Nottui is a toolkit for making terminal user-interfaces. It builds upon Notty, adding a layout DSL and support for event dispatch. It uses Lwd for interactivity.
The package is distributed through opam:
$ opam install nottui
Here are a few examples to being using Nottui. Let's start with Hello world.
#require "nottui";;
open Nottui;;
module W = Nottui_widgets;; (Lwd.pure (W.printf "Hello world"));;
Running the application is just a matter of calling
with a ui
Note: Press Ctrl-Q to return to the top-level (or shell).
Now we will count the number of clicks on a button.
let vcount = Lwd.var 0;;
let button count =
W.button (Printf.sprintf "Clicked %d times!" count)
(fun () -> Lwd.set vcount (count + 1));; ( button (Lwd.get vcount));;
We reserve state for holding the number of clicks, we render a button and increment the state when clicked.
type tree = Tree of string * (unit -> tree list)
let rec tree_ui (Tree (label, child)) =
let opened = Lwd.var false in
let render is_opened =
let btn_text = if is_opened then "[-] " else "[+] " in
let btn_action () = Lwd.set opened (not is_opened) in
let btn = W.button (btn_text ^ label) btn_action in
let layout node forest =
Ui.join_y node (Ui.join_x ( 2 0) forest)
if is_opened
then (layout btn) (forest_ui (child ()))
else Lwd.pure btn
Lwd.join ( render (Lwd.get opened))
and forest_ui nodes =
Lwd_utils.pack Ui.pack_y
( tree_ui nodes)
let rec fake_fs () = [
Tree ("bin", fake_fs);
Tree ("home", fake_fs);
Tree ("usr", fake_fs);
] in (forest_ui (fake_fs ()));;
TODO: give intuition on Layout DSL