Lists (AKA. arrays, or vectors) are a sequence of objects. They are dynamically sized and will always start with an index of 0.
let l = [1, 2.54, "some string", true, false];
// lists also have a size method.
let n = l.size(); // n is now 5.
You can access an element of a list with the at method.
let pets = ["horse", "cat", "dog", "fish", "birds"];; // "horse"; // "fish"
You can easily add any object as an element to a list. Simply use the add() method.
let l = [1, 2, 3, 4];
l.add(5); // 5 will now be added to the back of the list.
You can check if the list you are working with contains an element through the has() method.
let l = [1, 2.54, "some string", true, false];
l.has(2.54); // true
l.has("dog"); // false
You can delete an element as easily as you created one. Simply use the del() method.
let l = ["one", "two", "three", "four"];
l = l.del(2); // l is now ["one", "two", "four"];
To make things simple for people output the contents of a list, you can use the join() method.
let l = [1, 2, 3, 4];
l = l.join(" + "); // l is now "1 + 2 + 3 + 4";
This returns a string.
For the people wanting to use a stack, push() and pop() methods are avaliable.
let l = [10, 20, 30, 40];
l.push(50); // Adds 50 to the stack.
l.pop(); // Returns 50, and removes it from the stack.
l.pop(); // Returns 40, and removes it from the stack.