To make it easier to enter commands at the prompt, this page lists all commands as a single line that can be copied and pasted.
- Chapter 1 Introducing Web Development with Controllers
- Chapter 2 Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core MVC
- Chapter 7 Web User Interface Testing Using Playwright
- Chapter 8 Configuring and Containerizing ASP.NET Core Projects
- Chapter 9 Building Web Services Using ASP.NET Core Web API
- Chapter 10 Building Web Services Using ASP.NET Core OData
- Chapter 11 Building Web Services Using FastEndpoints
- Chapter 12 Web Service Integration Testing
- Chapter 13 Web Content Management Using Umbraco
To clone the book's GitHub repository:
git clone
To pull down the latest container image for Azure SQL Edge:
docker pull
To run the container image for Azure SQL Edge with a strong password and name the container azuresqledge
docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=1' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=s3cret-Ninja' -p 1433:1433 --name azuresqledge -d
To ask Docker to list all containers, both running and stopped:
docker ps -a
To stop the azuresqledge
docker stop azuresqledge
To remove the azuresqledge
docker rm azuresqledge
To remove the azure-sql-edge image to release its disk space:
docker rmi
To check if you have already installed dotnet-ef
as a global tool:
dotnet tool list --global
To update the tool:
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
To install the latest version:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
To explicitly set a version, for example, to use a preview, add the --version
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef --version 10.0-*
To remove the tool:
dotnet tool uninstall --global dotnet-ef
Warning! Make sure that the SQL Edge container is running because you are about to connect to the server and its Northwind database.
In the Northwind.EntityModels
project folder (the folder that contains the .csproj
project file), generate entity class models for all tables:
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Data Source=tcp:,1433;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User Id=sa;Password=s3cret-Ninja;TrustServerCertificate=true;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --namespace Northwind.EntityModels --data-annotations
To set the two environment variables at the command prompt or terminal.
On Windows:
setx MY_SQL_USR <your_user_name>
setx MY_SQL_PWD <your_password>
On macOS and Linux:
export MY_SQL_USR=<your_user_name>
export MY_SQL_PWD=<your_password>
Use the help switch to see other options for the ASP.NET CoreMVC project template:
dotnet new mvc --help
Run database migrations:
dotnet ef database update
If you’re running tests via the command line, you can specify the run settings :
dotnet test --settings Playwright.runsettings
When running a test project, you can then specify the browser and channel:
dotnet test -- Playwright.BrowserName=chromium Playwright.LaunchOptions.Channel=msedge
To add a new xUnit Test Project [C#] / xunit
project named Northwind.WebUITests
to the MatureWeb
solution. In the MatureWeb
folder, enter the following commands:
dotnet new xunit -o Northwind.WebUITests
dotnet sln add Northwind.WebUITests
Navigate to Northwind.WebUITests\bin\Debug\net9.0
and, at the command prompt or terminal, install browsers for Playwright to automate:
pwsh playwright.ps1 install
Start the Playwright Inspector code generator for the MVC website:
pwsh bin/Debug/net9.0/playwright.ps1 codegen https://localhost:5021/
Start the Playwright Inspector code generator with emulation options like setting a view port size:
pwsh bin/Debug/net9.0/playwright.ps1 codegen --viewport-size=800,600 https://localhost:5021/
Start the Playwright Inspector code generator to emulate a device:
pwsh bin/Debug/net9.0/playwright.ps1 codegen --device="iPhone 13" https://localhost:5021/
To remove the special browsers (chromium, firefox, and webkit) of the current Playwright installation:
pwsh bin/Debug/net9.0/playwright.ps1 uninstall
To remove browsers of other Playwright installations as well:
pwsh bin/Debug/net9.0/playwright.ps1 uninstall --all
To list the Docker images:
docker images
To download the Docker image for the sample ASP.NET Core project image and run it with external port 8000
mapped to internal port 8080
, interactive TTY mode (-it
), and remove it when the container stops (--rm
docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8080
In the MatureWeb
dotnet new webapi --use-controllers -o Northwind.WebApi
dotnet sln add Northwind.WebApi
To create a local JWT:
dotnet user-jwts create
Result will have an ID that you can use to identify the JWT:
New JWT saved with ID 'f2d14dfa'.
To print all the information for the ID that was assigned:
dotnet user-jwts print f2d14dfa --show-all
In the MatureWeb
dotnet new webapi --use-controllers -o Northwind.OData
dotnet sln add Northwind.OData
In the MatureWeb
dotnet new web -o Northwind.FastEndpoints
dotnet sln add Northwind.FastEndpoints
Whenever you make changes to your models that affect the database schema, you should create a new migration:
dotnet ef migrations add <MigrationName>
To run any outstanding migrations:
dotnet ef database update
To revert to a specified migration point:
dotnet ef database update <MigrationName>
To revert all migrations so that the database returns to its original state:
dotnet ef database update 0
To add a new xUnit project to the MatureWeb
dotnet new xunit -o BusinessLogicUnitTests
dotnet sln add BusinessLogicUnitTests
To install the dev tunnel CLI...
On Windows:
winget install Microsoft.devtunnel
On macOS using Homebrew:
brew install --cask devtunnel
On Linux using curl
curl -sL | bash
To log in with a Microsoft Entra ID, Microsoft, or GitHub account:
devtunnel user login
Start hosting a simple service on port 8080 that just echoes any HTTP requests to it:
devtunnel echo http -p 8080
In another command prompt or terminal window, start hosting a dev tunnel for port 8080:
devtunnel host -p 8080
To install the Umbraco version 14.2 project templates:
dotnet new install Umbraco.Templates::14.2.0
To confirm that the project templates are installed:
dotnet new list umbraco