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Leadership vs Management

This repo contains the legacy, history and active legal instruments/mechanisms under the various governance mechanism as depicted in the constitution, the {D/Ð/D}UNA. The distinction is that you lead people, but manage things (though lexy+✗a¥ will sulk). Policies are waveguilds that shape the information flow that:

  1. connect the future (purpose) and past (legacy);
  2. act as a source of (di/con)vergent forces between resources and capabilities;
  3. provide a trail (with occasional fences/gates) based on sweat/blood/tears as to what/how is done.

As an arbitrary dividing line, we note in passing the BarRogue period (there's a reason why its the argument of lawyers) and the NeoClass thereafter with its squabble of legal engineers emerging as a distinctive profession separate from, but complementary to, cyberlaw or DeFi-ance degens. Sometimes it's insignificant what active policies are retained but what is jetisoned (financial refactoring, technical debt, cultural cruft) that are worthy of note. Those who don't learn from the old and mentally decrepit 😧 are doomed to repeat and become neither. As a note to future paleo-crypto-economists laughing at our obvious stupidity, the reason why we call them emerging practices is to get past the skeuomorphic stage. Legal engineering, as a subset of token Ξngineering can be viewed the the lens of either knowledge domain (abstraction of no-code), web3 (technology stack) or system component. image

For the purpose of pragmatic policy-crafting for LexDAO there are two fundamental constraints (and one moral guide):

  1. bar associations dictate that only admitted to their sacred priethood can give formal legal advice, legal engineers can observe, comment or point out possibilities but there is no attorney-client relationship;
  2. Legal Engineering (with capital E) is a structured discipline with safety, reliability and privacy concerns so chucking a lawBot onto github might be legal tinkering, but is not a license to mint money; (and sooner or later le⚔y our augmented intelligence meme enforcer, is going to be sad ... and you really don't want him to be sad do you? as the younger sisling ✗a¥ is a furball to deal with);
  3. Whilst not a formal ethos like Hopocratic Oath, can a legal engineer be moral or sinless? This term is indeterminable so LexDAO apprentices might adhere to a simpler subset of civic responsibility by asking what set of rules is worth my (finite) time codifying? and not fuss about (d)effective altruism.


Ð represents a tokenised intermediate state which is in the process of evolving to a full DAO Unincorporated Non-profit Assoc (DUNA) persuant to Wyoming §17-32. There may be policies which are incomplete, inconsistent or inadequate for full legal compliance (aka the {non/mis/mal}-feasance unholy trinity). Good practice is to mark them as issues and progressively address.

Map of Policies

    L€xDAO<br>There are no economic tokens except for internal testing purposes
      **BarRogue 2019-2024**<br>Legacy period was the heady days between ICOnu and CryptoWinter
      **NeoClass ITC 2025+**<br>RetroPGF grant to refactor and toolup aka automate
      IP - Law as ...
        **Public** Good =copyright
        **Common** Good =secret
        **Club** Good =trustmark/tradedress
      IT SecOps
      ID PII 