➜ deploy git:(master) ✗ npm run truffle -- migrate --network arbitrum_sepolia
@rarible/[email protected] truffle truffle migrate --network arbitrum_sepolia
Loading etherscan key from /Users/nico/.ethereum/etherscan.json loaded etherscan api key creating provider for address: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3
Compiling ./contracts/AssetMatchersImport.sol Compiling ./contracts/ExchangeV2Import.sol Compiling ./contracts/RoyaltiesRegistryImport.sol Compiling ./contracts/TokensImport.sol Compiling ./contracts/TransferProxiesImport.sol Compilation warnings encountered:
@rarible/tokens/contracts/erc-1155/ERC1155BaseURI.sol:33:9: Warning: This declaration shadows an existing declaration.
string memory _tokenURI = _tokenURIs[tokenId];
@rarible/tokens/contracts/erc-1155/ERC1155BaseURI.sol:32:5: The shadowed declaration is here: function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) internal view virtual returns (string memory) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/exchange-v2/contracts/interfaces/IERC1271.sol:16:5: Warning: Interface functions are implicitly "virtual" function isValidSignature(bytes32 _hash, bytes calldata _signature) virtual external view returns (bytes4 magicValue); ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ ,@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol:26:5: Warning: Visibility for constructor is ignored. If you want the contract to be non-deployable, making it "abstract" is sufficient. constructor () internal { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/BeaconProxy.sol:35:5: Warning: Visibility for constructor is ignored. If you want the contract to be non-deployable, making it "abstract" is sufficient. constructor(address beacon, bytes memory data) public payable { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/UpgradeableBeacon.sol:27:5: Warning: Visibility for constructor is ignored. If you want the contract to be non-deployable, making it "abstract" is sufficient. constructor(address implementation) public { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/exchange-v2/contracts/RaribleTransferManager.sol:144:14: Warning: Unused local variable. (address token, LibERC1155LazyMint.Mint1155Data memory data) = abi.decode(matchNft.data, (address, LibERC1155LazyMint.Mint1155Data)); ^-----------^ ,@rarible/exchange-v2/contracts/RaribleTransferManager.sol:147:14: Warning: Unused local variable. (address token, LibERC721LazyMint.Mint721Data memory data) = abi.decode(matchNft.data, (address, LibERC721LazyMint.Mint721Data)); ^-----------^ ,@rarible/custom-matchers/contracts/AssetMatcherCollection.sol:17:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure function matchAssets(LibAsset.Asset ... turns (LibAsset.AssetType memory) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/exchange-v2/contracts/AssetMatcher.sol:68:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure function simpleMatch(LibAsset.Asset ... turns (LibAsset.AssetType memory) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/royalties/contracts/LibRoyalties2981.sol:15:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure function calculateRoyalties(address to, uint256 amount) internal view returns (LibPart.Part[] memory) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines). ,@rarible/tokens/contracts/erc-721/ERC721Upgradeable.sol:389:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view function _burned(uint256 tokenId) internal returns (bool) { ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.
Network name: 'arbitrum_sepolia' Network id: 421614 Block gas limit: 1125899906842624 (0x4000000000000)
Deploying 'Migrations'
transaction hash: 0x16d51693414d0e1331aeca16841370e33038e42abda82e1058f5e91be902c5fd Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x4d89a53AC48A00ea3D31aA8a3Dd5898d4FacD23E block number: 8758805 block timestamp: 1705892579 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4999844994 gas used: 155006 (0x25d7e) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000155006 ETH
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.0000155006 ETH
Deploying 'RoyaltiesRegistry'
transaction hash: 0x2dfa4244be1980db16b9e03420e7037c213b882c98c36a0a98604a83b01de993 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xfff4E2b15B3897849842301C8cDA001193c04f57 block number: 8758863 block timestamp: 1705892593 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4998226962 gas used: 1572377 (0x17fe19) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0001572377 ETH
Deploying 'ProxyAdmin'
transaction hash: 0x5fb8f4e095932770fa25e524ff707ff6d69142fac8096252ad07a6d26d05a6df Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x838F12cfcD51944fe70d2a9474C24e0D5Cfc33C5 block number: 8758882 block timestamp: 1705892601 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4997742942 gas used: 484020 (0x762b4) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.000048402 ETH
Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'
transaction hash: 0xb673eeaf05af4685a5a5b09f4d91aa8eb5214aa251b6d23a8ec5e91b7a7b495f Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x2Bf8458E4B32C76912fccAea829B5A403570588B block number: 8758911 block timestamp: 1705892609 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4997100739 gas used: 642203 (0x9cc9b) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000642203 ETH
deployed royaltiesRegistry at 0x2Bf8458E4B32C76912fccAea829B5A403570588B
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.00026986 ETH
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
Deploying 'TransferProxy'
transaction hash: 0x8999856e1b0c5aa978a4d7f9226b3bde8323f241bcd049c9a646b0b01c5b0209 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x9C2fb677C316799A41f4Ff6cA414E38EdBbdBB4f block number: 8758987 block timestamp: 1705892628 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4996366147 gas used: 648927 (0x9e6df) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000648927 ETH
deployed transferProxy at 0x9C2fb677C316799A41f4Ff6cA414E38EdBbdBB4f
Deploying 'ERC20TransferProxy'
transaction hash: 0xe41b97c9c62a9521601dccee4265615b76ad3f8716aca161620958b7e81e26ef Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xb77F7CE833A62cd55641A281513D0C3EC5F1d715 block number: 8759025 block timestamp: 1705892638 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4995727113 gas used: 570395 (0x8b41b) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000570395 ETH
deployed erc20TransferProxy at 0xb77F7CE833A62cd55641A281513D0C3EC5F1d715
Deploying 'ERC721LazyMintTransferProxy'
transaction hash: 0xafc61728c38835ddc13ca99a8bb6c6ca085027d6770272f7e9ec16eeb403d254 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x2D5fDAd68BDeDc567F083eb1f995B9Fe6Eb61000 block number: 8759061 block timestamp: 1705892647 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4994809465 gas used: 849009 (0xcf471) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000849009 ETH
deployed erc721LazyProxy at 0x2D5fDAd68BDeDc567F083eb1f995B9Fe6Eb61000
Deploying 'ERC1155LazyMintTransferProxy'
transaction hash: 0x8320f103d7de1db7f8fc36b554f75b438ad88aba02a18310bc0e376c1dff1189 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xd30cf6be924910B1D80B642aD7E7080B4cb89E8E block number: 8759097 block timestamp: 1705892657 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4993903713 gas used: 837104 (0xcc5f0) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000837104 ETH
deployed erc1155LazyProxy at 0xd30cf6be924910B1D80B642aD7E7080B4cb89E8E
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.0002905435 ETH
Deploying 'ERC721Rarible'
transaction hash: 0x8b41113e2475042bdc80c7685d0ce9f0561cc510d622d65f471ff0b7ec7cc692 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xaC5160784Cc5f1EC454477831b5f23A6f2f7A657 block number: 8759165 block timestamp: 1705892675 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4989794184 gas used: 4012326 (0x3d3926) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0004012326 ETH
Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'
transaction hash: 0x93599773f8ff0adbe7a130c142de8cbf3988540c54dc33692178fc7be8641fe7 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x58cbf9117d0872F3527a5B093891f3E6ddff1cbf block number: 8759199 block timestamp: 1705892684 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4988843876 gas used: 950308 (0xe8024) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000950308 ETH
deployed erc721 at 0x58cbf9117d0872F3527a5B093891f3E6ddff1cbf
Deploying 'ERC1155Rarible'
transaction hash: 0x0e88c73449cbbb823dff713e0e109baaf5c855c1f54675b30df8119c60c89bc6 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xa1fD18dc2e384e4BDE63675eE5106788FeDbcB35 block number: 8759229 block timestamp: 1705892692 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4984260529 gas used: 4583347 (0x45efb3) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0004583347 ETH
Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'
transaction hash: 0xa895f5202e211608e5ed2d9874eae2981a84d894cf6534262402ea4d032c75ed Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x127f03c14c08130dDAc83B8698F0FF2b4f41AE87 block number: 8759260 block timestamp: 1705892701 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4983327198 gas used: 933331 (0xe3dd3) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000933331 ETH
deployed erc1155 at 0x127f03c14c08130dDAc83B8698F0FF2b4f41AE87
Deploying 'ERC721RaribleBeacon'
transaction hash: 0xea128a3825bbfff253d03dd2a537b2c2ff14bedbd6fc2d0ceadedf3313aebc78 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x171573Fd7B44C87CDDdD4684A9975184c9d1275d block number: 8759289 block timestamp: 1705892709 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4982970906 gas used: 356292 (0x56fc4) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000356292 ETH
Deploying 'ERC1155RaribleBeacon'
transaction hash: 0x6ebf9e63500e17e510d0ec0143bc1da7258c3a192ebbc9aeb8f662e68ac09e70 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xb5FD9dDD34D783a07c866B37a8D7F25385b19210 block number: 8759314 block timestamp: 1705892717 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4982614602 gas used: 356304 (0x56fd0) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000356304 ETH
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.0011191908 ETH
Deploying 'ExchangeV2'
transaction hash: 0x4437a2901ee45a9bd2f3bd6c009e9b333fb739225a3772cc9cf5e0d0b375d670 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xd3E7fbfb540eFF317b46e63958B6d3131A6612f8 block number: 8759360 block timestamp: 1705892729 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4978691953 gas used: 3894094 (0x3b6b4e) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0003894094 ETH
Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'
transaction hash: 0xdbaa87bccaf419ccff2f72912af45c443a3f79b9f6302ce4103433f4d4912ce2 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x295125F9A15E450F404625278222afdDD88bA08F block number: 8759390 block timestamp: 1705892740 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4977888066 gas used: 803887 (0xc442f) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000803887 ETH
deployed exchangeV2 at 0x295125F9A15E450F404625278222afdDD88bA08F
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.0004697981 ETH
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
{ communityWallet: '0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3', deploy_CryptoPunks: false, address_CryptoPunks: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' }
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
old impl 721 = 0xaC5160784Cc5f1EC454477831b5f23A6f2f7A657 new impl 721 = 0xaC5160784Cc5f1EC454477831b5f23A6f2f7A657 old impl 1155 = 0xa1fD18dc2e384e4BDE63675eE5106788FeDbcB35 new impl 1155 = 0xa1fD18dc2e384e4BDE63675eE5106788FeDbcB35
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
Deploying 'ERC721RaribleMinimal'
transaction hash: 0x4b78d6c3c59a6698a8eed9395be684a4e76e5204246232304e4a07a028a69d43 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xf0D1e5Fbab5541a5546CF30Ca0326483777FEF2F block number: 8759653 block timestamp: 1705892821 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4973467202 gas used: 3814925 (0x3a360d) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0003814925 ETH
Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy'
transaction hash: 0x99631a35fef3cba27756037d2de4f5a6555b0382fdd2e07fa919759c0dfcb41d Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xC74A89214fe516F10d59989CbACa838EA6DAfcA8 block number: 8759684 block timestamp: 1705892829 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4972536881 gas used: 930321 (0xe3211) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000930321 ETH
deployed erc721 minimal at 0xC74A89214fe516F10d59989CbACa838EA6DAfcA8
Deploying 'ERC721RaribleMinimalBeacon'
transaction hash: 0xee3d81729daa6734089c151fdbdf7172e677d515144e16f8f239dfc35b0ed06a Blocks: 16 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x5d35FB950f21A0F8C3519a671251c4AEfcD406aB block number: 8759708 block timestamp: 1705892837 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4972180577 gas used: 356304 (0x56fd0) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000356304 ETH
Deploying 'ERC721RaribleFactoryC2'
transaction hash: 0x90bd7f16720c209d26d43696ce8fab30af27badf78e40c3a3ad2915ae754c2e0 Blocks: 11 Seconds: 4 contract address: 0x84830C3013d9859bB4441eBaFc070f8aB383Afd2 block number: 8759737 block timestamp: 1705892847 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4970858942 gas used: 1321635 (0x142aa3) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0001321635 ETH
deployed factory721 minimal at 0x84830C3013d9859bB4441eBaFc070f8aB383Afd2
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.0006423185 ETH
old impl 721 = 0xaC5160784Cc5f1EC454477831b5f23A6f2f7A657 new impl 721 = 0xaC5160784Cc5f1EC454477831b5f23A6f2f7A657
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
Saving migration to chain.
Total cost: 0 ETH
old impl 1155 = 0xa1fD18dc2e384e4BDE63675eE5106788FeDbcB35 new impl 1155 = 0xa1fD18dc2e384e4BDE63675eE5106788FeDbcB35
Deploying 'ERC1155RaribleFactoryC2'
transaction hash: 0x576bc4d56398384afb8f9c656b4182379c1c2df8303b3dc889141a993b65567a Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x936Aa1311CfB160Bf52006C9aff4642ac89ce3fd block number: 8759907 block timestamp: 1705892901 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4969255127 gas used: 1321647 (0x142aaf) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0001321647 ETH
deployed factory1155 at 0x936Aa1311CfB160Bf52006C9aff4642ac89ce3fd
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.0001321647 ETH
Deploying 'AssetMatcherCollection'
transaction hash: 0x9d0045deccd5a0e222a848b7ebd3a1d30545690b4088f7533181ec9a3fe1c3cb Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0x7A4c9573c4c0609CDE08290B01B0e5365932292B block number: 8759940 block timestamp: 1705892912 account: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 balance: 0.4968951421 gas used: 275151 (0x432cf) gas price: 0.1 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0000275151 ETH
asset matcher for collections deployed at 0x7A4c9573c4c0609CDE08290B01B0e5365932292B
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.0000275151 ETH
Total deployments: 22 Final cost: 0.0029668913 ETH
➜ deploy git:(master) ✗ npm run truffle -- exec ./scripts/deploy-erc721.js --network arbitrum_sepolia --name "Liteflow ERC721" --symbol "LTF" --baseURI ipfs:/ --factoryAddress 0x84830C3013d9859bB4441eBaFc070f8aB383Afd2
@rarible/[email protected] truffle truffle exec ./scripts/deploy-erc721.js --network arbitrum_sepolia --name Liteflow ERC721 --symbol LTF --baseURI ipfs:/ --factoryAddress 0x84830C3013d9859bB4441eBaFc070f8aB383Afd2
Warning: possible unsupported (undocumented in help) command line option(s): --name,--symbol,--baseURI,--factoryAddress Loading etherscan key from /Users/nico/.ethereum/etherscan.json loaded etherscan api key creating provider for address: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 Using network 'arbitrum_sepolia'.
name: Liteflow ERC721 symbol: LTF baseURI: ipfs:/ factoryAddress: 0x84830C3013d9859bB4441eBaFc070f8aB383Afd2 using factory at 0x84830C3013d9859bB4441eBaFc070f8aB383Afd2 salt 0xfd79fbf5eac8672aea57542b1e08da1b64365942f5c28c8a939ee07b0d1172b6 Confirm info? type yes to confirm: yes deploying... tx: 0xca73a2b200546eb11eb4640936e75e68c6618efba93f5926f5926d2e818715c3 token deployed at: 0x07A1a67022C077EB14Cb13d81f0251787243e1e5 ➜ deploy git:(master) ✗ npm run truffle -- exec ./scripts/deploy-erc1155.js --network arbitrum_sepolia --name "Liteflow ERC1155" --symbol "LTF" --baseURI ipfs:/ --factoryAddress 0x936Aa1311CfB160Bf52006C9aff4642ac89ce3fd
@rarible/[email protected] truffle truffle exec ./scripts/deploy-erc1155.js --network arbitrum_sepolia --name Liteflow ERC1155 --symbol LTF --baseURI ipfs:/ --factoryAddress 0x936Aa1311CfB160Bf52006C9aff4642ac89ce3fd
Warning: possible unsupported (undocumented in help) command line option(s): --name,--symbol,--baseURI,--factoryAddress Loading etherscan key from /Users/nico/.ethereum/etherscan.json loaded etherscan api key creating provider for address: 0x29bD48E4cB7562D660506Ff940365a76A8d407E3 Using network 'arbitrum_sepolia'.
name: Liteflow ERC1155 symbol: LTF baseURI: ipfs:/ factoryAddress: 0x936Aa1311CfB160Bf52006C9aff4642ac89ce3fd using factory at 0x936Aa1311CfB160Bf52006C9aff4642ac89ce3fd salt 0xd34e126b00ae40813d8c52f0edbab55814b025ae112bc0a58d4abf5ac4d9ad89 Confirm info? type yes to confirm: yes deploying... tx: 0xea4dd939d177b4163991a0795135d192e7af04654057e16194557365c6c3e5be token deployed at: 0x09367518E69166b3f0eE015FB634d729880922C3