provides a KNX API for .NET
This API allows to connect in both modes:
- Tunneling
- Routing
After connecting you will be able to send actions to the bus and receive messages from it.
The following datapoints are available in the API:
- bit (lights, buttons)
- byte (dimmers, temperature difference, RGB)
- 9.001 (temperatures)
There may be some bugs on the implementation as I don't have access to KNX documentation, many information about the protocol is from OpenRemote Knowledge Base.
static void Main(string[] args)
var connection = new KnxConnectionRouting();
connection.KnxEventDelegate += new KnxConnection.KnxEvent(Event);
connection.Action("5/0/2", false);
connection.Action("5/0/2", true);
static void Event(string address, string state)
Console.WriteLine("New Event: device " + address + " has status " + state);
Sending an action
connection.Action("1/1/16", connection.ToDataPoint("9.001", 24.0f));
Converting status from event
float temp = (float)connection.FromDataPoint("9.001", state);
The only difference is how the connection object is created
connection = new KnxConnectionTunneling(remoteIP, remotePort, localIP, localPort);