Unified representation
Run code and inspect results using the same abstraction. Check out the example below ⏬
diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 10e885ef..18be5b1f 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
But if you don't change your direction, and if you keep looking, you may end up where you are heading.
from typing import List, Optional
+# your code
from typing import List, Optional
import os
diff --git a/assets/examples_aimstack-storage_index.md.4d4d8e2e.lean.js b/assets/examples_aimstack-storage_index.md.f347f043.lean.js
similarity index 100%
rename from assets/examples_aimstack-storage_index.md.4d4d8e2e.lean.js
rename to assets/examples_aimstack-storage_index.md.f347f043.lean.js
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similarity index 99%
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rename to assets/examples_globus-storage_index.md.652779c4.js
index d027f8cb..d91ab86a 100644
--- a/assets/examples_globus-storage_index.md.3edf4526.js
+++ b/assets/examples_globus-storage_index.md.652779c4.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,O as l}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const i=
# download from globus
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List
import os
import time
diff --git a/assets/examples_globus-storage_index.md.3edf4526.lean.js b/assets/examples_globus-storage_index.md.652779c4.lean.js
similarity index 100%
rename from assets/examples_globus-storage_index.md.3edf4526.lean.js
rename to assets/examples_globus-storage_index.md.652779c4.lean.js
diff --git a/assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.569fa76d.js b/assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.e2713577.js
similarity index 98%
rename from assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.569fa76d.js
rename to assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.e2713577.js
index f0fcfcd4..dd87434f 100644
--- a/assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.569fa76d.js
+++ b/assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.e2713577.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,O as l}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const i=JSON.parse('{"title":"MPI execution","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"examples/mpi-execution/index.md","filePath":"examples/mpi-execution/index.md"}'),p={name:"examples/mpi-execution/index.md"},o=l(`MPI execution
Integration to launch MPI jobs.
Usage example
pythonfrom machinable import get
with get("mpi", {"ranks": 8}):
- ... # your MPI ready component
pyfrom typing import Literal, Optional, Union
+ ... # your MPI ready component
pyfrom typing import Literal, Optional, Union
import os
import sys
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,O as l}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const i=
raise KeyboardInterrupt(
"Interrupting \`" + " ".join(cmd) + "\`"
) from _ex
- sp = chmodx(self.save_file('mpi.sh', all_script))
+ sp = chmodx(self.save_file("mpi.sh", all_script))
if self.config.dry:
print(f"# Dry run ... \\n# ==============\\n{sp}\\n\\n")
diff --git a/assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.569fa76d.lean.js b/assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.e2713577.lean.js
similarity index 100%
rename from assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.569fa76d.lean.js
rename to assets/examples_mpi-execution_index.md.e2713577.lean.js
diff --git a/assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.417171f2.js b/assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.52de465c.js
similarity index 98%
rename from assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.417171f2.js
rename to assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.52de465c.js
index 09f6bbf3..97e1e531 100644
--- a/assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.417171f2.js
+++ b/assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.52de465c.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,O as l}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const C=JSON.parse('{"title":"Require execution","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"examples/require-execution/index.md","filePath":"examples/require-execution/index.md"}'),p={name:"examples/require-execution/index.md"},o=l(`Require execution
A way to assert that components have been cached.
Usage example
pythonfrom machinable import get
with get("require"):
- ... # components to check
pyfrom machinable import Execution
+ ... # components to check
pyfrom machinable import Execution
class Require(Execution):
diff --git a/assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.417171f2.lean.js b/assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.52de465c.lean.js
similarity index 100%
rename from assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.417171f2.lean.js
rename to assets/examples_require-execution_index.md.52de465c.lean.js
diff --git a/assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.e05eeecc.js b/assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.bdce63d7.js
similarity index 99%
rename from assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.e05eeecc.js
rename to assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.bdce63d7.js
index 646ac292..2dc9679c 100644
--- a/assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.e05eeecc.js
+++ b/assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.bdce63d7.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,O as l}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const i=JSON.parse('{"title":"Slurm execution","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"examples/slurm-execution/index.md","filePath":"examples/slurm-execution/index.md"}'),o={name:"examples/slurm-execution/index.md"},p=l(`Slurm execution
Integration to submit to the Slurm scheduler.
Usage example
pythonfrom machinable import get
with get("slurm", {"ranks": 8, 'preamble': 'mpirun'}):
- ... # your component
pyfrom typing import Literal, Optional, Union
+ ... # your component
pyfrom typing import Literal, Optional, Union
import os
import subprocess
diff --git a/assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.e05eeecc.lean.js b/assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.bdce63d7.lean.js
similarity index 100%
rename from assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.e05eeecc.lean.js
rename to assets/examples_slurm-execution_index.md.bdce63d7.lean.js
diff --git a/assets/guide_execution.md.14dc62c7.js b/assets/guide_execution.md.a7eeb785.js
similarity index 96%
rename from assets/guide_execution.md.14dc62c7.js
rename to assets/guide_execution.md.a7eeb785.js
index b66486b5..8858b296 100644
--- a/assets/guide_execution.md.14dc62c7.js
+++ b/assets/guide_execution.md.a7eeb785.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as o,D as l,o as e,c as p,z as n,a as s,G as t,B as c,O as r}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const x=JSON.parse('{"title":"Execution","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/execution.md","filePath":"guide/execution.md"}'),i={name:"guide/execution.md"},F=n("h1",{id:"execution",tabindex:"-1"},[s("Execution "),n("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#execution","aria-label":'Permalink to "Execution"'},"")],-1),y=n("p",null,"Components can be executed in different ways. You may, for example, like to run components using multiprocessing or execute in a cloud environment. However, instead of adding the execution logic directly to your component code, machinable makes it easy to separate concerns. You can encapsulate the execution implementation in its own execution class that can then be used to execute the component.",-1),D=r(`pythonfrom multiprocessing import Pool
+import{_ as o,D as l,o as e,c as p,z as n,a as s,G as t,B as c,O as r}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const x=JSON.parse('{"title":"Execution","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/execution.md","filePath":"guide/execution.md"}'),i={name:"guide/execution.md"},y=n("h1",{id:"execution",tabindex:"-1"},[s("Execution "),n("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#execution","aria-label":'Permalink to "Execution"'},"")],-1),F=n("p",null,"Components can be executed in different ways. You may, for example, like to run components using multiprocessing or execute in a cloud environment. However, instead of adding the execution logic directly to your component code, machinable makes it easy to separate concerns. You can encapsulate the execution implementation in its own execution class that can then be used to execute the component.",-1),D=r(`pythonfrom multiprocessing import Pool
from machinable import Execution
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ import{_ as o,D as l,o as e,c as p,z as n,a as s,G as t,B as c,O as r}from"./chu
Much like a component, the execution class implements multiprocessing of the given self.pending_executables
by dispatching them within a subprocess (component.dispatch()
As usual, we can instantiate this execution using the module convention:
pythonfrom machinable import get
multiprocess = get("multiprocess", {'processes': 2})
Then, to use it, we can wrap the launch in the execution context:
pythonwith multiprocessing:
- mnist.launch()
Check out the execution examples that include generally useful implementations you may like to use in your projects.
`,7);function A(u,C,d,m,h,f){const a=l("Pydoc");return e(),p("div",null,[F,y,n("p",null,[s("To implement an execution, implement an interface that inherits from the "),t(a,null,{default:c(()=>[s("machinable.Execution")]),_:1}),s(" base class, for example:")]),D])}const g=o(i,[["render",A]]);export{x as __pageData,g as default};
+ mnist.launch()
Check out the execution examples that include generally useful implementations you may like to use in your projects.
`,7);function A(u,C,d,m,h,f){const a=l("Pydoc");return e(),p("div",null,[y,F,n("p",null,[s("To implement an execution, implement an interface that inherits from the "),t(a,null,{default:c(()=>[s("machinable.Execution")]),_:1}),s(" base class, for example:")]),D])}const g=o(i,[["render",A]]);export{x as __pageData,g as default};
diff --git a/assets/guide_execution.md.14dc62c7.lean.js b/assets/guide_execution.md.a7eeb785.lean.js
similarity index 84%
rename from assets/guide_execution.md.14dc62c7.lean.js
rename to assets/guide_execution.md.a7eeb785.lean.js
index ff968ab1..680d7042 100644
--- a/assets/guide_execution.md.14dc62c7.lean.js
+++ b/assets/guide_execution.md.a7eeb785.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as o,D as l,o as e,c as p,z as n,a as s,G as t,B as c,O as r}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const x=JSON.parse('{"title":"Execution","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/execution.md","filePath":"guide/execution.md"}'),i={name:"guide/execution.md"},F=n("h1",{id:"execution",tabindex:"-1"},[s("Execution "),n("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#execution","aria-label":'Permalink to "Execution"'},"")],-1),y=n("p",null,"Components can be executed in different ways. You may, for example, like to run components using multiprocessing or execute in a cloud environment. However, instead of adding the execution logic directly to your component code, machinable makes it easy to separate concerns. You can encapsulate the execution implementation in its own execution class that can then be used to execute the component.",-1),D=r("",7);function A(u,C,d,m,h,f){const a=l("Pydoc");return e(),p("div",null,[F,y,n("p",null,[s("To implement an execution, implement an interface that inherits from the "),t(a,null,{default:c(()=>[s("machinable.Execution")]),_:1}),s(" base class, for example:")]),D])}const g=o(i,[["render",A]]);export{x as __pageData,g as default};
+import{_ as o,D as l,o as e,c as p,z as n,a as s,G as t,B as c,O as r}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const x=JSON.parse('{"title":"Execution","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/execution.md","filePath":"guide/execution.md"}'),i={name:"guide/execution.md"},y=n("h1",{id:"execution",tabindex:"-1"},[s("Execution "),n("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#execution","aria-label":'Permalink to "Execution"'},"")],-1),F=n("p",null,"Components can be executed in different ways. You may, for example, like to run components using multiprocessing or execute in a cloud environment. However, instead of adding the execution logic directly to your component code, machinable makes it easy to separate concerns. You can encapsulate the execution implementation in its own execution class that can then be used to execute the component.",-1),D=r("",7);function A(u,C,d,m,h,f){const a=l("Pydoc");return e(),p("div",null,[y,F,n("p",null,[s("To implement an execution, implement an interface that inherits from the "),t(a,null,{default:c(()=>[s("machinable.Execution")]),_:1}),s(" base class, for example:")]),D])}const g=o(i,[["render",A]]);export{x as __pageData,g as default};
diff --git a/assets/guide_interface.md.b501cc5c.js b/assets/guide_interface.md.41e1725a.js
similarity index 99%
rename from assets/guide_interface.md.b501cc5c.js
rename to assets/guide_interface.md.41e1725a.js
index 1920fa1c..9ade653e 100644
--- a/assets/guide_interface.md.b501cc5c.js
+++ b/assets/guide_interface.md.41e1725a.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import{_ as t,D as p,o as c,c as r,z as a,a as s,G as l,B as o,O as e}from"./chu
├─ estimate_gravity.py # contains a data analysis component
├─ evolution/
| └─ simulate_offspring.py # contains a evolutionary simulation
-└─ main.py # main script to executeThe benefit of this requirement is that you can refer to the classes via their module import path. For example, using this module convention, you can simplify the instantiation of classes that are located in different modules:
pythonfrom machinable import get
+└─ main.py # main script to execute
The benefit of this requirement is that you can refer to the classes via their module import path. For example, using this module convention, you can simplify the instantiation of classes that are located in different modules:
pythonfrom machinable import get
from estimate_gravity import EstimateGravity
from evolution.simulate_offspring import SimulateOffspring
diff --git a/assets/guide_interface.md.b501cc5c.lean.js b/assets/guide_interface.md.41e1725a.lean.js
similarity index 100%
rename from assets/guide_interface.md.b501cc5c.lean.js
rename to assets/guide_interface.md.41e1725a.lean.js
diff --git a/assets/guide_introduction.md.501c1559.js b/assets/guide_introduction.md.c5f52874.js
similarity index 97%
rename from assets/guide_introduction.md.501c1559.js
rename to assets/guide_introduction.md.c5f52874.js
index 109673a4..51ea3e64 100644
--- a/assets/guide_introduction.md.501c1559.js
+++ b/assets/guide_introduction.md.c5f52874.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,O as l}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const C=JSON.parse('{"title":"Introduction","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/introduction.md","filePath":"guide/introduction.md"}'),o={name:"guide/introduction.md"},p=l(`Introduction
What is machinable?
machinable is a Python API for research code. It provides an object-oriented skeleton that helps you develop and experiment in a unified interface while handling tedious housekeeping behind the scenes.
The key idea is to unify the running of code and the retrieval of produced results in one abstraction. A detailed discussion of this approach can be found in the about section, but for now, here is a minimal example that illustrates the idea.
- Write some code
pythonfrom random import random
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,O as l}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const C=JSON.parse('{"title":"Introduction","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/introduction.md","filePath":"guide/introduction.md"}'),o={name:"guide/introduction.md"},p=l(`Introduction
What is machinable?
machinable is a Python API for research code. It provides an object-oriented skeleton that helps you develop and experiment in a unified interface while handling tedious housekeeping behind the scenes.
The key idea is to unify the running of code and the retrieval of produced results in one abstraction. A detailed discussion of this approach can be found in the about section, but for now, here is a minimal example that illustrates the idea.
- Write some code
pythonfrom random import random
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,O as l}from"./chunks/framework.62020867.js";const C=
f"After {self.config.samples} samples, "
f"PI is approximately {self.load_file('result.json')['pi']}."
- )
- Run and inspect it using a unified abstraction
pythonfrom machinable import get
+ )
- Run and inspect it using a unified abstraction
pythonfrom machinable import get
# Imports component in \`montecarlo.py\` with samples=150;
# if an component with this configuration exists, it
diff --git a/assets/guide_introduction.md.501c1559.lean.js b/assets/guide_introduction.md.c5f52874.lean.js
similarity index 100%
rename from assets/guide_introduction.md.501c1559.lean.js
rename to assets/guide_introduction.md.c5f52874.lean.js
diff --git a/examples/aimstack-storage/index.html b/examples/aimstack-storage/index.html
index 933017a5..83cb0355 100644
--- a/examples/aimstack-storage/index.html
+++ b/examples/aimstack-storage/index.html
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
Aim storage | machinable
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
get("aimstack", {"repo": "./path/to/aim-repo"}).__enter__()
-# your code
pyfrom typing import List, Optional
+# your code
pyfrom typing import List, Optional
import os
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
for k, v in interface.__model__.model_dump().items():
run[k] = v
research code
A modular system to manage research code so you can move quickly while enabling reuse and collaboration.
Run code and inspect results using the same abstraction. Check out the example below ⏬
Spend more time experimenting while relying on machinable to keep things organized.
Tweak, extend, override while leveraging first-class support for Jupyter as well as the CLI.
Some research code
Running code ...
python regression.py --rate=0.1 --logs=1 --name=run-01
... and loading the corresponding results ...
python plot_regression_result.py --component=run-01
... are distinct and often redundant.
This means you have to manually keep track by remembering what the component with rate=0.1
was called.
machinable research code
Running code ...
machinable regression rate=0.1 logs_=True --launch
... and loading the corresponding results ...
machinable regression rate=0.1 logs_=True --launch --plot
... are distinct but use the same abstraction.
This means no need to worry about names as machinable automatically keeps track if you ran rate=0.1
This page contains detailed API reference documentation. It is intended to be an in-depth resource for understanding the implementation details of machinable's interfaces. You may prefer reviewing the more explanatory guide before consulting this reference.