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Web Testing

Refer to this document for information on how to unit test Cryostat Web.


  • Jest is a Javascript testing framework used to create, run and structure unit tests. Jest also provides built-in mocking capabilities.

  • React Testing Library (RTL) is used to test the React components comprising Cryostat Web. It gives you the ability to render components into their HTML Document Object Model (DOM) representation (i.e. what the user “sees” when they visit a webpage) and query/assert on the nodes and objects in the DOM. For example, a node could be a <button /> element that we query for and perform assertions or actions (such as a “click”) on (i.e. what the user “does” when they interact with the Cryostat Web UI).

  • Test Renderer is used to render components into their React virtual DOM representation, a lightweight abstraction of the actual HTML DOM, consisting of pure Javascript. The render result is used to perform snapshot testing.

  • Selenium is used to perform end-to-end testing of Cryostat Web. It allows you to automate browser actions such as clicking buttons and typing text into input fields.


  • jest.config.js contains various configuration options for Jest.

  • test-setup.js allows you to set up the testing framework before any tests are run. This file is designated by the setupFilesAfterEnv flag in jest.config.js.

  • package.json contains the test and test:ci scripts which run the Jest test suite with different CLI options for local and Github CI testing, respectively.



Use Jest's describe function to group related unit tests into a single block. The tests themselves are denoted using the test or its alias it. Jest also provides an extensive list of "matchers" for making assertions. These Jest utilities do not need to be imported.

In order to render the component under test into its HTML DOM representation and perform queries on this representation, use RTL's render function in conjunction with screen, both of which can be imported from @testing-library/react. After the render call, the screen object can be queried for DOM nodes/elements, which in turn can be asserted on using the aforementioned Jest matchers. There is typically one render call per unit test.


  • If you insert screen.debug() after the render call for the component under test and then run the test suite, the HTML DOM representation of the component will be output to the CLI.

  • The toBeInTheDocument matcher is convenient for when you want to simply assert on the presence of an element in the HTML DOM. However, it is not offered by Jest but instead imported from @testing-library/jest-dom.

  • The within function from @testing-library/react can be used to perform queries within nested elements in the HTML DOM.

  • Use the userEvent instance, which is set up and returned from any setup functions in @test/Common.tsx in order to simulate user actions such as clicking a button.

  • To search for a localized text, for example, with getByText, use testTranslate function from @test/Common.tsx to return a translated text. Tests are configued to use en locale as default.



Refer to the Jest documentation for various mocking techniques, including mock functions and more advanced strategies such as manual mocks.

The decision to mock out a component during testing should adhere to RTL's guiding principle that “the more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you”. Therefore, when unit testing a component make an effort to only mock out API calls, child components that belong to Cryostat Web (since they’ll have their own unit tests), and the shared services that are propagated throughout the app using the ServiceContext. Any third-party child components, such as those belonging to Patternfly, should be left unmocked if possible.


  • jest.mock implementations need to be defined outside the describe block housing the unit tests in the test file.

  • Make sure to import the component under test last. In Jest, any jest.mock calls are automatically hoisted to the top of the file, above the imports. This ensures that when modules are imported, Jest knows to replace the real implementations with the mocked versions. However, the actual mock implementation code isn’t processed until the component under test is imported, which is why it’s important to do this import last so that any imported modules used inside the implementations will not end up undefined.

  • If you want to use mocked variables defined outside the scope of the jest.mock definition, you will need to import your components under test after the jest.mock call to prevent Jest from invoking the jest.mock calls before your variable is defined. For example, if you are mocking the Api.Service with jest.mock for your component under test called MyComponent, you will need to move import { MyComponent } from '@app/Path/To/MyComponent'; as well as import { ServiceContext, defaultServices } from '@app/Shared/Services/Services'; after all of your jest.mock calls.

  • Use jest.requireActual when you need the actual implementation of a mocked module. It can also be used to partially mock modules, allowing you to pick and choose which functions you want to mock or leave untouched.

  • Unlike jest.mock, jest.doMock calls are not hoisted to the top of files. This is useful for when you want to mock a module differently across tests in the same file.

  • Even though it is possible to test props directly by interacting with the mock instances receiving them, props should instead be indirectly tested by querying the rendered HTML DOM. Remember, from the user perspective all they see is this render result while having no knowledge of the underlying props used.



Snapshot testing helps ensure that we stay on top of any changes to our UI. It’s a complement to regular unit testing, in which we render React components, take a serialized snapshot of the result, and compare it to a reference snapshot file to see if anything has changed. Snapshot files are committed to version control alongside their corresponding tests and are included in the review process.

When the Jest test suite runs, a new snapshot will be created for every component under test and compared to the reference snapshot in version control. If there is any discrepancy between the two snapshots a diff will be output to the command line. From here, it is up to you to determine whether the difference is due to a bug or an intentional implementation change. This may warrant updating or adding more unit tests. When you are satisfied with the reasons behind the changed snapshot, you can update it to be the new reference snapshot by running the following command:

yarn test -- -u -t=”SPEC_NAME” 

Where the -u flag tells Jest to update the snapshot and the -t flag specifies which test to update it for. SPEC_NAME is matched against the string passed into the describe call of the test file in question. For example, in Recordings.test.tsx the unit tests are housed inside of the describe(‘<Recordings />’, ….) block so in order to update the snapshot for the Recordings component, you would pass -t=”<Recordings />” to the above command.


  • Use the create function from the react-test-renderer library to render components into their React virtual DOM representation for snapshot testing. See here for a more detailed discussion on the virtual DOM.

  • If the component you would like to snapshot test uses React.useEffect, you may need to use the asynchronous act function from the react-test-renderer library to ensure the snapshot of the component is accurate. React.useEffect calls are run only after the render of a component is committed or "painted" to the screen. However, the nature of the virtual DOM is such that nothing is painted to the screen. Fortunately, the act function ensures that any state updates and enqueued effects will be executed alongside the render.

  • Some PatternFly components use random, dynamic strings as ids which will then be displayed as elements in the rendered React virtual DOM. These strings change upon every render, causing snapshots to fail even though the component under test is still functionally the same. This can be remedied by supplying custom ids as props to the culprit PatternFly child components inside the source file of the component under test.



We can also use Jest as a test runner for Selenium tests. This allows us to write integration tests that simulate user actions and interactions with the Cryostat Web UI.

To run the integration tests, you will need to have the preview server running. You can start the preview server by running yarn start:dev:preview.

You will also need a WebDriver implementation for the specific browser you want to automate. WebDriver allows Selenium to control the browser and perform actions on web elements. Here is list of currently supported drivers:

Note: Currently only Geckodriver is supported for cryostat-web itests. In the future, there should be support for ChromeDriver (for Chrome) and Edge WebDriver (for Microsoft Edge).

Then, finally we can run yarn itest to run the integration tests, which will open up a fresh browser window and run the tests.

Alternatively, you can start the integration tests immediately without the need for an already up and running dev server, by running

$ yarn itest:preview

This will automatically start a Mirage dev server, run the integration tests on that server, and tear down the server on completion.


  • Running the integration tests will open a Firefox browser and simulate any actions that you instruct the browser to perform. That means we must first navigate to the local Cryostat Web page, before performing any useful testing.
  • In our beforeAll jest declaration, we setup our web driver with the default configurations), and then use that driver to create our first Page Object. A Page Object is an abstraction that acts as an interface to your web pages. For more info on the Page Object Model in Selenium, see
 beforeAll(async function () {
    driver = await setupDriver();
    cryostat = Cryostat.getInstance(driver);
    dashboard = await cryostat.navigateToDashboard();

    await cryostat.skipTour();
    await cryostat.selectFakeTarget();

In the previous example, we created the Cryostat top level Page Object (PO) by calling Cryostat.getInstance(driver) and using the driver we created before. We then call the function navigateToDashboard to allow the Cryostat PO to tell the web browser to navigate to the Dashboard page, and obtain a Dashboard Page Object. Then, we can call more functions on our Dashboard object in order to simulate more browser actions.

Add more methods to each PO, to test more actions. The point is, we want to abstract each browser action, so that even if something changes within our code, (e.g. a class tag is renamed, or a button is placed in a different component), all we need is to change the underlying implementation of each function to keep tests consistent.

  • Retrieving DOM objects on our webpages to interact with is the tricky part. Sometimes, it's annoying to have to find the "right" query for the object we want to select. For example, take our code for skipping the Cryostat tour:
  async skipTour() {
    const skipButton = await this.driver
      .catch(() => null);
    if (skipButton) await;

In the code, we first tell the driver to wait, until an element is located by the css selector ('button[data-action="skip"]'), and assign it to a variable. If not found, we assign null. Then if the variable is non-null, we click it. To find a good query to use, it is recommended to use the Selenium IDE extension on your browser. The extension allows you to easily see queries that can be used to select an element you want.