Graph targets and Boost.Build generators using Graphviz.
Make rules available in your current module.
import graphviz ;
rule graphviz-target ( sources * : requirements * : default-requirements * : usage-requirements * )
Generate a Graphviz dot file representing the dependency graph of the sources target(s).
rule graphviz-generator ( sources * : requirements * : default-requirements * : usage-requirements * )
Generate a Graphviz dot file representing the dependency graph of Boost.Build Types and Generators identified by properties specified with the graphviz-type and graphviz-generator features.
<graphviz-type> type
Used by graphviz-generator rule.
Adds type to the list of types to visualize the viable source types and generators for. -
<graphviz-generator> generator-id
Used by graphviz-generator rule.
Adds generator-id to the list of Boost.Build generators to visualize the viable source types and generators for.
Actions for these targets will attempt to open dot file after generation with OSX
Type | Base Type | Infer from source | Generate from |
GRAPHVIZ_DOT | *.dot |