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Future-of-pwning-1 Writeup from L.A.R.S.


In order to test stuff it seems to make sense to set up the docker container:

docker build -t future-of-pwning-1 . && docker run -p 5000:5000 --rm -it future-of-pwning-1

For the remote instance, we run (as always):

ncat --ssl 443

and enter our team token. This gives us an instance we can access for 4 minutes. Tight but doable!

Looking around


Here we see that the ForwardCom binary tools are fetched and installed. Then the forw executable and the instruction_list.csv are copied to the app directory. We can also notice that those two files are already available to us in the original tar.gz. Lastly we observe that the flag is stored in /flag.

Here we see a simple webserver written in Python that allows us to upload a file that's stored as /tmp/binary.ex. The file is then emulated with /app/forw -emu /tmp/binary.ex and the last 500 characters are returned.


The idea

So apparently we can emulate any file in the ForwardCom file format .ex. Looking at the Github page we learn that ForawrdCom is an

[e]xperimental instruction set and computer system with variable-length vector registers.

There we also find a manual, code examples and the bintools which should compile to the executable forw we already have. So it should be rather straight forward to use this information to simply read the flag from /flag and output it to stdout.

Hello ForwardCom world!

However, ForwardCom doesn't seem so popular, sadly. They do have 47 followers at the time of writing, but none seems to have published an example on how to read a file!

So, let's first get familiar with the assembly language of ForwardCom. It seems to be a reasonable approach to start with a Hello world project. Therefore we can look in the examples'

/****************************  **************************************
* Author:        Agner Fog
* date created:  2018-02-23
* last modified: 2021-08-04
* Version:       1.11
* Project:       ForwardCom example, assembly code
* Description:   Hello world example
* Copyright 2018-2021 GNU General Public License

extern _puts: function                           // library function: write string to stdout

const section read ip                            // read-only data section
hello: int8 "\nHello ForwardCom world!", 0       // char string with terminating zero
const end

code section execute                             // executable code section

_main function public                            // program start

// breakpoint                                    // uncomment this if you want to wait for user to press run

int64 r0 = address([hello])                      // calculate address of string
call _puts                                       // call puts. parameter is in r0
int r0 = 0                                       // program return value
return                                           // return from main

_main end

code end

This seems decently well documented, but before trying to understand it, let's try to run it. In the README of the examples there are some instructions on how to emulate it. Since we don't have forw in our path, we first run ./forw -ass to assemble it. This works fine.

Now we have a hello.ob that we want to link:

/forw -link hello.ex hello.ob

Linking file hello.ex

Error 107: Cannot read input file
Error 107: Cannot read input file
Error 107: Cannot read input file math.liAdding object files: hello.ob

Oh no! This seems to have failed :( The problem is that we don't have the "needed" libraries. Needed in quotes, because why do we need three libraries, including for hello world? If we check out the source code again, we see that the only library function we use is _puts; surely that's contained in

Luckily enough, if we look around on ForwardComs Github page a bit longer, we find a repository with libraries. There we also find the needed which we can download. With this we can now run the linker:

./forw -link hello.ex hello.ob

Linking file hello.ex
Adding object files: hello.ob
Using library members:

Looking good! Let's emulate it:

./forw -emu hello.ex

Hello ForwardCom world!

Well, hello there!

Reading stuff

Looking at the assembly of this hello world program, we can see how library calls seem to work:

  • Declare the library function with extern <function-name>: function before the first section
  • Store any read-only variables in between const section read ip and const end, in the format (for strings) of <variable-name>: int8 "\n<text>", 0
  • Program code itself is in between _main function public and _main end
  • Parameters are stored in r<index> (presumably the first one in r0, potential second one in r1 and so on
  • String parameters are applied like int64 r<index> = address([<variable-name>])
  • The function is called with call <function-name>
  • the rest isn't touched

As the library repository says,

[c]ontains the most important C standard functions.

Also in the repository we can see the .as files for the individual functions. We can learn from that function names have an underscore pretended though. But then we can basically do C coding! In C our program could look like this:

#include <stdio.h>

#define PATH "/flag"
#define MODE "r"
#define BUFFER_SIZE 256

int main()
    char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
    FILE *file = fopen(PATH, MODE);
    fgets(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, file);
    return 0;

Except for the buf allocation and the storing of return values, we already know how to do all of this stuff. For memory allocation we can look into the code examples again -- specifically sounds promising, since it should expect user input and thus store strings. Here there's two relevant regions:

%buffersize = 0x20                               // size of input text buffer
// ...
bss section datap uninitialized                  // uninitialized read/write data section
int64 parlist[4]                                 // parameter list for printf
int8 buf[buffersize]                             // input buffer
bss end

So we can statically allocate memory in the datap uninitialized section.

For storing of return values we can learn (again from the examples) that it's stored in r0.

Now by modifying the program it's quite straight forward to implement our solution:

%buffersize = 256

extern _fopen: function
extern _fgets: function
extern _puts: function

const section read ip
path: int8 "/flag", 0
mode: int8 "r", 0
const end

bss section datap uninitialized
int8 buf[buffersize]
bss end

code section execute

_main function public

// fopen
int64 r0 = address([path])
int64 r1 = address([mode])
call _fopen

// read
int64 r2 = r0
int64 r0 = address([buf])
int64 r1 = buffersize
call _fgets

// print
int64 r0 = address([buf])
call _puts

int r0 = 0

_main end

code end

Let's give it a try!

./forw -ass 

Assembling to exploit.ob
./forw -link exploit.ex exploit.ob

Linking file exploit.ex
Adding object files: exploit.ob
Using library members:

This gives us an exploit.ex that we can upload in our docker, that is to http://localhost:5000/. And indeed, the browser displays GPNCTF{fake_flag}.

So, upload it to the remote and we have our flag! Yay!