Contributions to BilevelOptimization.jl are welcome both for direct improvement and issue reports.
Issues should be raised on GitHub at:
If possible, an issue should come with a Minimum Working Example (MWE), the expected behavior and observed error. Since the package depends on optimization solvers, the example should preferably be given either:
- in a solver-independent example
- with an open-source solver (CBC, GLPK) and corresponding JuMP wrapper. So that any contributor without access to commercial software can reproduce the issue.
If you have any questions about BilevelOptimization.jl,
feel encouraged to ping @matbesancon on the
JuliaLang Slack in the
channel, or on the
JuliaLang Discourse forum
again in the optimization channel.
It is also permissible to ask questions by opening issues on this GitHub repository. Ideally, such questions be phrased as requests for documentation. If your question is not answered by the docs and README, then it is a sign the documentation could be improved.
For help on the JuMP ecosystem itself, the Discourse and Slack channels are also good starting points. The JuMP.jl also contains tutorial notebooks.
Code contributions are welcome and encouraged, including for example adding support for other classes of bilevel problems.
Code contributions should be made in the normal way of making a pull request. In general they should try to match the style of the code already present. This follows the JuliaLang/julia repo conventions.