Recommended reading before diving into Gorouter code:
Nearly all of the networking logic in Golang is dealt with the same pattern as if one were dealing with a raw TCP connection.
Just as a general overview of how TCP networking works in Golang, let's go through a sample set of applications that read and write from/to a TCP connection.
Establishing a TCP connection requires a Dial
from the client side and a
on the server side. Since Listen
can accept multiple simultaneous
connections, it must call Accept
for every connection it handles.
Once you receive a net.Conn
object to work with, there are three basic methods
on the net.Conn
interface: Read
, Write
, and Close
is self explanatory. Read
and Write
are blocking network calls that
block until some amount of data is read/written. They return error io.EOF
the connection is closed. This is the only way to know whether or not a
connection has closed. Golang's HTTP package is no exception.
Basic client that subscribes and then prints what it receives:
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
// handle dial error
defer conn.Close()
_, err = conn.Write([]byte("subscribe"))
if err != nil {
// handle error writing to connection
tmpBuf := make([]byte, 1024)
for {
// conn.Read will block until some amount of data is read, and returns the
// number of bytes read along with an error. It will return bytes read as well
// as error `io.EOF` when data is received and the connection is closed, so be
// sure to process the data before handling `io.EOF`.
n, readErr := conn.Read(tmpBuf)
if n > 0 {
_, err := os.Stdout.Write(tmpBuf[:n])
if err != nil {
// handle error printing to standard out
if readErr == io.EOF {
// Connection has closed, so quit
} else {
// handle non-EOF read err
Basic server that checks for the subscribe message then sends the client info:
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
if err != nil {
// handle error
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
// handle error
go handleConnection(conn)
func handleConnection(conn net.Conn) {
defer conn.Close()
tmpBuf := make([]byte, 16)
n, readErr := conn.Read(tmpBuf)
if readErr != nil {
// handle connection read err / connection close
if n == 9 && string(tmpBuf[:9]) == "subscribe" {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
_, writeErr := conn.Write("hello")
if writeErr != nil {
// handle connection write err / connection close
} else {
// handle invalid read
Notice how this example demonstrates something similar to a HTTP GET
and a response with body returned for that request. In fact, this is pretty much
how it's implemented in Golang's net/http
, except it has a lot more logic to
follow the protocol.
Next time you use a http.ResponseWriter, think of it as a very thin wrapper on
top of conn.Write
that only handles writing the HTTP headers for you.
Here is a general dependency graph (X-->Y means X is dependent on Y) for the components of Gorouter.
We'll go over some of these components later in this document, but this should serve as a good starting point to where to start looking for the important components of Gorouter.
is also a good place to start looking to see how everything is
initialized. Notice that nats-subscriber
and route_fetcher
are initialized
in main
, but they are depended on by the route registry.
Here is the anatomy of a Ifrit process:
Our Ifrit processes are used for long running routines inside Gorouter, e.g. serving HTTP requests with the router, or periodically fetching routes from Routing API. There exist a few long running processes in Gorouter that aren't fully implemented with the Ifrit workflow. e.g. NATS subscriptions (mbus package), and the route registry pruning cycle (registry package).
It basically forwards requests from the client to backend instances of an app.
Here is a very basic depiction of what Gorouter does:
Route services are a bit tricky, but they involve two separate requests to the
route for the backend app through the Gorouter:
Here's a more detailed inspection of the request-response flow through the
Most of the request processing logic lives in the negroni
Note that it usually isn't possible to implement any Response modification logic
in these handlers! That logic is mostly handled by the ProxyRoundTripper
Nearly all of the important logic is implemented as part of a
augments theResponseWriter
with helpers and records response body length
- sets the
header - records the request and response in the
file - reports response code and latency for metrics
- responds to healthcheck requests
- handles Zipkin headers
- checks HTTP protocol version
- looks up backends for requested route
- determines whether or not the request should go to a route service
- handles TCP or WebSocket upgrade
- httputil.ReverseProxy transforms the request into a request to the next hop
This component executes the request to the next hop (whether it be to a backend or to a route service).
Its responsibilities are:
- Forwarding the request to either a backend or a route service (via the
method). - Retry failed requests.
- Select the next endpoint in a set of backends for the requested route. There are currently two different strategies for selecting the next endpoint:: choose them in a Round Robin fashion, or choose the endpoint with the least connections.
- Setting trace headers on the response.
- Setting sticky session cookies on the response. Sticky sessions are cookies that allow clients to make requests to the same instance of the backend app.