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This is a little Python wrapper around the topic modeling functions of MALLET.


pip install little_mallet_wrapper


  • Python 3.7
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • seaborn (for plotting functions)

Hint: Make sure you have MALLET installed correctly (it relies on Java, so you'll also need a JDK). Installation instructions are available here.


See demo.ipynb for a demonstration of how to use the functions in little-mallet-wrapper.

To get started quickly, use the quick_train_topic_model() function with your MALLET path, an output directory (where you want the model to save everything), the number of topics, and a list of strings (your training data).



Displays basic statistics about the training dataset.

Name Type Description
training_data list of strings Documents that will be used to train the topic model.

process_string(text, lowercase=True, remove_short_words=True, remove_stop_words=True, remove_punctuation=True, numbers='replace', stop_words=STOPS)

A simple string processor that prepares raw text for topic modeling. CAUTION: Depending on your data, you might need to write your own processing function. Do not rely on this function for non-English languages; both the stopword list and the punctuation removal assume English as input.

Name Type Description
text string Individual document to process.
lowercase boolean Whether or not to lowercase the text.
remove_short_words boolean Whether or not to remove words with fewer than 2 characters.
remove_stop_words boolean Whether or not to remove stopwords.
remove_punctuation boolean Whether or not to remove punctuation (not A-Za-z0-9)
remove_numbers string 'replace' replaces all numbers with the normalized token NUM; 'remove' removes all numbers.
stop_words list of strings Custom list of words to remove.
RETURNS string Processed version of the input text.

quick_train_topic_model(path_to_mallet, output_directory_path, num_topics, training_data)

Imports training data, trains an LDA topic model using MALLET, and returns the topic keys and document distributions.

Name Type Description
path_to_mallet string Path to your local MALLET installation: .../mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet
output_directory_path string Path to where the output files should be stored.
num_topics integer The number of topics to use for training.
training_data list of strings Processed documents for training the topic model.
RETURNS list of lists of strings The 20 most probable words for each topic.
RETURNS list of lists of integers Topic distribution (list of probabilities) for each document.

import_data(path_to_mallet, path_to_training_data, path_to_formatted_training_data, training_data, training_ids=None, use_pipe_from=None)

Imports the training data into MALLET formatted data that can be used for training.

Name Type Description
path_to_mallet string Path to your local MALLET installation: .../mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet
path_to_training_data string Path to where the training data should be stored.
path_to_formatted_training_data string Path to where the MALLET formatted training data should be stored.
training_data list of strings Processed documents for training the topic model.
training_ids list of strings Unique identifiers for the training data.
use_pipe_from string If you want to import the documents using the same model as a previous set of documents, include the path to the previous MALLET formatted training data.

train_topic_model(path_to_mallet, path_to_formatted_training_data, path_to_model, path_to_topic_key, path_to_topic_distributions, path_to_word_weights, path_to_diagnostics, num_topics)

Trains an LDA topic model using MALLET.

Name Type Description
path_to_mallet string Path to your local MALLET installation: .../mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet
path_to_formatted_training_data string Path to where the MALLET formatted training data is stored.
path_to_model string Path to where the model should be stored.
path_to_topic_key string Path to where the topic keys should be stored.
path_to_topic_distributions string Path to where the topic distributions should be stored.
path_to_word_weights string Path to where the word weights should be stored.
path_to_diagnostics string Path to where the XML diagnostics file should be stored.
num_topics integer The number of topics to use for training.


Loads the most sets of most probable words for each topic after training a topic model.

Name Type Description
topic_keys_path string Path to where the topic keys are stored.
RETURNS list of lists of strings The 20 most probable words for each topic.


Loads the topic distribution for each document after training a topic model.

Name Type Description
topic_distributions_path string Path to where the topic distributions are stored.
RETURNS list of lists of integers Topic distribution (list of probabilities) for each document.


Loads the training IDs. This is either a list of sequential integers or the user-specified training IDs passed to import_data().

Name Type Description
topic_distributions_path string Path to where the topic distributions are stored.
RETURNS list of lists of strings List of training IDs in the same order as the topic distributions.


Loads the topic word distributions. These are the probabilities for each word for each topic.

Name Type Description
word_weight_path string Path to where the word weights are stored.
RETURNS defaultdict of defaultdict of float Map of topics to words to probabilities.

get_top_docs(training_data, topic_distributions, topic_index, n=5)

Gets the documents with the highest probability for the target topic.

Name Type Description
training_data list of strings Processed documents that was used to train the topic model.
topic_distributions list of lists of integers Topic distribution (list of probabilities) for each document.
topic_index integer The index of the target topic.
n integer The number of documents to return.
RETURNS list of tuples (float, string) The topic probability and document text for the n documents with the highest probability for the target topic.

plot_categories_by_topics_heatmap(labels, topic_distributions, topic_keys, output_path=None, target_labels=None, dim=None)

If the dataset includes some time of categorical labels, creates a heatmap of the labels x topics.

Name Type Description
labels list of strings Document labels (e.g., authors of the documents, genres of the documents).
topic_distributions list of lists of integers Topic distribution (list of probabilities) for each document.
topic_keys list of lists of strings The 20 most probable words for each topic.
output_path string Path to where the resulting figure should be saved.
target_labels list of strings A subset of labels to use for plotting.
dim tuple of integers (x, y) dimensions for the resulting figure.

plot_categories_by_topic_boxplots(labels, topic_distributions, topic_keys, output_path=None, target_labels=None, dim=None)

If the dataset includes some time of categorical labels, creates a set of boxplots, one plot for each topic.

Name Type Description
labels list of strings Document labels (e.g., authors of the documents, genres of the documents).
topic_distributions list of lists of integers Topic distribution (list of probabilities) for each document.
topic_keys list of lists of strings The 20 most probable words for each topic.
output_path string Path to where the resulting figure should be saved.
target_labels list of strings A subset of labels to use for plotting.
dim tuple of integers (x, y) dimensions for the resulting figure.

divide_training_data(documents, num_chunks=10)

Given a dataset, divides each document into a set of equally sized chunks.

Name Type Description
documents list of strings Documents to split.
num_chunks integer How many times to split each document.
RETURNS tuple (list of strings, list of integers, list of floats) The divided documents, the indices of the input documents, and the positions within the documents (0-1.0).

infer_topics(path_to_mallet, path_to_original_model, path_to_new_formatted_training_data, path_to_new_topic_distributions)

Get topic distributions for a set of new documents using a model that has been trained on another set of documents.

Name Type Description
path_to_mallet string Path to your local MALLET installation: .../mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet
path_to_original_model string Path to where the topic model was stored.
path_to_new_formatted_training_data string Path to where the MALLET formatted training data is stored.
path_to_new_topic_distributions string Path to where the topic distributions should be stored.

plot_topics_over_time(topic_distributions, topic_keys, times, topic_index, output_path=None)

Creates lineplots, one for each topic, showing the mean topic probability over document segments.

Name Type Description
topic_distributions list of lists of integers Topic distribution (list of probabilities) for each document.
topic_keys list of lists of strings The 20 most probable words for each topic.
times list of floats The division indices within the document.
topic_index integer The index of the target topic.
output_path string Path to where the resulting figure should be saved.

get_js_divergence_documents(document_index_1, document_index_2, topic_distributions)

Calculates the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the two target topic distributions.

Name Type Description
document_index_1 integer Index of the first target document distribution.
document_index_2 integer Index of the second target document distribution.
topic_distributions list of lists of integers Topic distribution (list of probabilities) for each document.
RETURNS float Jensen-Shannon divergence of the requested topic distributions.

get_js_divergence_topics(topic_index_1, topic_index_2, topic_word_probability_dict)

Calculates the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the two target topic distributions.

Name Type Description
topic_index_1 integer Index of the first target topic distribution.
topic_index_2 integer Index of the second target topic distribution.
topic_word_probability_dict defaultdict of defaultdict of float Map of topics to words to probabilities.
RETURNS float Jensen-Shannon divergence of the requested topic distributions.