- -Author: Florian Thiery (i3mainz)
- -Revision: 1.0
- -Date: 2017-11-17
- -Abstract: GeoJSON+ is an extended version of GeoJSON for aligning gazetteers. GeoJSON+ defines a base datamodel for accessing single resources and a look up in different "classical" gazetteers, like GeoNames, Pleiades, Getty TGN, etc. It is also extented for space-time gazetteers like ChronOntology.
- -Copyright: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 -International License.
- -GitHub repository
- -See for datamodel developments.
- -Datamodel
- -See for datamodel descriptions.
- -Gazetteer GeoJSON
- -Resource: - -
- {
- "type": "Feature",
- "geometry": {},
- "properties": {
- "@id": "",
- "gazetteerid": "",
- "gazetteertype": "",
- "names": {}
- }
- }
- {
- "type": "FeatureCollection",
- "features": [
- {
- "type": "Feature",
- "geometry": {},
- "properties": {
- "@id": "",
- "gazetteerid": "",
- "gazetteertype": "",
- "names": {},
- "similarity": {}
- }
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "gazetteertype": "",
- "searchstring": "",
- "upperleftLon": "",
- "lowerleftLon": "",
- "lowerrightLat": "",
- "upperrightLon": "",
- "upperleftLat": "",
- "lowerleftLat": "",
- "lowerrightLon": "",
- "upperrightLat": ""
- }
- }
-ChronOntology GeoJSON
- -
- {
- "type": "FeatureCollection",
- "features": [
- {
- "type": "Feature",
- "geometry": {},
- "properties": {
- "@id": "",
- "gazetteerid": "",
- "gazetteertype": "",
- "names": {},
- "gazetteerrelation": ""
- }
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "@id": "",
- "periodid": "",
- "chronontology": {},
- "names": {},
- "when": [],
- "coverage": []
- }
- }
-Names JSON
- -
- {
- "prefName": {
- "name": "römisch",
- "lang": "de"
- },
- "de": ["Römisch", "römisch"],
- "en": ["greek", "Greek"]
- }
-Similarity JSON
- -
- {
- "distance": 1.36,
- "bboxcenter": [8.266449999999999, 49.993275999999994],
- "point": [8.2791, 49.98419]
- }
- {
- "searchString": "Mainz",
- "gazetteerString": "Wiesbaden-Mainz-Kastel",
- "levenshtein": 17.0,
- "dameraulevenshtein": 17.0,
- "jarowinkler": 0.68,
- "normalizedlevenshtein": 0.77
- }
-Linked Data
- -The GeoJSON+ Linked Data Vocabulary is published as RDF/XML at -
- -An HTML version is published at -
- -Outstanding issues
- -The "when" array is under development, see -ChronOntology Timespan fields. It is similar to the GeoJSON-T structure of "when". The inner structure is different and points to the Chronontology structures.
- -About this Document
- --
- This document is based on GEOJSON-LD by Sean Gillies (Mapbox) with a CC BY 4.0 license. -