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Methanol is a new safe and fast programming language. It has compile times less than Rust and is memory safer as well.


Why this name?

Ask the original author.

Can you build a web server using this language?

Of course!

Does the language have support for classes?


Where is this syntax analyzer from?

The moon.

Can this language target platforms other than mkana UNIX from IBM?

MacOS support will land in Q3 and Windows will never.

Can you do functional programming in Meth?

Do you mean .map() and .filter()? Yes we have these.

What type of computers can Methanol programs run on?

Absolutely any, you can even run it on a mining rig.

Tech & Tools

  • Lex (flex with C codegen)
  • Yacc (bison with C++ codegen)


  • int: Defines an integer
  • flt: Defines a float
  • log: Defines a logical (boolean)
  • str: Defines a string
  • enum: Defines an enumeration
  • const: Marks a primitive type as constant
  • print: Prints
  • That's tedious, check lex.l

Language Production Rules

  • program: stmts
  • stmts: epsilon | stmts stmt
  • Check parse.ypp for the rest

Quadruples & Their Description

Quad Description
PUSH x Pushes x to the stack, with x here being an expression
POP x Pops the top of the stack in variable x, where x is optional here
DUP Duplicated the top of the stack: if the stack is [v] it will end up [v, v] after DUP
INT2REAL Pops the top of the stack, converts it from an integer to a real number and pushes it back
REAL2INT Obvious
DEF Defines a function (something like a label for functions)
CALL Calls a function
RET Returns to the IP the program was at before the call of a function
PRINT Does nothing
NEG Flips signs of the top of the stack
PLUS Pops the top two values of the stack, adds them and pushes the result
MINUS Similar to PLUS
MULT Similar to MINUS
DIV Similar to MULT
MOD Not natively supported
LT Less than, pops the top two values of the stack, compares them and pushes the result
GT Greater than
EQ Equals?
NEQ Not equal?
LTEQ Obvious
GTEQ Obbious
NOT - AND - OR Logical operation, same stack mechanism
LABEL Defines a label that we can jump to
JMP lbl Unconditional jump to lbl
JZ lbl Jumps to lbl if the top of the stack is zero/false. This consumes the top of the stack

Symbol Table Format


  • Identifier Name
  • Definition Scope
  • Declaration Line
  • Is Used?
  • Is Initialized?
  • Is Constant?
  • Value (available for constants only)
  • Type (Function, Enum, String, etc...)


Id. Name Scope Dec. Line Is Used Is Init. Is Const. Value Type
Meth 0 72 1 0 0 - an enum
a 0 7 1 1 0 - an integer
c 0 9 1 1 1 5 an integer