If you want contribute on this project, first you need to make a git clone:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ci-monk/loli.git -b main
This will give you access to the code on your local machine.
This CLI is intended to be a code lab and best practices for creating a project ready to receive community builds, while introducing the basics for creating a CLI tool in Go and the standardization of conventions for the development workflow.
with go
go install github.com/ci-monk/loli/cmd/loli
# if you cannot install directly, try following command,
# then input install command again
go get -x -u github.com/ci-monk/loli/cmd/loli
with brew
brew tap ci-monk/tools
brew install loli
or use a binary from releases.
loli search file anime.jpg
loli search link https://anime.com/image.png
Example trace.moe response:
"frameCount": 745506,
"error": "",
"result": [
"anilist": {
"id": 99939,
"idMal": 34658,
"title": { "native": "ネコぱらOVA", "romaji": "Nekopara OVA", "english": null },
"synonyms": ["Neko Para OVA"],
"isAdult": false
"filename": "Nekopara - OVA (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4",
"episode": null,
"from": 97.75,
"to": 98.92,
"similarity": 0.9440424588727485,
"video": "https://media.trace.moe/video/99939/Nekopara%20-%20OVA%20(BD%201280x720%20x264%20AAC).mp4?t=98.33500000000001&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"image": "https://media.trace.moe/image/99939/Nekopara%20-%20OVA%20(BD%201280x720%20x264%20AAC).mp4?t=98.33500000000001&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- https://soruly.github.io/trace.moe-api/#/
- https://img.olhardigital.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Naruto-Classico-e-Naruto-Shippuden-fillers.jpg
- https://images.plurk.com/32B15UXxymfSMwKGTObY5e.jpg
To check the change history, please access the CHANGELOG.md file.