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8b82c22 · Sep 10, 2024


607 lines (445 loc) · 17.4 KB

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607 lines (445 loc) · 17.4 KB

➜ deploy git:(master) ✗ npm run truffle -- migrate --network base

@rarible/[email protected] truffle truffle migrate --network base

Loading etherscan key from /Users/nico/.ethereum/etherscan.json loaded etherscan api key creating provider for address: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9

Compiling your contracts...

Compiling ./contracts/AssetMatchersImport.sol Compiling ./contracts/ExchangeV2Import.sol Compiling ./contracts/RoyaltiesRegistryImport.sol Compiling ./contracts/TokensImport.sol Compiling ./contracts/TransferProxiesImport.sol Compilation warnings encountered:

@rarible/tokens/contracts/erc-1155/ERC1155BaseURI.sol:33:9: Warning: This declaration shadows an existing declaration.
    string memory _tokenURI = _tokenURIs[tokenId];

@rarible/tokens/contracts/erc-1155/ERC1155BaseURI.sol:32:5: The shadowed declaration is here: function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) internal view virtual returns (string memory) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/exchange-v2/contracts/interfaces/IERC1271.sol:16:5: Warning: Interface functions are implicitly "virtual" function isValidSignature(bytes32 _hash, bytes calldata _signature) virtual external view returns (bytes4 magicValue); ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ ,@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol:26:5: Warning: Visibility for constructor is ignored. If you want the contract to be non-deployable, making it "abstract" is sufficient. constructor () internal { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/BeaconProxy.sol:35:5: Warning: Visibility for constructor is ignored. If you want the contract to be non-deployable, making it "abstract" is sufficient. constructor(address beacon, bytes memory data) public payable { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/UpgradeableBeacon.sol:27:5: Warning: Visibility for constructor is ignored. If you want the contract to be non-deployable, making it "abstract" is sufficient. constructor(address implementation) public { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/exchange-v2/contracts/RaribleTransferManager.sol:144:14: Warning: Unused local variable. (address token, LibERC1155LazyMint.Mint1155Data memory data) = abi.decode(, (address, LibERC1155LazyMint.Mint1155Data)); ^-----------^ ,@rarible/exchange-v2/contracts/RaribleTransferManager.sol:147:14: Warning: Unused local variable. (address token, LibERC721LazyMint.Mint721Data memory data) = abi.decode(, (address, LibERC721LazyMint.Mint721Data)); ^-----------^ ,@rarible/custom-matchers/contracts/AssetMatcherCollection.sol:17:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure function matchAssets(LibAsset.Asset ... turns (LibAsset.AssetType memory) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/exchange-v2/contracts/AssetMatcher.sol:68:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure function simpleMatch(LibAsset.Asset ... turns (LibAsset.AssetType memory) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/royalties/contracts/LibRoyalties2981.sol:15:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure function calculateRoyalties(address to, uint256 amount) internal view returns (LibPart.Part[] memory) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/tokens/contracts/erc-721/ERC721Upgradeable.sol:389:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view function _burned(uint256 tokenId) internal returns (bool) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).

Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.

Starting migrations...

Network name: 'base' Network id: 8453 Block gas limit: 120000000 (0x7270e00)


Deploying 'Migrations'

transaction hash: 0x6af941a0604b3f1fc885b4cec085f0531b6aceb826e9791d9771df8138553ba3 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x5cc32A135663018bAB9976B379cc08F142423916 block number: 19575994 block timestamp: 1725941335 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000999327446194284 gas used: 155034 (0x25d9a) gas price: 0.003079802 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000000477474023268 ETH

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.000000477474023268 ETH


Deploying 'RoyaltiesRegistry'

transaction hash: 0x8a3616ff1d5ba6deddc926448e16cdcd090177f92ca26d9c84c059892db84521 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0xA239862e02808DBd11470D3EC967E04FBA16238f block number: 19576005 block timestamp: 1725941357 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000994104606551259 gas used: 1572819 (0x17ffd3) gas price: 0.003082956 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000004848931772964 ETH

Deploying 'ProxyAdmin'

transaction hash: 0x9eba98a966886f28d4b57eea7206f976abb302f885129fe00744fa9112ab9a9a Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x7E87A856F34E12659A11a6e80F4535B2Dcdf3F6F block number: 19576010 block timestamp: 1725941367 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.00099254396457269 gas used: 484144 (0x76330) gas price: 0.00308848 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.00000149526906112 ETH

Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'

transaction hash: 0x8a72a34cc2ec371645f1db076ab008b048d1224416bfba930dc99ded0eb542a8 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x2d1472930194dcA9E625Eb501e6528564CA37547 block number: 19576015 block timestamp: 1725941377 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000990423789825013 gas used: 642469 (0x9cda5) gas price: 0.003096298 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000001989275479762 ETH

deployed royaltiesRegistry at 0x2d1472930194dcA9E625Eb501e6528564CA37547

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.000008333476313846 ETH


Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


Deploying 'TransferProxy'

transaction hash: 0x784bd0bf70e09875f3f6c82535ab461a0ef0691d31215bd55b2b49e728beeaa8 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0xE3c11fB8436Fa418900B06547fC27d1c9A71f877 block number: 19576032 block timestamp: 1725941411 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000988034452831488 gas used: 649103 (0x9e78f) gas price: 0.003110328 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000002018923235784 ETH

deployed transferProxy at 0xE3c11fB8436Fa418900B06547fC27d1c9A71f877

Deploying 'ERC20TransferProxy'

transaction hash: 0x1ebc0b1263637e5912d82a07a53548d9060ccee1e8cb3dac226a23e8ce11978c Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x3dEde2c135039740Ba44E93CD4d8c2739de7C1Bc block number: 19576040 block timestamp: 1725941427 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000985962480073395 gas used: 570547 (0x8b4b3) gas price: 0.003120876 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000001780606439172 ETH

deployed erc20TransferProxy at 0x3dEde2c135039740Ba44E93CD4d8c2739de7C1Bc

Deploying 'ERC721LazyMintTransferProxy'

transaction hash: 0x1373e6c21a68d5fd02d1aee89b563c3bfab4655f7f060e5346c2e2dcc44e9bcb Blocks: 3 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x917a509Ac87b17AaFD241D9C0Cd030F89C44AE85 block number: 19576048 block timestamp: 1725941443 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000982957606346974 gas used: 849243 (0xcf55b) gas price: 0.003131377 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000002659299997611 ETH

deployed erc721LazyProxy at 0x917a509Ac87b17AaFD241D9C0Cd030F89C44AE85

Deploying 'ERC1155LazyMintTransferProxy'

transaction hash: 0x2045748767bfc76a9f6b58a63146492c5ba3ce97119b9f064c44d622db12bee2 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0xbB71e9498617bA0026601f87876e59BE96fc3314 block number: 19576056 block timestamp: 1725941459 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000979990421921943 gas used: 837334 (0xcc6d6) gas price: 0.003140892 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000002629975661928 ETH

deployed erc1155LazyProxy at 0xbB71e9498617bA0026601f87876e59BE96fc3314

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.000009088805334495 ETH


Deploying 'ERC721Rarible'

transaction hash: 0x5e45d817d0bad0b152ee53c7b11a6b311f1ac0a26fb8446b70fa93ff66dd8139 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 5 contract address: 0xfF33638946F2D3fa4c1E1D27da73c8f3df861511 block number: 19576069 block timestamp: 1725941485 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000966472206574559 gas used: 4013474 (0x3d3da2) gas price: 0.003153092 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000012654852761608 ETH

Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'

transaction hash: 0x7001cebe1c47aa9b5f48dc44703110884a9f0ae506e8ebd561e17e11683db672 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x5D93fBE4Bfd38CcdB24Ad04A94eF21fa8427B3bA block number: 19576075 block timestamp: 1725941497 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000963346729826707 gas used: 950600 (0xe8148) gas price: 0.003158472 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000030024434832 ETH

deployed erc721 at 0x5D93fBE4Bfd38CcdB24Ad04A94eF21fa8427B3bA

Deploying 'ERC1155Rarible'

transaction hash: 0x80a9217857fea9daa7fa59299caff9d8813d25284aa8e59c5cfb46a53edcb1af Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x68F8E7cb72c93Ee86f7f856E5C0b02c9A580046F block number: 19576081 block timestamp: 1725941509 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000948295662338998 gas used: 4584661 (0x45f4d5) gas price: 0.00315627 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.00001447042797447 ETH

Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'

transaction hash: 0x4c2093b86a419319ed5190d1902f18c89c485a7d448bb37f8e06214840a2b53b Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x18E185C08e714e6E4306309B135225B43A77ab22 block number: 19576087 block timestamp: 1725941521 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000945208066729926 gas used: 933599 (0xe3edf) gas price: 0.003163883 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000002953798004917 ETH

deployed erc1155 at 0x18E185C08e714e6E4306309B135225B43A77ab22

Deploying 'ERC721RaribleBeacon'

transaction hash: 0xd0db0c71c40be7c1ccb71de9257c5b7dcb091d4a6d163fcdcc34b5befc189cc7 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0xF8b1a2e298358C0A9a8d797Fac41dBC5026Cd5d2 block number: 19576093 block timestamp: 1725941533 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.00094403505603044 gas used: 356388 (0x57024) gas price: 0.003162418 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000001127047826184 ETH

Deploying 'ERC1155RaribleBeacon'

transaction hash: 0x89fb7e0891cdddc4e38b0c4fddf8103fdc3410aa4e853ea253477f899b3d1e46 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x31D56e268357937407EA179ce72e93B2d9c5612E block number: 19576099 block timestamp: 1725941545 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000942867266284379 gas used: 356400 (0x57030) gas price: 0.003161629 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000011268045756 ETH

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.000035335374625979 ETH


Deploying 'ExchangeV2'

transaction hash: 0x674dead26f7a8ff0649ef323863bd5d54856c815571e74062f55e1cc72d74104 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x9ea8329a72B1388A7cDa3fe7DDD99f97a6794c85 block number: 19576109 block timestamp: 1725941565 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000930007178625889 gas used: 3895208 (0x3b6fa8) gas price: 0.003158072 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000012301347318976 ETH

Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'

transaction hash: 0x9d4e8efad401e6d9a8e4e856049700371e2362d4ae61284c1cfad1810e72e0fa Blocks: 3 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0xDE7064d5C8ab39E1CF149177F13C0AB803dA03d2 block number: 19576115 block timestamp: 1725941577 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000927340640413568 gas used: 804151 (0xc4537) gas price: 0.003156048 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000002537939155248 ETH

deployed exchangeV2 at 0xDE7064d5C8ab39E1CF149177F13C0AB803dA03d2

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.000014839286474224 ETH


Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


{ communityWallet: '0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9', deploy_CryptoPunks: false, address_CryptoPunks: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' }

Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


old impl 721 = 0xfF33638946F2D3fa4c1E1D27da73c8f3df861511 new impl 721 = 0xfF33638946F2D3fa4c1E1D27da73c8f3df861511 old impl 1155 = 0x68F8E7cb72c93Ee86f7f856E5C0b02c9A580046F new impl 1155 = 0x68F8E7cb72c93Ee86f7f856E5C0b02c9A580046F

Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


Deploying 'ERC721RaribleMinimal'

transaction hash: 0x652d349b527a5a386945dccb4e3e1188003c434c5e98b44b47921e89b9032811 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x314B8e649590dD9153D5F7225d391cBF9aC51600 block number: 19576181 block timestamp: 1725941709 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000912589724550101 gas used: 3816017 (0x3a3a51) gas price: 0.003200192 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000012211987075264 ETH

Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'

transaction hash: 0xc0912d2019e34f9eb1b553f93ebf3776588ed2e3d64e6c9f61d1ef05b46c1f23 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x0e0B3f68E243128a564A664c470434dE6eb91359 block number: 19576187 block timestamp: 1725941721 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000909475165069176 gas used: 930601 (0xe3329) gas price: 0.003203063 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000002980773630863 ETH

deployed erc721 minimal at 0x0e0B3f68E243128a564A664c470434dE6eb91359

Deploying 'ERC721RaribleMinimalBeacon'

transaction hash: 0xa46d3b518fb23e30c61e0e64bcc0a0c81cafd65424c2d669e09ee9fd2cdf3533 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x0F3D562cD068C3443E9302bb2d1f161F3E5e8696 block number: 19576193 block timestamp: 1725941733 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.00090828568530012 gas used: 356388 (0x57024) gas price: 0.003210322 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000001144120236936 ETH

Deploying 'ERC721RaribleFactoryC2'

transaction hash: 0xcbb1b7dcc53d7b4d2f927af5443e6276001822dc4e55b53eab6f7f863e63dcb8 Blocks: 3 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0xdDd6d7291Fb73E6aED8DACf43C2504423DDd94e3 block number: 19576199 block timestamp: 1725941745 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000903842568224864 gas used: 1322013 (0x142c1d) gas price: 0.003214452 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000004249547331876 ETH

deployed factory721 minimal at 0xdDd6d7291Fb73E6aED8DACf43C2504423DDd94e3

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.000020586428274939 ETH


old impl 721 = 0xfF33638946F2D3fa4c1E1D27da73c8f3df861511 new impl 721 = 0xfF33638946F2D3fa4c1E1D27da73c8f3df861511

Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


Saving migration to chain.

Total cost: 0 ETH


old impl 1155 = 0x68F8E7cb72c93Ee86f7f856E5C0b02c9A580046F new impl 1155 = 0x68F8E7cb72c93Ee86f7f856E5C0b02c9A580046F

Deploying 'ERC1155RaribleFactoryC2'

transaction hash: 0x6693fbce8004d8e696b7c218e7fdc3450757948e2a7c5892bc0e6b6f8894114f Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0xeE8Ba404dEEeaCeE3CA671a33dbfB3e9430D7F8E block number: 19576241 block timestamp: 1725941829 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000898457369727225 gas used: 1322001 (0x142c11) gas price: 0.003209227 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000004242601303227 ETH

deployed factory1155 at 0xeE8Ba404dEEeaCeE3CA671a33dbfB3e9430D7F8E

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.000004242601303227 ETH


Deploying 'AssetMatcherCollection'

transaction hash: 0xcb5ff5202a32a3e4294cab94298933e8f3e95dbd37a474f29698cf76653fb2d9 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x4C526D323b0372926048407E0450148165F0040C block number: 19576249 block timestamp: 1725941845 account: 0x3Ae9Bf5331e076b55B61933206f797F4375D11D9 balance: 0.000897429233887782 gas used: 275219 (0x43313) gas price: 0.003227498 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000000888268772062 ETH

asset matcher for collections deployed at 0x4C526D323b0372926048407E0450148165F0040C

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.000000888268772062 ETH


Total deployments: 22 Final cost: 0.00009379171512204 ETH

➜ deploy git:(master) ✗