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ed9186e · Jul 29, 2019


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File metadata and controls

253 lines (185 loc) · 9.08 KB


This package provides many example inputs that implement the Composable Forms Input Specification, for use with the Form component from the ReactoForm package. Most of these inputs should work fine in a production app, but since they are intended to be examples, do not count on frequent updates.

Instead, authors of React design system component libraries are encouraged to make all of their input components compatible with ReactoForm and the Composable Forms Input Specification. This is usually very easy to do since the requirements of the specification are largely common sense.

Here are some design systems that are compatible:


npm i --save reacto-form reacto-form-inputs



Import CommonJS from reacto-form-inputs/cjs/<ComponentName>. Example, assuming you have Babel configured to convert all import to require:

import Field from 'reacto-form-inputs/cjs/Field';

Import ECMAScript module from reacto-form-inputs/esm/<ComponentName>. Example:

import Field from 'reacto-form-inputs/esm/Field';


You can also use named imports from the package entry point, but importing directly from the component path is recommended for minimizing bundle size.

import { Field, Input } from 'reacto-form-inputs';


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form, FormList } from 'reacto-form';
import BooleanCheckboxInput from 'reacto-form-inputs/cjs/BooleanCheckboxInput';
import DateTimeInput from 'reacto-form-inputs/cjs/DateTimeInput';
import ErrorsBlock from 'reacto-form-inputs/cjs/ErrorsBlock';
import Field from 'reacto-form-inputs/cjs/Field';
import Input from 'reacto-form-inputs/cjs/Input';
import SelectCheckboxInput from 'reacto-form-inputs/cjs/SelectCheckboxInput';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';

import createPlace from '../createPlace';
import validatePlace from '../validatePlace';

const dayOptions = [
  { label: 'Sunday', value: 0 },
  { label: 'Monday', value: 1 },
  { label: 'Tuesday', value: 2 },
  { label: 'Wednesday', value: 3 },
  { label: 'Thursday', value: 4 },
  { label: 'Friday', value: 5 },
  { label: 'Saturday', value: 6 },
const disableBasedOnAllDayValue = ({ openAllDay }) => !!openAllDay;

export default class PlacesCreateForm extends Component {
  render() {
    const midnightThisMorning = moment().tz('America/Chicago').hour(0).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0).toDate();
    return (
      <Form ref={i => { this.form = i; }} onSubmit={createPlace} validator={validatePlace}>
        <Field name="name" label="Name">
          <Input name="name" type="text" />
          <ErrorsBlock names={['name']} />
        <Field name="website" label="Website">
          <Input name="website" type="url" />
          <ErrorsBlock names={['website']} />
        <ErrorsBlock names={['hours']} />
        <FormList name="hours">
          <ErrorsBlock />
            <Field name="startDate" label="Start date">
              <DateTimeInput name="startDate" moment={moment} timezone="America/Chicago" value={midnightThisMorning} />
              <ErrorsBlock names={['startDate']} />
            <Field name="days" label="Days">
              <SelectCheckboxInput name="days" options={dayOptions} />
              <ErrorsBlock names={['days']} />
            <Field name="openAllDay">
              <BooleanCheckboxInput name="openAllDay" label="Open all day" />
              <ErrorsBlock names={['openAllDay']} />
            <Field name="openTime" label="Opens at">
              <Input type="time" name="openTime" className="form-control" placeholder="HH:MM" isReadOnly={disableBasedOnAllDayValue} />
              <ErrorsBlock names={['openTime']} />
            <Field name="closeTime" label="Closes at">
              <Input type="time" name="closeTime" placeholder="HH:MM" isReadOnly={disableBasedOnAllDayValue} />
              <ErrorsBlock names={['closeTime']} />
        <button type="button" onClick={() => { this.form.submit(); }}>Add</button>

Component Reference


Implements the Field spec.

Renders something like


You can use the following props to customize:

  • className: String of space-delimited classes to use on the div
  • labelClassName: String of space-delimited classes to use on the label
  • labelFor: The "for" attribute to use on the label
  • style: Style object for the div

If you set the name prop, then when there are errors for that name, the "has-error" class will be added to the div.

If you set the isRequired prop to true, then the "required" class will be added to the div, which you can use to add an asterisk or to show requiredness in some other way.

Note that the label prop can be any React node. Typically it's a string, but you could provide HTML or even another React component to render inside the label element.


Implements the ErrorsBlock spec.

Renders something like

  <!-- One of the following divs for each error -->
  <div data-name={}>{error.message}</div>

You can use the following props to customize:

  • className: String of space-delimited classes to use on the outer div
  • errorClassName: String of space-delimited classes to use on each error message div
  • errorStyle: Style object for each error message div
  • style: Style object for the outer div


Implements the Input spec with a Boolean data type.

Renders something like

  <label><input type="checkbox"> {label}</label>

This renders a check box with a label, so if using it within a Field, you would not usually pass a label to Field.

You can use the following props to customize:

  • className: String of space-delimited classes to use on the div
  • style: Style object for the div


Implements the Input spec with a Date data type.

Renders multiple HTML inputs that together allow the user to enter a specific date + time in a given timezone. This includes a month select, with month names in English.

There are many ways that datetime entry can be done and this represents just one example. If you need something different, it should be easy to copy this example component and make a new one conforming to the Input spec.


Implements the Input spec with a String data type.

This renders as an HTML input element or a textarea element. Specify the type prop as you would for HTML, but only the following types are allowed:

  • color
  • date
  • datetime-local
  • email
  • file
  • hidden
  • month
  • password
  • range
  • search
  • tel
  • text
  • time
  • url
  • week

If you want multi-line input, set allowLineBreaks={true} and you don't need a type.

By default, the string value entered by the user is trimmed. Set trimValue={false} to skip this.

By default, empty strings (after trimming) are converted to null instead. This can help make validation more logical and reduce space used in your database. If it isn't what you want, you can set convertEmptyStringToNull={false}.

Use maxLength prop to set a maximum number of characters the user can enter.

Use placeholder prop to set placeholder text.

You can use the following props to customize:

  • className: String of space-delimited classes to use on the input or textarea
  • style: Style object for the input or text area


Implements the Input spec with user-defined options that may have a Boolean, Number, or String data type. Single selection.

See the "Selection Inputs" section of the Input Component Reference for details about passing options.

You can use the following props to customize:

  • className: String of space-delimited classes to use on the select
  • style: Style object for the select


Implements the Input spec with user-defined options that may have a Boolean, Number, or String data type. Multiple selection.

See the "Selection Inputs" section of the Input Component Reference for details about passing options.

You can use the following props to customize:

  • className: String of space-delimited classes to use on the container div
  • itemClassName: String of space-delimited classes to use on each item div
  • itemStyle: Style object for each item div
  • labelClassName: String of space-delimited classes to use on each item label
  • labelStyle: Style object for each item label
  • checkboxClassName: String of space-delimited classes to use on each item checkbox input
  • checkboxStyle: Style object for each item checkbox input
  • style: Style object for the container div