Orchestrator functions have the ability to wait and listen for external events. This is useful when interaction with another system is required, e.g. the orchestrator can't continue unless a callback from an external API is received. Or a person need to perform an approval step before the orchestrator can continue.
This code sample shows how an orchestrator waits for events.
public static async Task Run(
[OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
bool approved = await context.WaitForExternalEvent<bool>("ApprovalEvent", timeout, false);
if (approved)
// approval granted - do the approved action
// approval denied - do the not approved action
This example shows how to raise an event from a Durable Functions client function.
public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage message,
[DurableClient] IDurableClient client,
ILogger logger)
var approvalResult = await message.Content.ReadAsAsync<ApprovalResult>();
await client.RaiseEventAsync(
return new AcceptedResult();
Besides using the .NET API, events can also be raised using the built-in HTTP API.
Handling external events in Durable Functions
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