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Study Notes of Time Series

Part 1: Basic Descriptive Techniques

1.1 $~$ Types of Variations

Seasonal Variations

  • annual in period

  • e.g. sales figure, temperature reading

  • can readily be estimated if directly interested

  • can be removed from the data if not directly interested

Other Cyclic Variations

  • variatons at fixed period $~~~$ e.g. daily temperature

  • variation not at fixed period, but still predictable $~~~$ e.g. business cycles of 3 to 4 years or more than 10 years


  • 'long term change in the mean level'

  • need to take into account the number of observation available and make a subjective assessment of what 'long term' means

  • e.g. climate variables: data of 50 years we may see a cyclic variation; while data of 20 years we may only see a trend

Other irregular fluctuation (Residual)

  • after trends and cyclic variations are removed from the data, we will observe the residual that may or may not be 'random'

  • need to analyze if there is any cyclic variation left to be extract, or

  • any irregular variations may be explained in terms of probablity models, such as moving average (MA) or autoregressive (AR)

1.2 $~$ Stationary Time Series

Stationary: A time series is stationary if there is no systematic change in mean (no trend), if there is no systematic change in variance and if stricly periodic variations has been removed.

  • Many theories are concerned with stationary time series. So transform to statsionary if neccessary.

1.3 $~$ Transformations

1. To stablize the variance

Suggested if: (1) there is a trend; (2) variance is increasing with the mean

  • If the standard deviation is directly proportional to the mean, a logarithm transform is indicated.

  • If the variance changes through time without a trend being present, then a transformation will not help. In such cases, a model that allows for changing variance should be considered.

2. To make the seasonal effect additive

Suggested if: (1) there is a trend; (2) seasonal effect is increasing with mean

  • if so, suggested to make the seasonal effect constant from year to year. This is refer to as additive seasonal effect.

  • Multiplicative seasonal effect if directly proportional to the mean.

  • A logarithm transformation is suggested to make it additive

  • However, this transform will only stablize the variance if error term is also thought to be multiplicative (see later)

3. To make the data normally distributed

  • Model building and forecasting are usually carried out on the assumption that the data are normally distributed.

  • Difficult. Necessary to model the data using a different 'error' distribution

BOX-COX transformation:

logarithm and square-root are special cases of BOX-COX. Given a time series ${x_t}$ and a transformation parameter $\lambda$, the transformed series is given by:

$$ y_t= \begin{cases} (x_t^\lambda-1)/\lambda, & \text{if}\ \lambda \neq 0\\ log \ x_t, & \text{if}\ \lambda = 0 \end{cases} $$

Problems in practice:

  1. Experiments found little in improvement with BOX-COX transformation

  2. Cannot achieve all of the above requirements

  3. Hard to 'transform back'

1.4 $~$ Analyzing Series WITH Trend and NO Seasonal Variations

Simplest type of trend, 'linear model + noise': an observaton at time $t$ is a random variable $X_t$

$$ X_t = \alpha + \beta \ t + \epsilon \tag{1.1} $$

  • (1.1) is a deterministic function of time and is sometimes called global linear trend, and is generally not practical.

  • More emphasis on models that is locally linear. One possibility is to fit a piecewise linear model.

  • To solve the unsmoothing points in pieceise linear model, we could assume that $\alpha$ and $\beta$ evolve stochastically, leading to a Stochastic Trend.

General Approaches:

1.4.1 $~$ Curve fitting

  • ** for future updates **

1.4.2 $~$ Filtering

Moving Average

Basic Formula:

$$ y_t = \sum^{+s}{r = -q} a_r x{t+r} \ s.t. \sum a_r = 1 $$

  • Simplest example: $Sm(x) = \frac{1}{2q+1}\sum_{r = -q}^{q} x_{t+r} $. Help to removing seasonal variation.

  • Symmetric coefficient: $(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2})^{2q}$. When q gets large, approximates to normal curve.

  • Spenser's 15-point moving average: used for mortality stats

  • Henderson moving average: cubic polynomial trend without distortion.

end-effects problem: happens when symmetric filter is chosen. $Sm(x)$ can only calculate from $ t=q+1$ to $t = N-q$. In forecasting, it is particularly important to calculate smooth values up to $t=N$.

  • Exponential Smoothing: $$Sm(x) = \sum^\infty_{j=0} \alpha(1-\alpha)^j \ x_{t-j} $$

    where $0 < \alpha < 1$. Note that $\alpha(1-\alpha)^j$ decreases geometrically with j.

Once we have extimated the trend, we calculate the residual:

$$ \begin{aligned} Res(x_t) &= \text{residual from smmothed value} \ &= x_t - Sm(x_t) \ &= \sum^{s}{r=-q} b_r \ x{t+r} \end{aligned}$$

  • This is also a linear filter with $b_0 = 1 - a_0$ and $b_r = -a_r$ for $r\neq0$.
  • If $\sum a_r = 1$ then $\sum b_r = 0$
Filter in Series

filter in sereis

A smoothing procedure can be carried out in two or more stages.

It is easy to show that a series of linear operations is still a linear filter:

Suppose filter 1, with weights ${a_r}$, acts on ${x_t}$ to produce ${y_t}$ Then filter 2 with weights ${b_r}$ acts on ${y_t}$ to produce ${z_t}$. Now,

$$ \begin{aligned} z_t &= \sum_j b_j \ y_{t+j} \\ &= \sum_j b_j \ \sum_r a_r \ x_{t+j+r} \\ &= \sum_k c_k \ x_{t+k} \end{aligned}$$

where $$ c_k = \sum_r a_r \ b_{k-r} $$

Note that $c_k$ is obtained by convolution.

1.4.3 $~$ Differencing

  • A special type of filtering, particularly useful for removing a trend.

  • For non-seasonal time series, first order is usually sufficient to obtain stationary series.

For a given time series ${x_t}, t \in [N]$, we can obatin a new sereis ${y_2, ..., y_N}$ by first order differencing:

$$\nabla x_t = y_t = x_t - x_{t-1} \ \ \text{for}\ t = 2,...,N$$

Occationally second order differencing will be used

$$\nabla^2 x_t = \nabla x_t - \nabla x_{t-1} = x_t - 2\ x_{t-1} + x_{t-2}$$

1.4 $~$ Analyzing Series WITH Trend and Seasonal Variations

Three commonly used seasonal model:

$$\begin{aligned} &A \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ X_t = m_t + S_t + \epsilon_t \\ &B \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ X_t = m_t \ S_t + \epsilon_t\\ &C \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ X_t = m_t \ S_t \ \epsilon_t\\ \end{aligned} $$

  • $m_t$ is the deseasonalized mean level at time $t$
  • $S_t$ is the seasonal effect at time $t$
  • $\epsilon_t$ is the random error

Note: model C is easy to handel with a logarithm tranformation (to a linear model)

The analysis of time series, which exhibit seasonal variation, depends on whether one wants to:

  1. measure the seasonal effect and/or
  2. eliminate seasonality.

For series showing little trend, it is usually adequate to estimaten the seasonal effect for a particular period (e.g. January) by

  • the average of each January observation $-$ the corresponding yearly average in the additive case;
  • the January observation $/$ the yearly average in the multiplicative case.

For time series containing a substantial trend:

  • If monthly data, we use this to eliminate seasonal effect $$Sm(x_t) = \frac{\frac{1}{2}x_{t-6} +x_{t-5}+x_{t-4}+...+x_{t-4}+x_{t-5}+x_{t+6}}{12}$$

    Note that: Simple MA of 12 months cannot be used, would not be centered at an interger $t$. Simple MA of 13 months cannot be used, end points' weights are counted twice

  • If quarterly data, we use this to eliminate seasonal effects $$ Sm(x_t) = \frac{\frac{1}{2}x_{t-2}+x_{t-1}+x_{t}+x_{t+1}+\frac{1}{2} x_{t+2}}{4}$$

  • For 4-weekly data, can use simple MA over 13 successive observation

All these procedure will estimate local (deseasonalized) Series.

The seasonal effect itself = $$ $x_t - Sm(x_t)$ $$ or $$ $x_t / Sm(x_t) $ $$ depending on the model.

decoposition example

** see jupyter notebook **

time series decompose

Seasonal Differencing

e.g. for monthly data we can use

$$\nabla_{12} x_t = x_t - x_{t-12} $$

1.5.1 $~$ X-11 method / X-12 method

  • widely used for removing or estimating both trend and seasonal effects
  • employs a series of linear filters and adopts a reccursive approach.
  • is able to deal with the Calender Effect
  • can be used with ARIMA, avoiding end-effect problems

1.4 $~$ Autocorrelation and Correlogram

Sample Correlation Coefficient: Given $N$ pairs of observations on two variables $x$ and $y$, ${(x_1, y_1), ..., (x_N, y_N) }$, sample correlation coefficient is given by

$$ r = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \bar x)(y_i - \bar y)}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \bar x)^2 \sum_{i=1}^N (y_i - \bar y)^2}} \tag{1.2}$$


  • $r \in [-1, 1]$
  • $r$ measures the strength of the linear association between the two variables
  • if the two variables are independent, then $r=0$.

We extend this definition into time series data, to measure whether successive data are correlated.

Sample Autocorrelation Coefficient: Given $N$ observation on the time series, form $N-1$ pairs of observation $(x_1, x_2), (x_2, x_3), ..., (x_{N-1}, x_N)$, where each pair of observation is seperated by 1 time interval. Sample Autocorrelation Coefficient is given by

$$ r_1 = \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{N-1} (x_t - \bar x_{(1)})(x_{t+1} - \bar x_{(2)})}{\sqrt{\sum_{t=1}^{N-1} (x_t - \bar x_{(1)})^2 \sum_{t=1}^{N-1} (x_{t+1} - \bar x_{(2)})^2}} \tag{1.3}$$

where $\bar x_{(1)} = \sum_{t=1}^{N-1} x_t / (N-1)$ is the first $N-1$ observations, and $\bar x_{(2)} = \sum_{t=2}^{N} x_t / (N-1)$ is the last $N-1$ observations.


  • $r_1$ measures the correlation between adjacent observations $x_{t-1}$ and $x_t$.

  • Since $\bar x_{(1)} \simeq \bar x_{(2)}$, (1.3) can be approximated by $$ r_1 = \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{N-1} (x_t - \bar x)(x_{t+1} - \bar x)}{(N-1) \sum^N_{t=1} (x_t - \bar x)^2 /N} \tag{1.4}$$

    where $\bar x = \sum^N_{t = 1} x_t / N$

  • for large $N$ we can drop $(N-1)/N$ in (1.4) and further approximate $r_1$ as $$ r_1 = \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{N-1} (x_t - \bar x)(x_{t+1} - \bar x)}{\sum^N_{t=1} (x_t - \bar x)^2 } \tag{1.5}$$

Similarly, we define sample correlation correlation at lag k:

$$ r_k = \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{N-k} (x_t - \bar x)(x_{t+k} - \bar x)}{\sum^N_{t=1} (x_t - \bar x)^2 }, \ k = 1,2,3,... \tag{1.6}$$


  • $r_k \in [-1,1]$, and $r_0 = 1$

  • In practice autocorrelation coefficents are usually calculated by sample autocovariance coefficient at lag k: $$ c_k = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^{N-k} (x_t - \bar x)(x_{t+k} - \bar x)$$

    and then $r_k = c_k / c_0$

1.4.1 $~$ The Correlogram

Correlogram: a plot in which Sample Autocorrelation Coefficient is plotted against lag $k$, for $k$ from $0$ to $M$.

  • usually $M \ll N$. e.g. if $N=200$, then $M = 20, 30$
  • more examples in the next subsection
  • if referred to ACF (autocorrelation function) sometimes

1.4.2 $~$ Interpreting the correlogram

Random Series

A time series is completely random (or i.i.d) if it consists of a series of observations that have the same distribution.

  • for large $N$, we expect that $r_k \simeq 0$ for positive $k$.
  • $r_k, \ k \ge 0$ is approximately $\mathcal{N}(0, 1/N)$ $$ $\Rightarrow r_k \in [-1.96/\sqrt{N}, +1.96/\sqrt{N}] $ $$
  • But one would expect to find one $r_k$ out of this range ('significant') if e.g. $N = 20$

Random Seres

Short-term correlation

Short-term correlation is characterized by a farily large value of $r_k$ followed by one or two further large but smaller (while greater than zero) coefficients. $r_k$ for larger $k$ will tend to be zero.

Alternating Series

If a time series has a tendency to alternate, with successive observations on different sides of the overall mean, then the correlogram also tends to alternate.

  • $r_1$ will natually be negative, while $r_2$ will be positive (observation with lag 2 will tend to be on the same side of the mean)

Non-stationary Series

If a time series has trend, then $r_k$ will tend to be large except for vary large $k$.

  • successive observations will be on the same side of the mean due to existence of trends
  • little can be inferred from this type of ACF.
  • a sample ACF is ${r_k}$ is only meaningful if the time series is stationary. (Any trend should be removed before calculating $r_k$)
  • if the trend is the main interest, it should be modelled rather than removed. In such case correlogram is not helpful.

Seasonal Series

If a time series contains a seasonal variation, then the correlogram will also exhibit an occilation at the same frequecy. In particular if $x_t$ follows a sinusoidal pattern, then so does $r_k$. It can be shown that:

$$ x_t = a \ cos\ t\omega \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ r_k \simeq cos\ k\omega$$

for large $N$. Where $a$ is a constant and $0 < \omega < \pi$ is frequency.