Daniel 'MaTachi' Jonsson
The code is based on the n00b tutorials found on opengl-tutorials.org. Tutorial: OpenGL 3.1 The First Triangle (C++/Win) was also useful.
The development was done on Ubuntu 12.10. The CMake config
file hasn't been configured to work on Windows, or even tested
on Windows, so with 99.99 % probability it won't compile there.
The shaders are written in GLSL 1.30, so it's runnable on Intel HD3000. It's
also confirmed to work with newer/better GPUs, more specifically Nvidia 660.
- /common: Contains code from opengl-tutorials.org. However, most of the files are probably unnecessary in this project's context and could be deleted. The original files can be found here.
- /external: Contains the libraries GLEW, GLM, GLFW and VRAC Cmake Modules. The latter two are probably not needed in this project's context, but were also included from opengl-tutorial.org.
- /: Files mostly written by myself.
Install dependencies for compiling: sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxrandr-dev libsdl1.2dev
(Not completely sure if mesa-common-dev actually is needed)
First time configuration: mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; cd ..
How to compile and run the game: cd build/ ; make ; cd .. ; ./build/Main
- Left arrow key: Move block left.
- Right arrow key: Move block right.
- Up arrow key: Rotate block.
- Down arrow key: Move down block instantaneously.
- Mouse: Change camera direction.
- W/A/S/D: Move around the camera.
- E/Q: Increase/Decrease FoV (field of view).
- Escape: Close the game with the escape key.