Seasonal Variations
annual in period
e.g. sales figure, temperature reading
can readily be estimated if directly interested
can be removed from the data if not directly interested
Other Cyclic Variations
variatons at fixed period
$~~~$ e.g. daily temperature -
variation not at fixed period, but still predictable
$~~~$ e.g. business cycles of 3 to 4 years or more than 10 years
'long term change in the mean level'
need to take into account the number of observation available and make a subjective assessment of what 'long term' means
e.g. climate variables: data of 50 years we may see a cyclic variation; while data of 20 years we may only see a trend
Other irregular fluctuation (Residual)
after trends and cyclic variations are removed from the data, we will observe the residual that may or may not be 'random'
need to analyze if there is any cyclic variation left to be extract, or
any irregular variations may be explained in terms of probablity models, such as moving average (MA) or autoregressive (AR)
Stationary: A time series is stationary if there is no systematic change in mean (no trend), if there is no systematic change in variance and if stricly periodic variations has been removed.
- Many theories are concerned with stationary time series. So transform to statsionary if neccessary.
Suggested if: (1) there is a trend; (2) variance is increasing with the mean
If the standard deviation is directly proportional to the mean, a logarithm transform is indicated.
If the variance changes through time without a trend being present, then a transformation will not help. In such cases, a model that allows for changing variance should be considered.
Suggested if: (1) there is a trend; (2) seasonal effect is increasing with mean
if so, suggested to make the seasonal effect constant from year to year. This is refer to as additive seasonal effect.
Multiplicative seasonal effect if directly proportional to the mean.
A logarithm transformation is suggested to make it additive
However, this transform will only stablize the variance if error term is also thought to be multiplicative (see later)
Model building and forecasting are usually carried out on the assumption that the data are normally distributed.
Difficult. Necessary to model the data using a different 'error' distribution
BOX-COX transformation:
logarithm and square-root are special cases of BOX-COX. Given a time series
Problems in practice:
Experiments found little in improvement with BOX-COX transformation
Cannot achieve all of the above requirements
Hard to 'transform back'
Simplest type of trend, 'linear model + noise': an observaton at time
(1.1) is a deterministic function of time and is sometimes called global linear trend, and is generally not practical.
More emphasis on models that is locally linear. One possibility is to fit a piecewise linear model.
To solve the unsmoothing points in pieceise linear model, we could assume that
$\alpha$ and$\beta$ evolve stochastically, leading to a Stochastic Trend.
General Approaches:
- ** for future updates **
Moving Average
Basic Formula:
$$ y_t = \sum^{+s}{r = -q} a_r x{t+r} \ s.t. \sum a_r = 1 $$
Simplest example:
$Sm(x) = \frac{1}{2q+1}\sum_{r = -q}^{q} x_{t+r} $ . Help to removing seasonal variation. -
Symmetric coefficient:
$(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2})^{2q}$ . When q gets large, approximates to normal curve. -
Spenser's 15-point moving average: used for mortality stats
Henderson moving average: cubic polynomial trend without distortion.
end-effects problem: happens when symmetric filter is chosen.
Exponential Smoothing:
$$Sm(x) = \sum^\infty_{j=0} \alpha(1-\alpha)^j \ x_{t-j} $$ where
$0 < \alpha < 1$ . Note that$\alpha(1-\alpha)^j$ decreases geometrically with j.
Once we have extimated the trend, we calculate the residual:
$$ \begin{aligned} Res(x_t) &= \text{residual from smmothed value} \ &= x_t - Sm(x_t) \ &= \sum^{s}{r=-q} b_r \ x{t+r} \end{aligned}$$
- This is also a linear filter with
$b_0 = 1 - a_0$ and$b_r = -a_r$ for$r\neq0$ . - If
$\sum a_r = 1$ then$\sum b_r = 0$
A smoothing procedure can be carried out in two or more stages.
It is easy to show that a series of linear operations is still a linear filter:
Suppose filter 1, with weights
where $$ c_k = \sum_r a_r \ b_{k-r} $$
Note that
A special type of filtering, particularly useful for removing a trend.
For non-seasonal time series, first order is usually sufficient to obtain stationary series.
For a given time series
Occationally second order differencing will be used
Three commonly used seasonal model:
$m_t$ is the deseasonalized mean level at time$t$ -
$S_t$ is the seasonal effect at time$t$ -
$\epsilon_t$ is the random error
Note: model C is easy to handel with a logarithm tranformation (to a linear model)
The analysis of time series, which exhibit seasonal variation, depends on whether one wants to:
- measure the seasonal effect and/or
- eliminate seasonality.
For series showing little trend, it is usually adequate to estimaten the seasonal effect for a particular period (e.g. January) by
- the average of each January observation
$-$ the corresponding yearly average in the additive case; - the January observation
$/$ the yearly average in the multiplicative case.
For time series containing a substantial trend:
If monthly data, we use this to eliminate seasonal effect
$$Sm(x_t) = \frac{\frac{1}{2}x_{t-6} +x_{t-5}+x_{t-4}+...+x_{t-4}+x_{t-5}+x_{t+6}}{12}$$ Note that: Simple MA of 12 months cannot be used, would not be centered at an interger
$t$ . Simple MA of 13 months cannot be used, end points' weights are counted twice -
If quarterly data, we use this to eliminate seasonal effects $$ Sm(x_t) = \frac{\frac{1}{2}x_{t-2}+x_{t-1}+x_{t}+x_{t+1}+\frac{1}{2} x_{t+2}}{4}$$
For 4-weekly data, can use simple MA over 13 successive observation
All these procedure will estimate local (deseasonalized) Series.
The seasonal effect itself = $$ $ or $$ $x_t / Sm(x_t) $ $$ depending on the model.
decoposition example
** see jupyter notebook **
Seasonal Differencing
e.g. for monthly data we can use
- widely used for removing or estimating both trend and seasonal effects
- employs a series of linear filters and adopts a reccursive approach.
- is able to deal with the Calender Effect
- can be used with ARIMA, avoiding end-effect problems
Sample Correlation Coefficient: Given
$r \in [-1, 1]$ -
$r$ measures the strength of the linear association between the two variables - if the two variables are independent, then
$r=0$ .
We extend this definition into time series data, to measure whether successive data are correlated.
Sample Autocorrelation Coefficient: Given
$r_1$ measures the correlation between adjacent observations$x_{t-1}$ and$x_t$ . -
$\bar x_{(1)} \simeq \bar x_{(2)}$ , (1.3) can be approximated by $$ r_1 = \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{N-1} (x_t - \bar x)(x_{t+1} - \bar x)}{(N-1) \sum^N_{t=1} (x_t - \bar x)^2 /N} \tag{1.4}$$where
$\bar x = \sum^N_{t = 1} x_t / N$ -
for large
$N$ we can drop$(N-1)/N$ in (1.4) and further approximate$r_1$ as $$ r_1 = \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{N-1} (x_t - \bar x)(x_{t+1} - \bar x)}{\sum^N_{t=1} (x_t - \bar x)^2 } \tag{1.5}$$
Similarly, we define sample correlation correlation at lag k:
$r_k \in [-1,1]$ , and$r_0 = 1$ -
In practice autocorrelation coefficents are usually calculated by sample autocovariance coefficient at lag k: $$ c_k = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^{N-k} (x_t - \bar x)(x_{t+k} - \bar x)$$
and then
$r_k = c_k / c_0$
Correlogram: a plot in which Sample Autocorrelation Coefficient is plotted against lag
- usually
$M \ll N$ . e.g. if$N=200$ , then$M = 20, 30$ - more examples in the next subsection
- if referred to ACF (autocorrelation function) sometimes
A time series is completely random (or i.i.d) if it consists of a series of observations that have the same distribution.
- for large
$N$ , we expect that$r_k \simeq 0$ for positive$k$ . -
$r_k, \ k \ge 0$ is approximately$\mathcal{N}(0, 1/N)$ $$ $\Rightarrow r_k \in [-1.96/\sqrt{N}, +1.96/\sqrt{N}] $ $$ - But one would expect to find one
$r_k$ out of this range ('significant') if e.g.$N = 20$
Short-term correlation is characterized by a farily large value of
If a time series has a tendency to alternate, with successive observations on different sides of the overall mean, then the correlogram also tends to alternate.
$r_1$ will natually be negative, while$r_2$ will be positive (observation with lag 2 will tend to be on the same side of the mean)
If a time series has trend, then
- successive observations will be on the same side of the mean due to existence of trends
- little can be inferred from this type of ACF.
- a sample ACF is
${r_k}$ is only meaningful if the time series is stationary. (Any trend should be removed before calculating$r_k$ ) - if the trend is the main interest, it should be modelled rather than removed. In such case correlogram is not helpful.
If a time series contains a seasonal variation, then the correlogram will also exhibit an occilation at the same frequecy. In particular if
for large