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Palworld Server Toolkit

Tools for Palworld servers

简体中文 | English

GitHub Repo stars   Python  

The world fastest PalWorld server save editor, parse 45MB Level.sav in 1.9s for JSON about 5.1GB, and for time spent in 4m54s.

  • This toolkit transfers character between worlds in Palworld, which allows friends to transfer their characters to each other's server without losing one's progress.

  • Also can be edit the Player's Item, Pals, Guilds, Money, etc...



Visit Release Pages to download and run.

Manual Install

  1. Python 3.9 or newer.

  2. Install pip Package manager

    • For Linux users: python -m ensurepip --upgrade
    • For Windows users: py -m ensurepip --upgrade
  3. Install by pip

    pip3 install palworld-server-toolkit
  4. Execute

    python3 -m palworld_server_toolkit.editor [options] <Level.sav>

Source Code Prerequisites

  1. Python 3.9 or newer.

  2. Download source code by git clone

  3. Execute git submodule update --init --recursive

  4. Execute by python3.11 -i <SRCDIR>/palworld_save_tools/ <Level.sav>




This tools is for cleanup the unreference item, rename the player name, migrate player and delete the player.


⚠️ This tool is experimental. Be careful of data loss and always make a backup.

Open Level.sav need to be on the SaveGames directory, or copied with Players, the editor will also reference to Players 's file for working, if you didn't may be corrupted the save file.


Delete user, delete base camp, delete unreference item containers are beta feature, may be cause the server error. Please always backup the file, if have any issue, please provide your Level.sav file to issues.


Without -o params, default save file is Level_fixed.sav

Use source code version just replace below command -m palworld_server_toolkit.editor to palworld_server_toolkit/

  • For GUI to modify Level.sav file - python -i -m palworld_server_toolkit.editor -g -o Level.sav Level.sav

  • For modify the Level.sav file, use the follow command python -i -m palworld_server_toolkit.editor -o Level.sav Level.sav

    • ShowPlayers() - List the Players
    • FixDuplicateUser() - Remove duplicated user data
    • ShowGuild() - List the Guild and members
    • BindGuildInstanceId(uid,instance_id) - Update Guild binding instance for user
    • RenamePlayer(uid,new_name) - Rename player to new_name
    • DeletePlayer(uid,InstanceId=None, dry_run=False) - Wipe player data from save InstanceId: delete specified InstanceId
    • DeleteGuild(group_id) - Delete Guild
    • DeleteBaseCamp(base_id) - Delete Base Camp
    • EditPlayer(uid) - Allocate player base meta data to variable player
    • MoveToGuild(uid,guild_id) - Move player to guild guild_id
    • OpenBackup(filename) - Open Backup Level.sav file and assign to backup_wsd
    • MigratePlayer(old_uid,new_uid) - Migrate the player from old PlayerUId to new PlayerUId
    • CopyPlayer(old_uid,new_uid, backup_wsd) - Copy the player from old PlayerUId to new PlayerUId backup_wsd is the OpenBackup file, wsd is current file
    • BatchDeleteUnreferencedItemContainers() - Delete Unreference Item Containers
    • FixBrokenDamageRefItemContainer() - Delete Damage Instance
    • FindInactivePlayer(day) - Find player that not active
    • Save() - Save the file and exit

Operate Sample



Finally is replace Level_fixed.sav to Level.sav and start Palworld Server.

Migrate difference server to single server

  • Preparing

    1. Copy old server Level.sav to SaveGames/0/<Server ID>/Old-Level.sav
    2. Copy old server Players/xxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000.sav to SaveGames/0/<Server ID>/Players/xxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000.sav
  • Operate By GUI

    1. Item Source Player Data Source Select Backup File
    2. Click Open File to load old server Old-Level.sav
    3. Item Source Player to select player that you want to migrate
    4. Item Target Player to select player that will be replaced. (if target player ID is the same, can copy the UUID from Source Player)
    5. Click Copy Player
    6. Click Save & Exit
    7. Replace Level_fixed.sav to Level.sav, enjoy it.

Migrate server to local

  • Operate By GUI

    1. Item Source Player to select player that you want to migrate
    2. Item Target Player paste 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
    3. Click Migrate Player
    4. Click Save & Exit
    5. Replace Level_fixed.sav to Level.sav, enjoy it.

Other Migrate

  • Operate By Command Line

    1. Use interactive mode python -i -m palworld_server_toolkit.editor Level.sav
    2. Execute following command and run CopyPlayer for each migrate player

      ⚠️ UUID can be the same, the user data will be copy from backup_wsd

      CopyPlayer("xxxxxxxx-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "xxxxxxxx-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", backup_wsd)
    3. (Optional) remove all the old xxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000.sav and Old-Level.sav
  • Migrate Local save to server:

    1. Copy local save Level.sav to SaveGames/0/<Server ID>/Old-Level.sav

    For co-op saves, they are usually at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\SaveGames\<SteamID>\<World Folder>

    1. Copy local Players/00000000000000000000000000000001.sav to SaveGames/0/<Server ID>/Players/00000000000000000000000000000001.sav
    2. Use interactive mode python -i -m palworld_server_toolkit.editor Level.sav
    3. Execute following command
      CopyPlayer("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "xxxxxxxx-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", backup_wsd)
    4. remove 00000000000000000000000000000001.sav and Old-Level.sav
  • Migrate User

    1. Use interactive mode python -i -m palworld_server_toolkit.editor Level.sav
    2. Execute following command
  • Clean the player that 7 days not online

    1. Use interactive mode python -i -m palworld_server_toolkit.editor Level.sav
    2. Execute following command
      for player_uid in FindInactivePlayer(7): DeletePlayer(player_uid)


usage: palworld-playey-list [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--password PASSWORD] [filename]

List player on the Players Folder

positional arguments:
  filename              Filename of the player sav

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host HOST, -H HOST  Host for PalWorld Server RCON
  --port PORT, -P PORT  PalWorld Server RCON Port
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        RCON Password
  • List player - python3 in working directory /PalSaved/SaveGames/0/<server id>/Players
  • Check player detail - python3 <PLAYER HEX UID>


Tools for set cpu affinity to CPU performance core (Linux only)


  • Copy Player will transfers the character and all its pals on your team and in your inventory, items on the character, and progress. It does not transfer map objects, items in chests and pals working at your base. Move items into your inventory / pals into your team if you want to transfer them.

  • The save files are usually located at C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\SaveGames for co-op saves.

  • For Xbox Game Pass Player, save files are usually located at C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Packages\ PocketpairInc.Palworld_ad4psfrxyesvt\SystemAppData\wgs

  • For server saves, go to the dedicated server's file location through steam.

  • u need at least 3 files to complete the transfer:

    • The source player character save file in Players folder
    • The source world's Level.sav file
    • The target world's Level.sav file
  • For co-op saves, the player character save file is always 000000...001.sav

  • For another server saves, their ID will not change between worlds, so that have the same name in target server, you only need the source world's 000000...000.sav

  • Windows User present use Windows Terminal instance of cmd for color

  • Data Struct

    • Source World
     └── <steam-id>
         └── <source-world-id>
             ├── backup
             ├── Level.sav  ----------  <- The source world save-file
             ├── LevelMeta.sav
             ├── Players
             │   ├── 00000...0001.sav
             │   └── 12345...6789.sav   <- character save-file we want to transfer
             └── WorldOption.sav
    • Target World
     └── <steam-id>
         └── <destination-world-id>
             ├── backup
             ├── Level.sav  ----------  <- The target world save-file
             ├── LevelMeta.sav
             ├── Players
             │   ├── 00000...0001.sav   <- the target player-placeholder save-file
             │   └── 98765...4321.sav
             └── WorldOption.sav


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