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780 lines (284 loc) · 16.4 KB

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780 lines (284 loc) · 16.4 KB


Acacia Pappas

Building Resilient Flutter Apps in the New Age of Non-Deterministic Data

Akanksha Singh

Automating Accessibility Adoption in Flutter with Gemini AI

Albert Wolszon

Internationalization (and not only)

Alex Bordei

The Flutter POS: Use-cases on integrating POS Hardware on Android and Linux

Alexander Troshkov

Testing that your app is accessible to all

Resources: Slides

Alexandre Moureaux

@ Theodo Apps

Web | GitHub | X | LinkedIn

Debugging performance issues with the Flutter DevTools

Resources: Slides, Example repository


Alicja Ogonowska

X | LinkedIn

Flutteristas panel

Listen up! Mastering A/B testing and feedback techniques in your mobile apps

Resources: Slides, Code

Ander Dobo

Unconference discussion 1 - Past, Present and Future of Native Interop

Unconference discussion 2 - Sustainable package maintenance models

Unconference discussion 3 - Addressing package ecosystem fragmentation

Andrea Bizzotto


Lessons Learned from Launching a Flutter app in Production

Resources: Slides

Andrew Brogdon

Opening keynote

André Schmidt Di Salvo

Please wait... : The perception of time in user Interfaces

Anna Leushchenko


Your ultimate guide to code generation productivity for Dart and Flutter

Resources: Slides

Anton Borries

Adding HomeScreenWidgets to your Flutter App

Bettina Carrizo

Mastering Flutter + Firebase: Architecting for Scale, Security & Savings

Bogdan Hobeanu

Creating Figma plugins with Flutter

Bruno Reginato

Migrating 2+ Million Daily Users to Flutter with 50+ Engineers

Cagatay Ulusoy


The Unique Role of a Flutter Competence Lead in a Scaling Company

Resources: Slides

Cameron Mcloughlin

Using Rust in your next Flutter SDK

Chris Swan

@ Atsign

Chris Swan is an Engineer at Atsign, building the atPlatform, a technology that is putting people in control of their data and removing the frictions and surveillance associated with today’s Internet. He was previously a Fellow at DXC Technology where he held various CTO roles. Before that he held CTO and Director of R&D roles at Cohesive Networks, UBS, Capital SCF and Credit Suisse, where he worked on app servers, compute grids, security, mobile, cloud, networking and containers. Chris co-hosts the Tech Debt Burndown Podcast, is a cloud editor for InfoQ and a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for the Dart programming language.

Web | GitHub | LinkedIn

Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards for Dart and Flutter projects

Resources: Slides, Blog


Csongor Vogel

Migrating 2+ Million Daily Users to Flutter with 50+ Engineers

Daco Harkes

@ Google

Software Engineer at Google - Seamless interop between #Dart and native code


The past, present, and future of native interop

Resources: Slides

Daniel Vechtel

Relaunching DW's Connected TV Experience with Flutter

Danielle Cox

Flutteristas panel

White labelling apps - a year later

Daria Orlova

Zero runtime errors: Exploring Static Code Analysis techniques in Flutter

Dominik Roszkowski

Web | X

Native Background Processing with Flutter

Resources: Slides

Eduard Siewert

Bluetooth LE-Audio Broadcast: How to build an Auracast assistant app with Flutter

Elvira Leveque

Flutteristas panel

Get the most out of Flutter theming with theme extensions

Enzo Conty


Building Your Very Own DevTools Extension

Resources: Slides

Esra Kadah

From Touch To Code: Gestures and Beyond

Hannes Winkler

Unleashing Flutter on embedded hardware with flutter-pi

Hossein Yousefi

@ Google

Software Engineer at Google - Make interop fluid between Dart and Java/Kotlin

GitHub | X | LinkedIn

The past, present, and future of native interop

Resources: Slides

Ivanna Kaceviča


Level Up: How I Made the Top 10 Worldwide at Global Gamers Hackathon

Resources: Article

Jaime Blasco

Elevating JavaScript interoperability with Dart

Jan Stępień

@ OneRoof

GitHub | LinkedIn

One Size Doesn't Fit All: Tailoring Flutter Architectures for Team and Business Success

Resources: Slides

John McCutchan

Android Platform Views Past, Present, Future

Jonas Uekötter

Monitor your Flutter app and see every issue!

Kendi J

Flutteristas panel

Kilian Schulte

Creator of Jaspr

GitHub | X

Jaspr: Unleashing the Power of Dart for Modern Web Development

Resources: Slides, Code

Kirill Bubochkin

@ Mews

Staff Mobile Engineer at Mews. Former Android dev, former front-end dev, former full-stack dev, former webmaster.

Web | GitHub | X | LinkedIn

App Architecture: Faster, Better... Simpler

Resources: Slides, Example repository


Kon Syrokostas

Creating responsive UIs and other nuances of Flutter Web

Leigha Reid

Building with best practices in FlutterFlow

Lucas Britto

Migrating 2+ Million Daily Users to Flutter with 50+ Engineers

Lucas Goldner


Saving data before the app getting killed! Easy state restoration with Flutter

Resources: Slides

Lucas Josefiak

Simplify Design Systems and Designer/Developer Collaboration with Widgetbook

Lukas Klingsbo

Ubuntu: An OS experience built on Flutter

Resources: Slides

Majid Hajian

Flutter Engineering - Architectural path

Mangirdas Kazlauskas


Cat-like Development: Flutter for Efficiency

Resources: Slides

Manuela Sakura Rommel

Dash’s Inclusive Adventure - Experimenting with Accessibility in Flutter Games

Flutteristas panel

Marcin Chudy

Demystifying App Architecture: The LeanCode Guide

Marcin Wojnarowski

Presentation events - a missing piece in BLoC

Software correctness

Marina Meier

Lessons learned from crafting an in-house framework with over 200 packages

Masahiro Aoki

Building Real-Time Audio/Video Apps with Flutter and WebRTC

Matej Rešetár

Navigation in Flutter - the not-so-obvious parts

Mateusz Rus

Fight, Flight, or Fix? Winning the Legacy Flutter Challenge

Mateusz Wojtczak

Demystifying App Architecture: The LeanCode Guide

Matteo Maria Terzuolo

GitHub | X | LinkedIn

Dart FFI: A Beginner's Guide to High-Performance Integration

Resources: Slides, Code

Matthieu Pernelle

The quest to display widget markers on a map

Max Weber

Mastering real world use cases in Flutter with GoRouter and GoRouterBuilder

Maxime Rougieux

Animation vs delivery, do you really have to choose ?

Mike Rydstrom


Everything Material All At Once

Resources: Slides

Mikhail Zotyev

@ Wolt

Dart & Flutter GDE. Author of telegram-channel about Flutter 'Oh, my Flutter'. Flutter Voronezh meetup group organizer. Member of the Mobius Conference Program Committee. Maintainer of the Elementary library for Flutter.

GitHub | X | LinkedIn

Motion Designer is your best friend for creating animations

Resources: Slides

Moritz Theis

@ Snapp X


M&Ms Your Way: Build a Fun, Flutter-Powered Candy Dispenser (with Live Treats!) on Raspberry Pi 5

Resources: Code

Nino Handler

@ CONNECT Mobility GmbH

CTO & Founder uRyde | Founder & Organizer GDG Nuremberg | Founder & Organizer CTO Lunch Nuremberg

GitHub | X | LinkedIn

Developer Diary: Journey of a payment integration

Resources: Slides

Norbert Kozsir

Compilers, Virtual Machines and Code Analysis - What makes Dart and Flutter run

Olav Schettler

Relaunching DW's Connected TV Experience with Flutter

Oleksandr Tilnyi


Boosting Map Performance with Mapbox and Flutter

Resources: Slides, Article

Pascal Stech

Lessons learned from crafting an in-house framework with over 200 packages

Pascal Welsch


Self-host private pub packages

Resources: Slides

Pavel Sulimau

@ EPAM Systems

Web | GitHub | LinkedIn

Code Quality Gates for Large-Scale Flutter Apps

Resources: Blog

Payam Zahedi

@ Snapp X

GitHub | X

M&Ms Your Way: Build a Fun, Flutter-Powered Candy Dispenser (with Live Treats!) on Raspberry Pi 5

Resources: Code

Pieter Scholtz

Unleashing Flutter on embedded hardware with flutter-pi

Piotr Rogulski

Boost Your Blocs with Functional Programming: bloc_lens in Action

Raitis Šaripo

Building Hyper-Casual Games with Flutter

Raouf Rahiche


Implementing custom fragment shaders

Resources: Slides

Roaa Khaddam

Code Meets Art: Flutter for Creative Coding

Romain Rastel

Enhance your Flutter painting skills

Salih Guler

@ Amazon Web Services (AWS Amplify)

Salih is a Berlin based Senior Developer Advocate at AWS who is also a Google Developer Expert for Flutter and Dart. He likes sharing his knowledge with the people by mentoring aspiring developers, blogging and talking at conferences.

GitHub | X | LinkedIn

Modular Flutter App Architecture: Answering the What, When and How

Resources: Slides

Sascha Ernst

Handling Legacy APIs with Domain Driven Design and Reactivity

Sasha Denisov

Workshop: Flutter for Android TV and Apple TV

Shree Bhagwat

Palette Panorama: Mastering the power of Advance theming in Flutter

Simon Lightfoot

Live Coding Workshop

Realtime Communications with Flutter

Sylvia Dieckmann

@ Rozendal Labs


Bringing Google Maps to Flutter: The Power of Plugins

Resources: Slides

Taha Tesser


Everything Material All At Once

Resources: Slides

Teresa Wu

Building amazing Flutter Project with Gemma: A State-of-the-Art Open Model

Thomas Coumau

Animation vs delivery, do you really have to choose ?

How I get your location: A story of permissions

Tomas Piaggio

Mastering Flutter + Firebase: Architecting for Scale, Security & Savings

Tomáš Soukal

Hacking and protection of Mobile Apps and backend APIs. Threat modeling exercise.

Toni Piirainen

Digital transformation of media industry with Flutter

Vadym Pinchuk

Experimenting with Modifier: embracing Compose-inspired UI in Flutter

Vasyl Dytsiak

Working with forms as an ecosystem

Viktor Lidholt

Dart on the backend with Serverpod: Building interactive slides for tech talks

Werner Scholtz

Unleashing Flutter on embedded hardware with flutter-pi