According to our terms, Synopse Informatique, and Arnaud Bouchez as the main Author of the Open Source mORMot framework, are the Copyright Holders.
But nothing would have been possible without a big number of Contributors, who provided fixes or enhancements.
A huge THANK YOU is worth giving to all of the contributors of our Open Source mORMot framework:
- Alan Chate
- Alexander (sha)
- Alexander (volax)
- AlexPirate
- Alfred Glaenzer (alf)
- Andre Heider (dhewg)
- ASiwon
- Aweste
- Bas Schouten
- BigStar
- BugsDigger
- Cheemeng
- CoMPi
- Damien (ddemars)
- Darian Miller
- Daniel Kuettner
- David Mead (MDW)
- Delphinium (louisyeow)
- DigDiver
- Dominikcz
- EgorovAlex
- Emanuele (lele9)
- Eric Grange
- Esmond
- Esteban Martin (EMartin)
- Eugene Ilyin
- Eva Freimann (EVaF)
- F-Vicente
- Goran Despalatovic (gigo)
- Jean-Baptiste Roussia (jbroussia)
- Joe (jokusoft)
- Johan Bontes
- Jordi Tudela
- Kevin Chen
- Lagodny
- Leon Oosthuizen
- Macc2010
- Maciej Izak (hnb)
- Marcos Douglas B. Santos (mdbs99)
- Mario Moretti
- Marius Maximus (mariuszekpl)
- Martin Eckes
- Martin Suer
- Maxim Masiutin
- Mazinsw
- MChaos
- Miab3
- Michael (EgonHugeist)
- Michalis Kamburelis
- MilesYou
- Mingda
- Mr Yang (ysair)
- Nicolas Marchand (MC)
- Nortg
- Nzsolt
- Oleg Tretyakov
- Ondrej (reddwarf)
- Pavel Mashlyakovskii (mpv)
- Pierre le Riche
- RalfS
- Richard6688
- Sabbiolina
- Sanyin
- Sinisa (sinisav)
- Sllimr7139
- SSoftPro
- Stefan (itSDS)
- Svetozar Belic (transmogrifix)
- Transmogrifix
- Uian2000
- Vaclav
- Vadim Orel
- Willo vd Merwe
- Win2014
- Wloochacz
- Wolfgang Ehrhardt
- Yoanq
- Ysair
- Zed
Don't be shy, contribute and make a pull request, and you will be in this Hall of Fame!