Revill should be an app in which the user can search for different games and read about it. Also, you can see the "Game of the Day" which updates everyday.
Design should be in SwiftUI and there can be some other design too.
The idea is develop this app in HacktoberFest 2022.
- Define Idea
- Prototypes
- Create Project
- CI Implementation
- Fastlane implementation
- Service(In Providey file)
- Define Architecture(Redux but if you have any idea open the issue for that)
- Write Tests(This task is just completed when test ever haha)
- Component at Search(With labels and TextField follow Design above)
- Horizontal list of categories like a section(With label and border follow Design above)
- Highlighted card, card to describe the highlighted game for each categorie
- Component at list of games with row at each game(With image, label and categorie)
- Component to save your favorite games(When tap in heart persist data at DB)
- Component to list favorite games at categorie of favorite.
- Component at Banner(With image and skip button)
- Component at title and description
- Component to go to stores of the games such as Steam, Humble and Epic links of games.
- Component for critical reviews and comments from users
Revill is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.