                                                 i])) &
                                 (epochs_std[:, i] > (
                                             np.median(epochs_std[:, i]) -
-                                            std_epoch_rejection * ch_std[
+                                            self.art_rej * ch_std[
                     # Keep only epochs that are suitable for all channels
@@ -1033,7 +1884,7 @@ def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0,
                        'fps_resolution': fps_resolution,
                        'len_epoch_ms': len_epoch_ms,
                        'len_epoch_sam': len_epoch_sam,
-                       'std_epoch_rejection': std_epoch_rejection,
+                       'std_epoch_rejection': self.art_rej,
                        'no_discarded_epochs': discarded_epochs,
                        'no_total_epochs': total_epochs,
                        'sorted_dist_ch': sorted_dist_ch
@@ -1044,7 +1895,8 @@ def fit_dataset(self, dataset: CVEPSpellerDataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0,
         return self.fitted
     def _is_predict_feasible(self, dataset):
-        l_ms = self.fitted['len_epoch_ms']
+        l_ms = self.fitted['len_epoch_ms'] + \
+               np.ceil(self.extra_epoch_samples/dataset.fs)
         for rec in dataset.recordings:
             rec_sig = getattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key)
             rec_exp = getattr(rec, dataset.experiment_att_key)
@@ -1057,7 +1909,8 @@ def _is_predict_feasible(self, dataset):
         return True
     def _is_predict_feasible_signal(self, times, onsets, fs):
-        l_ms = self.fitted['len_epoch_ms']
+        l_ms = self.fitted['len_epoch_ms'] + \
+               np.ceil(self.extra_epoch_samples/fs)
         feasible = ep.check_epochs_feasibility(timestamps=times,
@@ -1118,7 +1971,9 @@ def predict(self, times, signal, trial_idx, exp_data, sig_data):
         # For each number of cycles
         pred_item_by_no_cycles = []
-        no_cycles = np.max(exp_data.cycle_idx).astype(int) + 1
+        _exp_cycle_idx = np.array(exp_data.cycle_idx)
+        no_cycles = np.max(_exp_cycle_idx[np.array(exp_data.trial_idx) ==
+                                          trial_idx]).astype(int) + 1
         for nc in range(no_cycles):
             # Identify what are the epochs that must be processed
             idx = (np.array(exp_data.trial_idx) == trial_idx) & \
@@ -1336,12 +2191,19 @@ def is_shifted_version(stored_seqs, seq_to_check):
             #       interprets all dictionary keys as strings.
             # Add the command index to its associated sequence
-            if tuple(curr_seq_) not in sequences:
+            if len(sequences) == 0:
                 sequences[tuple(curr_seq_)] = [idx]
-            else:
+            elif tuple(curr_seq_) in sequences:
+                # Already there, add the cycle idx
-        # todo: check that sequences are not shifted versions of themselves??
+            else:
+                # If not there, first check that it is not a shifted version
+                # of a present sequences
+                orig_seq = is_shifted_version(list(sequences.keys()), curr_seq_)
+                if orig_seq is not None:
+                    sequences[tuple(orig_seq)].append(idx)
+                else:
+                    sequences[tuple(curr_seq_)] = [idx]
     except Exception as e:
     return sequences
diff --git a/medusa/plots/timeplot.py b/medusa/plots/timeplot.py
index aa44076..fd5a533 100644
--- a/medusa/plots/timeplot.py
+++ b/medusa/plots/timeplot.py
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def __plot_events_lines(ax, events_dict, min_val, max_val, display_times):
     # Create legend above the plot
     if previous_conditions is not None:
-        previous_handles = ax.legend_.legendHandles
+        previous_handles = ax.legend_.legend_handles
         for legend_line in list(legend_lines.values()):
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ def __reshape_signal(epochs):
     return epoch_c
-def time_plot(signal, fs=1.0, ch_labels=None, time_to_show=None,
+def time_plot(signal, times=None, fs=1.0, ch_labels=None, time_to_show=None,
               ch_to_show=None, ch_offset=None, color='k',
               conditions_dict=None, events_dict=None, show_epoch_lines=True,
               fig=None, axes=None):
@@ -210,6 +210,8 @@ def time_plot(signal, fs=1.0, ch_labels=None, time_to_show=None,
     signal: numpy ndarray
         Signal with shape of [n_epochs,n_samples, n_channels] or
         [n_samples, n_channels]
+    times: numpy ndarray
+        Timestamps of each sample of the signal with shape [n_samples]
     fs: float
         Sampling rate. Value 1 as default
     ch_labels: list of strings or None
@@ -317,8 +319,11 @@ def time_plot(signal, fs=1.0, ch_labels=None, time_to_show=None,
     max_val, min_val = epoch_c.max(), epoch_c.min()
     # Define times vector
-    display_times = np.linspace(0, int(epoch_c.shape[0] / fs),
-                                epoch_c.shape[0])
+    if times is None:
+        display_times = np.linspace(0, (epoch_c.shape[0] - 1) / fs,
+                                    epoch_c.shape[0])
+    else:
+        display_times = times
     # Initialize plot
     if fig is None:
@@ -507,4 +512,4 @@ def on_key(event):
     # Initialize TimePlot instance
-              events_dict=e_dict,show_epoch_lines=True,show=True)
+              events_dict=e_dict,show_epoch_lines=True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 394b7d4..9bc4781 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-    version='1.2.5',
+    version='1.3.0',
     keywords=['Signal', 'Biosignal', 'EEG', 'BCI'],
     author='Eduardo Santamaría-Vázquez, '