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NoNameCon "Hunt for APT in network logs" workshop materials

RDP bruteforce detection

index="rdp_bruteforce" sourcetype="bro:rdp:json" | bin _time span=5m | stats count values(cookie) by _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h | where count>30

SSH bruteforce detection

index="ssh_bruteforce" sourcetype="bro:ssh:json" auth_success="false" | bin _time span=5m | stats sum(auth_attempts) as num_attempts by _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, client, server | where num_attempts>30

Beaconing detection - using time intervals

index="cobaltstrike_beacon" sourcetype="bro:http:json" | sort 0 _time | streamstats current=f last(_time) as prevtime by src, dest, dest_port | eval timedelta = _time - prevtime | eventstats avg(timedelta) as avg, count as total by src, dest, dest_port | eval upper=avg1.1 | eval lower=avg0.9 | where timedelta > lower AND timedelta < upper | stats count, values(avg) as TimeInterval by src, dest, dest_port, total | eval prcnt = (count/total)*100 | where prcnt > 90 AND total > 10

Beaconing detection - using same response size

index="cobaltstrike_beacon" sourcetype="bro:conn:json" | eventstats count as total by src, dest, dest_port | stats count by src, dest, dest_port, total, resp_bytes | eval prcnt = (count/total)*100 | where prcnt > 70 AND total > 50

Beaconing detection - using same response size

index="cobaltstrike_beacon" sourcetype="bro:conn:json" | eventstats count as total by src, dest, dest_port | stats count by src, dest, dest_port, total, resp_bytes | eval prcnt = (count/total)*100 | where prcnt > 70 AND total > 50

DCE/RPC SMB Shares enumeration

index="netshareenum" sourcetype="bro:dce_rpc:json" endpoint=srvsvc operation=NetrShareEnum | table _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, endpoint, operation

Kerberos bruteforce detection

index="kerberos_bruteforce" sourcetype="bro:kerberos:json" error_msg!=KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED success="false" request_type=AS | bin _time span=5m | stats count dc(client) as "Unique users" values(error_msg) as "Error messages" by _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h | where count>30

Kerberoasting detection

index="kerberoast" sourcetype="bro:kerberos:json" request_type=TGS cipher="rc4-hmac" forwardable="true" renewable="true" | table _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, request_type, cipher, forwardable, renewable, client, service

DCSync detection

index=dcsync endpoint=drsuapi sourcetype="bro:dce_rpc:json" operation=DRSGetNCChanges | table _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, endpoint, operation

Golden ticket attack detection (find anomalies)

index="golden_ticket_attack" sourcetype="bro:kerberos:json" | where client!="-" | bin _time span=1m | stats values(client), values(request_type) as request_types, dc(request_type) as unique_request_types by _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h | where request_types=="TGS" AND unique_request_types==1

PSExec CobaltStrike execution detection

index="cobalt_strike_psexec" sourcetype="bro:smb_files:json" action="SMB::FILE_OPEN" name IN (".exe", ".dll", ".bat") path IN ("\c$", "*\ADMIN$") size>0

Some dce/rpc calls to detect service creation

index="change_service_config" endpoint=svcctl sourcetype="bro:dce_rpc:json" operation IN ("CreateServiceW", "CreateServiceA", "StartServiceW", "StartServiceA", "ChangeServiceConfigW") | table _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, endpoint, operation

Zerologon activity detection

index="zerologon" endpoint="netlogon" sourcetype="bro:dce_rpc:json" | bin _time span=1m | where operation == "NetrServerReqChallenge" OR operation == "NetrServerAuthenticate3" OR operation == "NetrServerPasswordSet2" | stats count values(operation) as operation_values dc(operation) as unique_operations by _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h | where unique_operations >= 2 AND count>100

Print Spooler vulnerability detection

index="printnightmare" endpoint=spoolss operation=RpcAddPrinterDriverEx | table _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, endpoint, operation

DCOM execution detection

index=dcom_execution endpoint=IDispatch | table _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, endpoint, operation

CobaltStrike data exfiltration using HTTP beacon (256 MB)

index="cobaltstrike_exfiltration_http" sourcetype="bro:http:json" method=POST dest= | stats sum(request_body_len) as TotalBytes by src, dest, dest_port | eval TotalBytes = TotalBytes/1024/1024

CobaltStrike HTTPS - find beacon

index="cobaltstrike_exfiltration_https" sourcetype="bro:conn:json" | eventstats count as total by src, dest, dest_port | stats count by src, dest, dest_port, total, resp_bytes | eval prcnt = (count/total)*100 | where prcnt > 70 AND total > 50

CobaltStrike HTTPS - filter out beacon activity

index="cobaltstrike_exfiltration_https" sourcetype="bro:conn:json" resp_bytes!=316 dest= dest_port=443 | stats sum(orig_bytes) as TotalBytes by src, dest, dest_port | eval TotalBytes = TotalBytes/1024/1024

CobaltStrike exfiltration. Data transfer Size limits detection

index="exfiltration_data_size_limits" sourcetype="bro:conn:json" | bin _time span=1h | stats count by id.orig_h, id.resp_h, _time, id.resp_p, orig_ip_bytes | rename id.orig_h as src_ip, id.resp_h as dest_ip, id.resp_p as dest_port, orig_ip_bytes as bytes_out | eval bytes_out_round=bytes_out-(bytes_out%10000) | stats sum(count) as Total by _time, src_ip, dest_ip, dest_port, bytes_out_round | where bytes_out_round>100000 AND Total>10 | eval "Total MB exfiltrated"=round(bytes_out_round*Total/1024/1024,2)

DNS exfiltration detection

index=dns_exf sourcetype="bro:dns:json" | eval len_query=len(query) | search len_query>=40 AND query!="" AND query!="" AND query!="._googlecast." AND query!="_ldap.*" | bucket _time span=24h | stats count(query) as req_by_day by _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h | where req_by_day>60 | table _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, req_by_day

Excessive number of files were overwritten. Possible ransomware behavior

index="ransomware_open_rename_sodinokibi" sourcetype="bro:smb_files:json" | where action IN ("SMB::FILE_OPEN", "SMB::FILE_RENAME") | bin _time span=5m | stats count by _time, source, action | where count>30 | stats sum(count) as count values(action) dc(action) as uniq_actions by _time, source | where uniq_actions==2 AND count>100

Excessive number of files deleted and written on SMB Share

index="ransomware_excessive_delete_aleta" sourcetype="bro:smb_files:json" | where action IN ("SMB::FILE_OPEN", "SMB::FILE_DELETE") | bin _time span=5m | stats count by _time, source, action | where count>30 | stats sum(count) as count values(action) dc(action) as uniq_actions by _time, source | where uniq_actions==2 AND count>100

Excessive number of files written on SMB Share with the same file name extension

index="ransomware_new_file_extension_ctbl_ocker" sourcetype="bro:smb_files:json" action="SMB::FILE_RENAME" | bin _time span=5m | rex field="name" ".(?<new_file_name_extension>[^\.]$)" | rex field="prev_name" ".(?<old_file_name_extension>[^\.]$)" | stats count by _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_p, name, source, old_file_name_extension, new_file_name_extension, | where new_file_name_extension!=old_file_name_extension | stats count by _time, id.orig_h, id.resp_p, source, new_file_name_extension | where count>20 | sort -count