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Tools, Tips and Techniques
for Developing Real-time Apps

  • Phil @leggetter
  • Head of Developer Relations


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What we'll cover

  1. Why Real-Time? --

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  1. Tools, Tips & Techniques


  • Firstly, apps don't have to have a UI
  • Even so, if you are interested in UI considerations then there are lots of great resources on this from browser and mobile vendors.

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Why Realtime?


  • Here are some examples of apps...

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Notifications & Signalling


  • Something has happened
  • Changed
  • Alert - do something

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Activity Streams


  • a stream of activity
  • things have - and are - happening
  • synonymous with social apps
    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Google+
    • News
    • Sports

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Data Visualizations

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  • The 101 of realtime
  • An interactive experience
  • Real-time matters

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template: dblue class: trans-h, bg-cover, bottom background-image: url(./img/uber.jpg)

Real-Time Location Tracking

template: lblue class: trans-h, bottom background-image: url(./img/atom-pair.gif)

Multi-User Collaboration


  • Google Apps
  • Cloud 9
  • TODO: other

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Multiplayer Games / Art

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Users expect a real-time UX



Without a real-time UX your app appears broken

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Tools, Tips and Techniques for Developing Real-time Apps

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The Anatomy of a Real-Time App


Whilst there's not one true anantomy for a real-time application the majorify of these applications consist of sources of data, maybe from database or 3rd party APIs, one or more applications servers glue all other components together, a real-time framework to deal with your real-time data delivery and functionality, and clients that interact with the real-time framework, and potentially the application server.

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Where does real-time data come from?

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You Have Real-Time Data


Any event in your web stack...

  • Incoming Data
  • Data Changes
  • System Interactions
  • User Interactions

... represents real-time data.


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Other systems that ultimately interact with with your application server. Databases, message queues, 3rd party services and anything that interacts with web endpoints that your application server exposes.

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This is open for debate.

But generally, the application server won't be the source of the real-time data - the real-time events. But it will be the organ within your living breathing real-time system that orchestrates the dataflow between the components.

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Your real-time framework is all about real-time data.

  • It handles incoming and outgoing data.
  • e.g. connections, subscriptions to data, data synchronisation events, over-the-wire method and function calls
  • Use case specific events e.g. user presence events (online/offline) or events for chat functionality
  • It will also likely provide access to a number of events specific to the functionality it offers

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Each interaction with the application from the user is a real-time event with associated real-time data. Which of those events is important and should be acted upon depends on your application requirements.

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Tools, Tips & Techniques - from left to right


Now that we've truely set the scene, let's make our way through the components in this real-time application and identify the tools, tips & techniques that I've found are really useful as we develop our app.

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Before we begin...


When designing & building real-time apps, always think about how the decisions you're making - anywhere in your stack - will impact the client app.


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Data Sources

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Consuming Data Sources


When building real-time applications you quite frequently get data from 3rd party components.

  • APIs/Services
  • Databases
  • Queues

There are a lot of potential places where this real-time data can comes from.

class: bg-white fixed-width-list trans-h em-text top background-image: url(img/apps-with-realtime-apis.png)


Not only are there lots of options, but they also deliver it in various forms.


Code Callbacks




HTTP Streaming



class: bg-video, trans-h, em-text, bottom play_video:

Example: The Twitter Streaming API
Waiting for data...

class: bg-video, trans-h, em-text, bottom play_video:

Example: The Twitter Streaming API
Sometimes there's just too much...

class: top larger


You can't always control what the data source sends and when it sends it. Even it you can, it can be tedious to trigger test data.

With REST APIs we can generate fake data. With real-time... ?



Capture & replay


The problem: makes the development phase really difficult.

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Capture & Replay via Proxies


In production, you can capture this data. But in development you want a simple solution that requires less infrastructure.

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WebHook Tools


WebHooks are HTTP callbacks from one server to another. They're triggered when one server has data that it wants to send to another, normally via a POST request.


Lots of options available

class: bg-video bg-cover trans-h em-text bottom

Use ngrok

-- play_video:

template: white

WebSocket / HTTP Streaming Tools


HTTP Streaming and WebSocket connections are persistent connections that potentially provide a constant stream of data from the data source.

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WebSocket / HTTP Streaming Tools
Just write log files

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  • Monitor them
  • Filter them
  • Build tools around them
  • Replay them

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Logging Tools


There are some amazing logging tools out there.

  • librato
  • data dog
  • loggly
  • logstash

But they do too much. For this, we need something simple.

You could...

log to stdout, use the logfmt format, know your good old grep / sed / awk - @zimbatm

But I want there to be better options

class: bg-green thought

We need better HTTP Streaming/WebSocket capture & replay tooling to improve the developer experience


We could do with simpler capture/replay tools

It's all fine and well saying to capture & replay the data. But...

You said, always think about the client! What about the client?

template: pink

The server is your real-time data work-horse. It should still do the vast majority of data processing and decision making. Web, Mobile an IoT clients are great, but they're not processing machines.

??? Don't just pass all this data directly on to the client.

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App Servers


  • Queries
  • Transformations
  • Data formatting


  • Do whatever you need to do with the data upon receipt.
  • As mentioned, keep the client in mind as it's them you're going to be delivering to.
  • What do I mean by that?

Data Payload


Here's what a standard tweet JSON looks like. Do I really want to send all this over the wire? It ultimately has to be converted from bytes or a string and parsed into a an object before the client can do anything with it. The larger it is the more work the client has to do.

template: pink

Only send the data that is required

.left[ Don't send this

] .right[ When you only need this

  "screen_name": "leggetter",
  "text": "I love to tweet",
  "created_at": "Wed Sep 23 18:10:25 +0000 2015"



  • Once you've applied the queries or transformations you should only send the data to the client that it needs and is going to use.
  • Even consider things like formatting dates so they can be directly displayed rather than needing to be parsed and formatted on the client. Or at least send in an easily parsable format.

class: top

Send an initial image, then changes

  • Maintain an image of the current state of data
  • Only send data that changes



  "home_team": "Liverpool",
  "home_team_score": 0,
  "away_team": "Arsenal",
  "away_team_score": 0,
  "event_time": "1443117125014"



  "home_team": "Liverpool",
  **"home_team_score": 1,**
  "away_team": "Arsenal",
  "away_team_score": 0,
  **"event_time": "1443117150287"**


class: center-pre


  "home_team_score": 1,
  "event_time": "1443117150287"


class: bg-video, trans-h, em-text, top play_video:

Example: Streaming Tweets to a UI


Even if you've made sure you're:

  1. Doing all the heaving lifting on the server
  2. only sending the data that's required You still need to watch how often you're sending

class: top

Control the frequency of updates


  • 100ms is instantaneous to a human --

  • 250ms is average human reaction time --

  • Each update requires some processing

    • Data parsing
    • UI updates
    • ... --
  • Consider batching

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Real-Time Framework

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We know what data we're sending to the Real-Time Framework


So, we've covered building up the data payloads that we're going to send to the Real-Time Server...

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  • Can we confirm what's going in?
  • And see what's going out?

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You need to know what's going on in your real-time framework

  • connections
  • subscriptions
  • messages
  • presence
  • other events/features


As you're developing you really want to know if the code you are writing is having the desired effect. Are connections being established, are subscriptions to data being made, are messages going in to your real-time framework and going out the other side to connected clients?

Is the framework supported functionality working as expected?

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  • Monitor them
  • Filter them
  • Build tools around them

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Example: Pusher Debug Console



Again: Capture & Replay

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Did I already mention that we need better tools for this?


TODO: reach out to @zimbatm & @hpoom about real-time logging solutions

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Real-Time Server < - > Client Communication

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Use the most appropriate transport for your client


  • When thinking about web & mobile WebSocket with HTTP fallback is probably now the defacto standard.
  • What networks lie between your RT server and the Client?
  • What's the most efficient connection type for a client?

What Protocol Should You Choose?


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Use the right real-time comms pattern for your app


communication patterns on top of transports diagram

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background-image: url( class: bg-white

template: pink class: top

Choose the right real-time framework for the functionality you want to build and the client devices you're targeting...



FOWA 2013

] .right[

ForwardJS 2 - 2015


class: top long

Soon you won't be able to go to the bathroom without SSL.

erm, I mean use HTTP/2, ServiceWorker, Fullscreen and many more web features


class: bg-pink

## Use SSL all the time - including in development.


You need SSL for networks with proxies and firewalls. In particular, mobile networks.

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Client Apps

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Client Apps (Breakdown)

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Client Apps (Breakdown)

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Because we've always considered the client we're doing everything we can to make things easy


  • Processing - on the server
  • Payload - focused & minimal
  • Image + Changes
  • Formatted - further reduce processing
  • Update frequency - controlled / batched

template: pink

Monitor Client Performance - if you know how the client is coping, you can make adjustments.

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  • Timestamp published messages
  • Check time upon receipt
  • Consider:
    • Timezone differences
    • System clock offsets
  • If latency gets high, inform the user

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Message Backlog

If updating the UI causes a delay, a queue of messages can start building up

  • setTimeout
  • requestAnimationFrame


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Throttle Updates

Let the server know the client is struggling


If things get really bad

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Using the Real-Time Framework library within your App Logic


The point of integration between the real-time tech and your application.

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We've covered a lot

  • Data Sources - you can't control the data
  • Data considerations: processing, payload, update frequency
  • Connectivity - Online/Offline, SSL, transports & protocols
  • Monitoring client performance

Problem: All these things to consider and I just want to build a real-time feature!

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How did Ben build this?


Now, I'm sure Ben has lots of friends. But do you think he has them round his house for hours on end to help him make sure his demos work?


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Use a service/library abstraction or stub. Mock out data (messages) & connectivity events.

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Use a service/library abstraction

  • Angular/Ember/your own Services
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', []);

myModule.factory('pusher', function() {
  var pusher = new Pusher('YOUR_APP_KEY');
  return pusher;

class: fixed-width-list top

Use a service/library abstraction

  • Angular/Ember/your own Services
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', []);

// myModule.factory('pusher', function() {
//   var pusher = new Pusher('YOUR_APP_KEY');
//   return pusher;
// });

myModule.factory('pusher', function() {
  var pusher = new FakePusher();
  return pusher;

class: trans-h bottom

Fake services/stubs

<iframe style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="./examples/twitter-viewer/workbench.html"></iframe>

Bonus: Abstractions enable change. You could swap out the underlying real-time technology in the future.

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App Logic / UI Updates

As discussed, not covered in this talk.


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Browser Developer Tools are Great!

Performance Monitoring / UI rendering

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With these 14 Tools, Tips & Techniques you can focus on the
Real-Time UX


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Tools, Tips and Techniques
for Developing Real-time Apps


  • Phil @leggetter
  • Head of Developer Relations